30 episodes

Welcome to The Rhea Whitney Podcast! This podcast was created to help you become more intentional and knowledgeable about the growth and success of your business. On this podcast, we'll explore a variety of topics such as business, finances, marketing, branding, and more. Plus we'll also dive into the importance of self-care and personal development and how it plays a crucial role in achieving your goals and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

The Rhea Whitney Podcast Rhea Whitney

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 10 Ratings

Welcome to The Rhea Whitney Podcast! This podcast was created to help you become more intentional and knowledgeable about the growth and success of your business. On this podcast, we'll explore a variety of topics such as business, finances, marketing, branding, and more. Plus we'll also dive into the importance of self-care and personal development and how it plays a crucial role in achieving your goals and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

    Ep. 29 - Thinking Outside the Box in Business

    Ep. 29 - Thinking Outside the Box in Business

    Thinking Outside The Box In Business
    Thinking outside the box in business is about breaking free from conventional patterns and trying new innovative approaches to evolve, grow, and develop. It involves challenging the status quo, embracing creativity, and daring to experiment with new ideas. By stepping out of traditional confines, photographers and creatives can discover unique strategies that differentiate them from competitors, meet unaddressed needs, and adapt to changing market conditions. Thinking outside the box encourages a culture of continuous improvement, where we view risks as opportunities for learning and development. 


    In this episode, Rhea discusses how creatives often limit themselves and how you can think outside the box in business to drive success and innovation. She also shares insights on diversifying your photography services and trying new things for personal and professional growth. 

    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro and what’s in for you in this episode
    [00:57] Different boxes and how creatives box themselves in them
    [03:09] How to step out and be your authentic self
    [04:07] Going for authenticity Vs. perfection
    [05:29] Building and marketing 2-3 sets of photography services 
    [08:10] How to think and step outside the box
    [09:27] Trying new things to evolve, grow and develop
    [10:09] Wrap up and end of the show


    Standout Quotes:

     “Outside the box creators are the ones who are going to win the most.”- Rhea [04:02]
    “People want authenticity, not perfection; they want to know more about you and less about the perfect crafted piece.” - Rhea [04:30]
    “You can be a successful photographer in multiple niches of work.”- Rhea [06:42]
    “You can be yourself and build an amazing business and brand; it does take strategy and work, but it’s possible.”- Rhea [09:07]
    “Try new things and allow yourself to evolve, grow, and develop.”- Rhea [10:00]


    Stay Connected

     Learn more about me here: https://rheawhitney.com/

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/RheaWhitney/

    Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RheaWhitneyPhotography


    • 11 min
    Ep. 28 - So You Want to Quit Your Job?

    Ep. 28 - So You Want to Quit Your Job?

    So You Want To Quit Your Job
    Quitting a 9-5 job to become a full-time creative CEO is a dream for many photographers, but it requires careful and strategic planning. Going full-time into entrepreneurship is a significant move, and understanding your numbers is essential to ensure your business can sustain itself. Make sure to track your expenses, income, and profitability, and create a solid sales plan that allows you to outline your target market, marketing strategies, and revenue goals to guide your efforts and keep you focused. Additionally, preparing financially with adequate savings can provide a safety net during the transition, helping you weather any initial uncertainties and build a stable foundation for your new venture.


    In this episode, Rhea shares invaluable strategies for creatives considering quitting their 9-5 jobs to be full-time creative CEOs. Drawing from her experience of going full-time after being fired twice, Rhea provides invaluable insights to help you support your business ambitions. With practical tips on how and when to make the leap, this episode is a must-listen if you want to make this significant career shift.


    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro and what’s in for you in this episode
    [02:37] A 9-5 job vs. creative photography business
    [03:19] What to consider before quitting a full-time job
    [03:38] Know your numbers and growth potential
    [05:07] Create a plan for your sales
    [08:25] How Rhea went full-time in 2015 after getting fired twice
    [10:26] How to increase your leads and conversion 
    [12:14] Why you need an adequate amount of saving 
    [15:05] Wrap up and end of the show


    Standout Quotes:

    “If you want to go full-time, you have to have a real plan for your sales.”- Rhea [05:01]
     “When you’re full-time, your business is funding not only the operations but also your personal expenses.”- Rhea [06:04]
    “If you have so much demand, leads or interested people, but you don’t have enough time, or you are not making the money you want to make, that is a clear indicator to increase your prices.” - Rhea [06:38]
    “There is so much power in allowing your 9-5 to be a leverage for your business.”- Rhea [11:05]
    “Your cashflow as a business owner is different, and having adequate savings that can carry you for 6 months is so smart.”- Rhea [13:31]


    Stay Connected

     Learn more about me here: https://rheawhitney.com/

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/RheaWhitney/

    Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RheaWhitneyPhotography

    • 16 min
    Ep. 27 - Elevate Your Creative Business: Mastering Pricing and Marketing with Tamera Darden

    Ep. 27 - Elevate Your Creative Business: Mastering Pricing and Marketing with Tamera Darden

    Elevate Your Creative Business: Mastering Pricing and  Marketing with Tamera Darden
    Elevating your creative business involves mastering both pricing and marketing, two critical components that can significantly impact your success. Pricing can be a complex challenge, as many photographers struggle to find the balance between valuing their work and setting rates that reflect their true worth and expertise.  Proper pricing ensures that your work is valued appropriately, reflecting the skill and effort you invest while also attracting clients who appreciate and are willing to pay for value. On the marketing front, effectively promoting your offer helps you reach your target audience, build your brand, and establish a strong presence in the market. By developing a clear pricing and marketing strategy, you can position your creative business as a premium choice, attract more lucrative opportunities, and achieve sustainable growth and success.

    In this episode, we discuss how creatives can negotiate, set their price points, secure better deals, and build successful businesses with a special guest, Tamera Darden. Drawing from her own experiences and success with Darden Creative, Tamera provides valuable insights on establishing effective marketing and pricing strategies that reflect the true essence of your work to attract the right clientele. Tamera is a photographer, producer, and founder of Darden Creative, which specializes in modern, bright, and colorful photography for beauty and lifestyle brands. 

    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro and what’s in for you in this episode
    [00:33] Tamera’s background and what she does in the photography space
    [01:42] About Tamara’s book, The Photo CEO, and the inspiration behind it 
    [12:56] How Tamera found her lane with Darden's creative
    [20:06] Where to get started and how to test your business idea 
    [23:28] Defining your gear, style, and the use of the content 
    [26:47] Why women don’t charge enough
    [28:46] Marketing and how to hone the strategies that work 
    [32:37] Letting go of the idea ‘you are bothering people.’
    [36:07] How to book more by charging more
    [40:56] Healing from coach hurt and building your business 
    [45:36] Learning how to balance the salty and sweet in business 
    [47:20] Negotiation and 5 tips for negotiating for your brand
    [55:53] A sales script to guide and help you feel confident in a negotiation  
    [58:30] How to be better as a creative and a photographer 
    [01:03:47] Researching your competitors and setting your price points 
    [01:11:30] How to reach out and learn more about Tamera 
    [01:12:37] Ending the show


    Standout Quotes:

    “People should be able to go to your website and know within the first 5 seconds what you do: if they have to second guess what you do and what you offer, you’ve lost that person.” - Tamera [24:47]
    “People care less about the gear; they want to know if you can get the job done.”- Tamera [25:54]
    “The Repetitiveness is what builds authority and credibility in the lane that you are in.”- Rhea [26:28]
    “One of your roles as a business owner is to market your offer and find your people.”- Tamera [28:46]
    “Know what your non-negotiables are; before going into a conversation know what you will and will not do.”- Tamera [49:47]
    “People won’t schedule a call with you about your services if they are not interested in working with you.”- Rhea [55:02]


    Resources Mentioned 

    The Photo CEO by Tamera Darden: https://www.amazon.com/Photo-CEO-Smarter-Photography-Business/dp/1954905157#:


    Let’s Connect 

    Tamera Darden

    Website: https://www.dardencreative.com/

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/dardencreative


    Rhea Whitney 

     Learn more about me here: https://rheawhitney.com/

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/RheaWhitney/

    Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RheaWhitneyPhotography

    • 1 hr 10 min
    Ep. 26 - How To Protect Yourself As A Business Owner

    Ep. 26 - How To Protect Yourself As A Business Owner

    How To Protect Yourself As A Business Owner
    There are so many things that can go wrong in your photography business, AND implementing protective measures is essential to mitigate potential risks. One of the most effective strategies is to incorporate robust clauses into your contracts for the services you offer. These clauses should clearly outline terms and conditions regarding payment schedules, deliverables, usage rights, and dispute-resolution mechanisms. By establishing these parameters upfront, you can protect yourself and your business from potential disputes or legal issues down the line. Additionally, maintaining open communication with clients and addressing any concerns can help build positive relationships and minimize the likelihood of conflicts arising.

    In this episode of the Rhea Whitney Podcast, Rhea shares insights on how to protect yourself as a business owner, your creative rights, your artwork, your team, and your business.  Listen and get actionable strategies to help you uplevel your protection.


    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro and what’s in for you in this episode
    [01:46] Why everybody you’re working with need to be on a contract
    [02:58] Important clauses to add to your contract
    [03:12] Payment and deliverable clause
    [03:24] Time and arrival clause 
    [06:23] Photograph and images rights clause
    [09:54] Expenses and force Majeure clause 
    [10:46] Retainer fee clause 
    [14:32] One clause Rhea added to her contract recently 
    [17:40] Wrap up and end of the show


    Standout Quotes:

    “Everybody needs to be on some sort of contract when it comes to you working with them; contracts are for protecting you and your business in case something goes wrong.”- Rhea [01:53]]
    “There are so many ways to protect ourselves, and contracts are so important for us to do that.” - Rhea [12:29]
    “There is nothing too small or too big to put in a contract, protect yourself and your business.”- Rhea [17:40]
    “Cover yourself and protect your business at all cost.”- Rhea [18:08]


    Stay Connected

     Learn more about me here: https://rheawhitney.com/

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/RheaWhitney/

    Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RheaWhitneyPhotography

    • 19 min
    Ep. 25 - 3 Tips for Managing your Finances Better

    Ep. 25 - 3 Tips for Managing your Finances Better

    Managing your finances effectively is crucial for the success of your business, AND implementing sound financial strategies is essential to ensure stability and growth. One of the most effective approaches is to start by knowing your numbers thoroughly, including both business and personal expenses. This clarity helps you set strategic sales goals and manage your cash flow proactively, reducing stress and enabling informed decision-making.

    In this episode Rhea shares three essential tips for managing your finances better as an entrepreneur. She emphasizes the importance of knowing your numbers, from business expenses to personal costs, to proactively manage your finances and set strategic sales goals. Also highlighting the need for separate bank accounts for business and personal finances, including multiple accounts to effectively allocate funds and a tax savings account to prepare for tax season.


    What You Will Learn:

    [01:46] Why everybody you’re working with need to be on a contract
    [02:58] Important clauses to add to your contract
    [03:12] Payment and deliverable clause
    [03:24] Time and arrival clause
    [06:23] Photograph and images rights clause
    [09:54] Expenses and force Majeure clause
    [10:46] Retainer fee clause
    [14:32] One clause Rhea added to her contract recently
    [17:40] Wrap up and end of the show

    Standout Quotes:
    "Knowing your numbers is just really, really important. So again, this goes to knowing your cost of doing business." - Rhea [04:38 - 04:42] 


    "Having separate bank accounts is, to me, again, pretty basic, but I want to take it a step further and really encourage you to read the book 'Profit First'." - Rhea [08:27 - 08:37]


    "Take a percentage of your sales and put that in a tax savings account and save for taxes."  - Rhea [09:42 - 09:47]


    "We have desires to grow as a business owner and reach more clients and make more money, but one of the big things that is required in that is being able to manage the funds that you have better."  - Rhea  [08:08 - 08:20]


    "If you have a savings account currently, and you have money sitting in that account, hundreds or thousands of dollars just sitting in this quote unquote savings account for a regular bank, I suggest for you to move that savings account to a high yield savings account." - Rhea [15:32 - 15:46]


    Stay Connected
    Learn more about me here: https://rheawhitney.com/

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/RheaWhitney/

    Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RheaWhitneyPhotography

    • 20 min
    Ep. 24 - Business Finance 101

    Ep. 24 - Business Finance 101

    Business Finance 101
    Every business owner wants to make money and make a difference. Money is a tool that helps us do more, reach more people, and create the lives we want. The more we focus on our finances and our business, the better we get at making a profit. You can start small and improve your money skills over time by setting goals and being more aware of your finances.

    When considering financial matters for your business, there are several key points to keep in mind. Firstly, it's crucial to maintain a separate business checking account, distinct from your personal finances. This differentiation is vital, especially during tax season, for write-offs and accessing business-related benefits. Additionally, effective bookkeeping is essential. This involves regularly reconciling your financial records, whether weekly or monthly. By implementing these practices early on, you can streamline financial processes as your business expands. As your income and expenses grow more complex, adopting sound financial practices becomes increasingly beneficial, alleviating potential burdens in the future.

    Other business essentials include having a tax escrow account, saving for your business, and having a system for managing your business cash flow. Want to hear more about this? Tune in to Business Finance 101 with Rhea Whitney. 


    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro and what’s in for you in this episode
    [02:16] Essentials of a good business financial health
    [02:30] Why you need a business checking account
    [03:11] Why a business checking account is a cornerstone of Business 101
    [05:10] Bookkeeping
    [06:12] A good bookkeeping and accounting solution for small businesses
    [06:58] Business taxes and how to best handle them
    [10:08] Create a system in your business that helps you manage cashflow the best way
    [12:06] A necessary mindset  shift from a 9-5 job for every entrepreneur
    [14:39] A quick recap
    [16:31] Wrap up and end of the show


    Standout Quotes:

    “The goal of every business owner is to make profits and make an impact.”- Rhea [01:08]
     “Money is a resource and a tool to do more and impact more, reach more, and create our desired lifestyle.”- Rhea [14:20]
    “You should never mix your business revenue with your personal finances. It is muddy when it comes to tax time, write-offs, or getting some business benefits. - Rhea [03:11]
    “The sooner you start incorporating bookkeeping and good financial practices into your business, the easier it will be down the road. This is because as your business grows, your income and expenses also grow, and things become more complicated or cumbersome.”- Rhea [05:48]

    Resources Mentioned

    Profit First by Mike Michalowicz: https://mikemichalowicz.com/profit-first/


    Stay Connected

     Learn more about me here: https://rheawhitney.com/

    Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/RheaWhitney/

    Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RheaWhitneyPhotography

    • 17 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
10 Ratings

10 Ratings

Dr.TLive ,

Simply Phenomenal

Rhea is a phenomenal speaker with so much wisdom and the ability to connect with people from all different backgrounds. Her work is phenomenal so it was only natural to follow her podcast which is nothing shorter than AMAZING ❤️

Heynongman ,

Get Your Notepad ready

Rhea delivers such great insight and strategy to moving my business forward. I love that it feels like I’m listening to a friend talk business with me.

Ralph from Cambria ,

Excellent Podcast!

I really enjoy hearing and meeting Rhea at WWPI 23. This podcast is extremely helpful for me. I’m a starting photographer and I need to hear what Rhea is teaching. I’m grateful for her to share the basics of business building. God bless you Rhea I needed these podcasts. This is the basic to build a solid business!

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