23 episodes

Are you a get-it-done kind of person who tends to lead the way, or do you want to be?

Then you're in the right place.

When you tune in to the Short of It with Amanda Long, you'll tap into Amanda's decades of experience being the go-to girl. She shares the long and short of it through no-fluff content and actionable step-by-step processes designed to unleash your master implementor.

Tune in to discover the digital marketing and tech skills they didn't teach you in school and master the art of productivity needed to excel above the rest. Whether you’re a doer, implementor, freelancer or marketer, each episode is designed to help you take immediate action on the essential next steps to get stuff done and lead the way.

The Short of It With Amanda Long Amanda Long

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 1 Rating

Are you a get-it-done kind of person who tends to lead the way, or do you want to be?

Then you're in the right place.

When you tune in to the Short of It with Amanda Long, you'll tap into Amanda's decades of experience being the go-to girl. She shares the long and short of it through no-fluff content and actionable step-by-step processes designed to unleash your master implementor.

Tune in to discover the digital marketing and tech skills they didn't teach you in school and master the art of productivity needed to excel above the rest. Whether you’re a doer, implementor, freelancer or marketer, each episode is designed to help you take immediate action on the essential next steps to get stuff done and lead the way.

    23. Building a Productive Marketing Team

    23. Building a Productive Marketing Team

    Let's get productive and make it a team sport! Building a productivity culture is all about teamwork, collaboration, and working towards shared goals. So grab your teammates and let's make some magic happen!  Alright, let's get one thing straight: productivity and work are NOT the same thing. Productivity is all about efficiency - how quickly and effectively you can get stuff done. Work, on the other hand, is just the amount of time you spend on a task. 
    So yeah, you could be working for hours on end, but if you're not being productive, you might as well be binging Netflix.
    Here's the thing though - being productive doesn't necessarily mean you have to work long hours.
    Nope, it's all about getting the most bang for your buck. If you can get a task done in 15 minutes instead of 2 hours, you're being way more productive, even if it doesn't look like it on paper.
    So businesses out there making sure people are putting in the “time” rather than producing work, are measuring the wrong thing. I’m looking at you WFH companies tracking your employees movements on their computers. 
    You need to ask yourself, do you want their time or their work product?
    Whenever you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help you: Download the Asana Starter Kit this is the system I use for my clients and my own business. 1:1 Strategy Session to get you unstuck. Whether you need help with the tech, strategy, systems or programs setup – set up a time to work through it with me.   Links Mentioned in This Episode Episode #23 Transcript Click here to listen! 
    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts If you feel like “Amanda, everyone needs to hear this” please rate my podcast click here open in Apple Podcasts, and click the stars to give us a 5-star rating and share something you loved about the episode!

    • 11 min
    #22. ChatGPT and Marketing: The Copilot That Will Transform Your Productivity

    #22. ChatGPT and Marketing: The Copilot That Will Transform Your Productivity

    So far, I haven’t met any marketers who actually think AI will take their job most seem to think it’s going to help them tremendously. I have met some who are suspicious and hesitant to use it, or concerned how others (oftentimes their bosses) will use it irresponsibly. Then there are those who think of AI as only specific to writing, and these marketers tend to view AI more negatively - AI is not human so it can’t create human sentiment or great writing and tend to be leading conversation about not using ChatGPT and other generative AI tools to do all the content creation. 
    All valid concerns and some truth to it all.
    My biggest concern is non-marketing professionals dictating to marketing professionals how to use AI in their job, and non-marketing professionals viewing AI as a magic bullet and devaluing marketing services. 
    Not quite taking marketer’s jobs but the other end of the spectrum encouraging bad use of AI tools. 
    It’s our job as marketers to thwart that and educate non-marking professionals how AI can be used and how it cannot be - cut and paste.
    AI can generate all kinds of data, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, drafts, brainstorms, lists, help you write outlines and quickly pull social posts from content.
    AI is a tool, it’s a copilot or assistant, as some have explained it. I like that description because that is what it feels it’s been for me since I started using it. 
    It’s not set and forget! You can’t just type in a prompt and copy and paste the result - I mean unless maybe it’s code. But overall you do have to oversee it that I call it a copilot or assistant. 
    The data produced can be repetitive, it can be boring but with a few follow up prompts you might get things right where you want. But it requires you to prompt and guide it to the right answers or perfect content tone and writing style. 
    Let’s talk about AI and productivity. Specifically I’ll share how I’m using it in my every day marketing work.
    First what does that look like?
    - Content creation
    - Proofreading
    - Summarization tools
    - AI design tools - hello Canva!
    - Transcription tools
    - Video editing and creation tools
     How has it looked in our lives so far. We’ve been using AI think chatbots (ManyChat), autoresponders, transcription services like otter.ai, GPS and navigation apps, your phone, Grammarly, spam filters, anti-virus software, Google! Siri and Alexa - all voice assistants, banking security to detect fraud, Amazon and Netflix. 
    ChatGPT is new and creating a huge stir because it’s the first time we’ve seen AI like this. People are wowed because the things that ChatGPT creates based on your prompts is beyond what we all expected. And on top of that the way we can interact with AI resutls and create even better results is again beyond what we expected. 
    Many of us see the potential to help simplify our daily tasks and help cut down on time consuming tasks getting to the meat of the task - maybe our favorite part. Cutting out that initial staring at a blank page. Or fine tuning ideas. Opening our minds to ideas that might not have come to mind. If you can cut down the time a task or project takes by starting with an assistant wouldn’t you want to take advantage of that?
    Click here to listen! 
    Whenever you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help you: Download the Asana Starter Kit this is the system I use for my clients and my own business. 1:1 Strategy Session to get you unstuck. Whether you need help with the tech, strategy, systems or programs setup – set up a time to work through it with me. Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts If you feel like “Amanda, everyone needs to hear this” please rate my podcast click here open in Apple Podcasts, and click the stars to give us a 5-star rating and share something you loved about the episode!
    Links Mentioned in This Episode AI Prompts for Marketers PDF Episode #22 Transcript 

    • 23 min
    #21. Embrace your Multi-Talented Self: Excel as a Jill of All Trades

    #21. Embrace your Multi-Talented Self: Excel as a Jill of All Trades

    In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world of marketing, being a multidisciplinary marketing expert can give you a powerful advantage. 
    Today, we're talking about why being a Jill of all trades is a great thing, especially if you're a marketing manager. You might have heard the saying, "Jack of all trades, master of none,” but that's not entirely true. In fact, it's a bit of a misinterpretation. The original saying was "a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” That means you have a broad range of skills and knowledge. And it was meant as a compliment!
    The twist on this quote was meant as an insult implying that someone has many competencies but isn't particularly outstanding with any one of them.
    And this, my friends, isn’t always the case! You can have many competencies with a specialty area or niche.
    And guess what, being a Jacks and Jills of all Trades is essential for success. These individuals make great leaders!
    A T-shaped person is: someone who has specialized knowledge and skills in a particular area, as well as the desire and ability to make connections across different disciplines. (The top of the T is “Broad '' ability to work outside core area while the vertical line down the T is “Deep” functional area, discipline or specialty.
    Think about it like this, if you are applying for an upper-level marketing role and you have solid knowledge ranging from strategic planning, campaign analysis and goals setting, social media strategy, graphic design, stellar copying writing skills and the ability to see the bigger picture you'll have the edge over someone who only does one job and is a skilled expert - say a web designer or graphic designer that only does that work. That's where being a Jill of all trades fits in perfectly in leadership roles.
    That’s how I built my success. I have multidisciplinary skills that I acquire while building in the real world with my 1:1 clients. The years I’ve spent marketing and in project management is what helps me help others. 
    The way I see it, whether you are a niched/skilled expert, multi-skilled with many competencies or multi-skilled with niche expertise, there is a place for each of you. We need every one of you. It’s common to start with a speciality area and then become more versatile and translate those skills to other areas.
    I started as a paralegal and transferred the case management skills into project management and my years of blogging into online marketing. 
    As a marketing manager, you must be multifaceted and have diverse skills and knowledge. And let’s face it most of us are multi-faceted even as experts.
    Doctors and lawyers become multifaceted - they run medical practices and law firms - they’ve got to be a master of all trades to run a business, manage people and practice medicine or law.
    Being versatile means you can manage a team, develop a brand strategy, write compelling copy, and analyze data. This versatility is valuable because it allows you to tackle any challenge that comes your way. 
    It means you see the big picture while everyone else might be focused on their piece of the project. 
    It also means you can take on a wide range of responsibilities and can adapt to various situations, which can help you advance your career or business.
    Same for freelance marketers, these skills are great because you can get by wearing many hats, so you can save time and money by not having to rely on a big team to get started.
    One of the best things about being a Jill of all trades is your ability to adapt to changing situations.
    Marketing is constantly evolving, and as a marketing manager, you need to pivot quickly and efficiently. Understanding the big picture enables you do just that.
    You can take on new challenges and responsibilities and are better equipped to navigate changes in the competitive landscape.
    Marketing is all about creativity, and as a Jill of all trades, you're able

    • 14 min
    #20. Lessons From My Daily Practice of Stillness

    #20. Lessons From My Daily Practice of Stillness

    Stillness sounds so simple, yet peaceful and wonderful … until you try it. It’s incredibly uncomfortable. 
    I become hyper aware of everything around me. How uncomfortable I am, how I don’t know what to do with my hands or what I should look at and what I’m supposed to focus on. 
    This isn’t meditation you guys, it’s stillness. 
    It’s as if ADHD has suddenly popped up. I fidget and keep instinctively going to do something or try to keep myself busy. 
    The worst is how addicted to my phone I realize I am. 
    I know I’m not selling this right now but stick with me.
    I’m sharing this with you as my journey because I’m not as far into this practice as I wanted to be by now. 
    Some of the positive results from stillness could be:
    Less stress and anxiety (lord knows I need this)
    Better focus
    Decluttering your mind so things become more clear
    Mental breaks help our brains sift through all the incoming information and I REALLY need this. 

    This was something I decided to try because I’m tired of feeling like I am always on and my brain is trying to process so many thoughts that I can’t remember or process any of it. 
    When I journal or meditate I discover the most creative ideas. And I do think daily stillness will elevate those results.
    But I wanted to share a few lessons I’ve learned so far:
    I’m more conditioned to grabbing for my phone than I thought. 
    The first 5 minutes are really great
    Set a time each day and the place you will do this
    Set a timer
    Close your eyes if you’d like
    Listen to the sounds, positive sensations and smells around you.
    These things have all helped me steer my mind away from my conditioned responses - getting up to do something real quick, grabbing for my phone, or nervously sipping water. Things that are not stillness.
    Meditation is slightly different for me, I usually lay down or sit up with my eyes closed in a quiet place and focus on breathing. Whereas stillness is just being where you are and taking in what’s around you and not doing anything except being. It’s simply being present.
    I’ll check in with you on this again and let you know what else I learn along the way. 
    What are your thoughts? Do you like meditation? Do you think there are benefits to stillness?
    Whenever you’re ready here are 2 ways I can help you:
    Download the Asana Starter Kit this is the system I use for my clients and my own business.
    1:1 Strategy Session to get you unstuck. Whether you need help with the tech, strategy, systems or programs setup - setup a time to work through it with me. 
    Click here to listen!
    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts “I love the Short of It with Amanda Long.” If that sounds like you, please hit the subscribe button in your favorite podcast player, and if you feel like “Amanda, everyone needs to hear this” please rate my podcast click here open in Apple Podcasts, scroll to the bottom to reviews and click the stars to give us a 5-star rating and share something you loved about the episode! 
    Links mentioned in this episode:
    Podcast Episode #20 Transcript James Clear Atomic Habits  

    • 10 min
    #19. Streamlining Your Workflow with GoodNotes

    #19. Streamlining Your Workflow with GoodNotes

    I totally get it – there's something about putting pen to paper that just feels right. But when it comes to keeping all your notes organized, things can get a little tricky. Especially if you're trying to mix handwritten notes with your digital files. Don't worry though, I've got some tips to help you strike the perfect balance! 
    Let’s chat about Goodnotes. If you are a digital person but still like the feel of writing on paper then I recommend an iPad and Goodnotes (links in shownotes).
    I also use the paperfeel screen protector that feels like writing on paper and protects your screen from fingerprints - one of the most common annoyances of using tablets. (link in the show notes)
    These are the tools I use daily. 
    I really love taking digital handwritten notes - Goodnotes can convert your handwriting to digital text, you can search handwritten notes just as you can in a word processing document, for meetings an iPad is just easier. When I attend events or in person meetings I bring my iPad too. 
    I also take handwritten notes on PDFs I download, and screenshots or when I take an online course, listen to a podcast or book, and I also journal on my iPad. 
    So there are many times my handwritten notes need to incorporate with my workflow. Here’s what I do.
    Import your current notes: If you have existing notes in PDF or image format, you can import them into GoodNotes. This can help you consolidate your notes in one place.
    Use the annotation tools: GoodNotes has a variety of tools for annotating your notes, such as highlighters, pens, and text boxes. Experiment with these tools to find the ones that work best for you.
    Create notebooks: GoodNotes allows you to create separate notebooks for different subjects or projects. This can help you stay organized and keep your notes separated.
    Use templates: GoodNotes offers a variety of templates for different types of notes, such as planners, to-do lists, and meeting notes Cornell note format which if you don’t know what this is it’s a great system to use if you are a student or taking a course. The page is set up into three sections two columns the left hand column is about ⅓ of the width and the right section is ⅔ of the width of the page. Then there is a smaller row below these two that is a summary section. So you take all notes in the larger section othe right. In the left column you can call out your questions, definitions of terms or index important items to remember The button row is to write a summary of it all to help you retain the info better and quickly refer to what the notes are about. These can save you time and help you stay organized.
    Sync your notes: GoodNotes offers cloud syncing, which means you can access your notes on multiple devices. This can be helpful if you need to access your notes on the go. 
    Backup: use Google Drive to store a backup of your Goodnotes files in case of emergency - in case your notes ever disappear, it hasn’t happened to me but I backup most everything.
    Export your notes: If you need to share your notes with others, GoodNotes allows you to export your notes in various formats, such as PDF or image files. You can even print the pages
    Use the search function: GoodNotes has a search function that allows you to search for keywords or phrases within your notes. This can be a time-saver if you have a lot of notes to sift through.
    When I have notes for a client file or from trainings, I’ll download them as PDF and send them off to the client file in Gdrive or my computer. 
    Tricks I use often: 
    With the apple pencil and goodnotes you can tap your index finger twice on the pencil to switch between the pen and eraser (really it switches between the pen and the last two tools you used so if you used the eraser then the highlighter it’d switch between those too. Or the Pen and the lasso tool
    Lasso tool - I use this way more than expected, you can use a lasso to circle any text in

    • 14 min
    #18. Maximizing Your Potential: Daily Habits for Success

    #18. Maximizing Your Potential: Daily Habits for Success

    What began as a routine to start my day ended up being a catalyst for big inspiration in my life and business. The past two years, I've worked on establishing a routine to achieve the following goals:
    Not jumping out of bed and starting work Having a hard stop work time  Incorporate reading into my day  Clearly, I was working way too much and this didn’t result in success, only a case of burnout.
    This worked rather well so last year I changed it up and introduced journaling after reading. Surprisingly, this became one of my routine's most powerful parts. If I go a day not doing it I feel uninspired and feel "off" all day. 
    The other thing this power combo did for me was getting my mind in creative mode - just in time for the next part of my routine - writing  (which actually came after my shower, which also helps thoughts flow). An unexpected result.
    So right now daily routine is this:
    6am coffee, read and journal and stretch
    7am shower and get ready
    8am write 
    10am meetings/client work (some days this starts earlier)
    11am walk then eat
    2pm eat then 15 min stillness
    4pm end of day shutdown with planner and Asana
    5-6pm Family Dinner 
     Routines can help with productivity for several reasons. 
    One it kicks your day off on a positive and inspiring note doing something YOU choose and want to do! 
    It’s intentional, triggering what motivates you and what aligns with your goals which sets you up for a productive day. 
    Because you know our habits make our success. 
    But there are Reasons Routines Fail let’s talk about some common reasons and fixes.
    You may choose routines based on what you hear and see others doing, but they aren’t really what you want to do, or aren’t connected to your goals. This feels more like ordering yourself around and if you are a rebel this isn’t gonna fly.
    Fix: You’re not stuck stop routines not lighting your fire, fulfilling your goals or bringing you inspiration. 
    Work up to things that you want to do but are difficult to start - 20 min of meditation might not be easy but 3 min might work just fine and after a year you could reach your 20 min goal - or find a different sweet spot that brings you the fire. 
    You try one way of achieving a routine and when it doesn’t work so you stop. 
    Fix: If you want to journal and sitting down to a blank page does not work for you, don’t give up. Research other ways to journal - prompts, morning pages, gratitude, and keep trying until you find something that fits for you. Unless you find it’s not really something you enjoy and doesn’t inspire you then it might just not be a great as you anticipated.
    You stop too soon.
    Fix: Try something for a few weeks, build up consistency before you completely give up on it, unless you absolutely hate it. Then dump it. But if a routine just doesn’t feel like it’s sticking give it a little more time - habits take time to build.
    Your routine starts to feel like just going through the motions.
    Fix: Mix it up, is there a part of this routine you could change up? Change the type of exercise, or journaling or meditation. Take a break a few days and see how you feel. You might find that it’s not the routine that is the root of this feeling. You might even find that you feel incomplete in your day without it. Revisit your why on this routine too. 
    So create a routine choosing things that make you feel more energized and focus. 
    That is what stretching does for me. 
    And reading and journaling gets my creative juices flowing just in time for me to jump into my daily writing routine which results in my content creation which grows my business and gets results for my clients.
    Having a routine like this that flows and works together doesn’t just help your mindset it prevents us from depleating our willpower and limited daily decision making abilities. In times of burnout or high stress and overwhelm, my routine has given me a sense of calm and remi

    • 15 min

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Amanda Long’s podcast is chock full of ideas, tips, tricks, shortcuts and ways to improve and help your business thrive. Entrepreneurs, founders and business owners should make this podcast part of your weekly, saw-sharpening routine.

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