47 min

Swinger Introduction - The Silver Fox Swingset - Season 1 Episode 1 The Silver Fox Swingset

    • Sexuality

This podcast is recommended for the 18 and over crowd. So if you are under 18, please come back when you are over 18. Mrs. & Mr. SilverFox give the in's, outs, and upside downs of the swinger lifestyle; from a beginners perspective. In this podcase they discuss how they got into the lifestyle after an introduction into who they are, and where they are in the lifestyle. Mr. & Mrs. SilverFox also allow you to have a glimpse into the individuals they are. Email Us!silver...

This podcast is recommended for the 18 and over crowd. So if you are under 18, please come back when you are over 18. Mrs. & Mr. SilverFox give the in's, outs, and upside downs of the swinger lifestyle; from a beginners perspective. In this podcase they discuss how they got into the lifestyle after an introduction into who they are, and where they are in the lifestyle. Mr. & Mrs. SilverFox also allow you to have a glimpse into the individuals they are. Email Us!silver...

47 min