45 min

The Strength of a Mother of a Child with Special Needs Shush Your Shame

    • Personal Journals

On this episode of The Shush Your Shame Podcast, my friend, Margarita Marquez, shares about her journey as the mother of a son diagnosed with Autism as a toddler. He is now 23 years old. She shares her struggles, and the beauty and gift of having a child with special needs. Margarita is a mother, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and loyal friend, aiming to spread God's love through daily giving and providing therapy. She hopes to inspire the fight in you by sharing a piece of her life experience.

On this episode of The Shush Your Shame Podcast, my friend, Margarita Marquez, shares about her journey as the mother of a son diagnosed with Autism as a toddler. He is now 23 years old. She shares her struggles, and the beauty and gift of having a child with special needs. Margarita is a mother, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and loyal friend, aiming to spread God's love through daily giving and providing therapy. She hopes to inspire the fight in you by sharing a piece of her life experience.

45 min