The Tri-Me Tapes

Kult Audio
The Tri-Me Tapes

Mindset, motivation and multiple sports, the Tri Me Tapes are the audio journal of an amateur athlete, Abi Dawson. Seeking a new challenge and an opportunity to improve her mindset Abi made the commitment to try new sports and compete. Initially, she identified triathlon as a true test of grit, physicality and most importantly mental fortitude. Join Abi and her partner in crime Matt as they discuss the journey to competition, the highs, the lows and lessons learnt along the way.

Saison 1

  1. ÉPISODE 1

    Why I Started Triathlon Training

    Mindset, motivation and multiple sports, the Tri-Me Tapes are the audio journal of an amateur athlete, Abi Dawson.  Seeking a new challenge and an opportunity to improve her mindset Abi made the commitment to try new sports and compete.  Initially, she identified triathlon as a true test of grit, physicality and most importantly mental fortitude.  Join Abi and her partner in crime Matt as they discuss the journey to competition, the highs, the lows and lessons learnt along the way.  In this tape of The Tri-Me Tapes, we go back to the start! Unpacking the first blog and discovering why Abi is starting this journey and what are the goals.  If you are a new listener to The Tri-Me Tapes, we would love to hear from you.  Please visit our Facebook Page and share your athletic adventures! In this episode, you we discuss: 00:56 Intro, What is the goal?  02:35 Why triathlon & mindset 04:46 Accountability, the power of putting it out there.  06:45 Athletic inspiration, documentaries 09:15 Getting in your own way 10:00 Progression and what it means to Abi 12:59 Mindful awareness 14:50 Habits of the mind 16:08 Meditation thoughts, contemplation 19:11 Examples of mind over matter athletes  23:00 Abi’s mindset toward training at the start 24:46 Over competitive mindset Follow our PodcastTri Me FacebookTri Me Insta Explore these Resources or Items Mentioned in the TapeIn this episode, we mentioned the following resources: The Chimp Paradox, Dr Steve PetersThe Ultimate Triathlon, Luke TyburskiRunning for Good, Fiona OaksFree Solo, Alex Honnold  Concept 2, Ski Erg Thanks for listening, reading and sharing. Don't forget to subscribe! Hosted by Sign up for your free trial HERE.

    27 min
  2. ÉPISODE 2

    Let's Start at the Beginning

    Mindset, motivation and multiple sports, the Tri Me Tapes are the audio journal of an amateur athlete, Abi Dawson.  Seeking a new challenge and an opportunity to improve her mindset Abi made the commitment to try new sports and compete.  Initially, she identified triathlon as a true test of grit, physicality and most importantly mental fortitude.  Join Abi and her partner in crime Matt as they discuss the journey to competition, the highs, the lows and lessons learnt along the way.  In this tape of Tri-MeTapes, we find a Triathlon coach, hear about Abi’s injuries and the mindset to approach conditioning the body.  If you are a new listener to The Tri Me Tapes, we would love to hear from you.  Please visit our Facebook Page and share your athletic adventures! In this episode, you we discuss: 00:08 Finding the triathlon coach 04:11 Starting with an injury or two  05:25 Unconditioned running and why its a seriously bad idea 07:41 Lessons learnt for running training 08:47 Mind Vs Body conditioning 11:00 Consultation, Assessments 12:24 Abi’s bum aesthetic  14:25 Imbalance in the body  17:00 Understanding assessments for clients 18:35 Modern daily stresses on the body Follow our PodcastTri Me FacebookTri Me Insta Explore these Resources or Items Mentioned in the TapeIn this episode, we mentioned the following resources: VO2 Max TrainingJimmy GeorgeTendinopothyNike Run ClubTraining Peaks  Thanks For Listening, Reading And Sharing. Don't Forget To Subscribe!  Hosted by Sign up for your free trial HERE.

    22 min
  3. ÉPISODE 3

    All the gear, no idea

    Mindset, motivation and multiple sports, the Tri Me Tapes are the audio journal of an amateur athlete, Abi Dawson.  Seeking a new challenge and an opportunity to improve her mindset Abi made the commitment to try new sports and compete.  Initially, she identified triathlon as a true test of grit, physicality and most importantly mental fortitude.  Join Abi and her partner in crime Matt as they discuss the journey to competition, the highs, the lows and lessons learnt along the way.  In this tape of Tri-MeTapes, we discuss the gear Abi bought for her triathlon training, a lovely old lady telling Abi off in the pool and how to find the right saddle for your tooshy.  If you are a new listener to The Tri Me Tapes, we would love to hear from you.  Please visit our Facebook Page and share your athletic adventures! In this episode, we discuss: 00:36 First week in training 04:04 Pool Etiquette  06:22 swim programming, and how to forget it 08:06 life vs training  09:01 Swimming training 12:25 Training Peaks - Session colour coding 13:45 Extra sessions and imaginary friends 15:40 Technology and equipment.  16:30 Bike Kit 19:47 Swimming Kit 20:50 Running kit 21:21 Saddles 22:31 Measuring Sit-bones 25:10 More Bike kit Follow our PodcastTri Me FacebookTri Me Insta Explore these Resources or Items Mentioned in the ShowIn this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Training PeaksGarmin WatchCannondale Synapse 2016Deda Elementi Zero Bicycle StemDHB Clip-In ShoesShimano Clipless PedalsHalford PedalsNukeproof pedalsa href="" rel="noopener noreferrer"...

    27 min
  4. ÉPISODE 4

    It’s Nearly Over, It’s Nearly Over

    Mindset, motivation and multiple sports, the Tri Me Tapes are the audio journal of an amateur athlete, Abi Dawson.  Seeking a new challenge and an opportunity to improve her mindset Abi made the commitment to try new sports and compete.  Initially, she identified triathlon as a true test of grit, physicality and most importantly mental fortitude.  Join Abi and her partner in crime Matt as they discuss the journey to competition, the highs, the lows and lessons learnt along the way.  In this tape of Tri-MeTapes Podcast, we reflect on the early adaptation of Abi’s training, her mindset towards training and understanding her injury better.  If you are a new listener to The Tri Me Tapes, we would love to hear from you.  Please visit our Facebook Page and share your athletic adventures! In this episode, we discuss: 00:36 Injury update - bike training - Ramp up Training session 05:00 Workout reflection, strength, HIIT + bike all in one session  06:33 Self-talk/training mantras 09:30 Joining a gym for the first and excuses not to train 10:40 Preconceived gym misconceptions 11:05 Runners Knee 15:48 Bike fit Follow our PodcastTri Me FacebookTri Me Insta Explore these Resources or Items Mentioned in the ShowIn this episode, we mentioned the following resources: C2 Bike ErgRunners KneeKnee stability ExerciseISM SaddleSpecialized Saddle Check Out More TapesTape 101Tape 102Tape 103 Thanks For Listening, Reading And Sharing. Don't Forget To Subscribe!  Hosted by Sign up for your free trial HERE. (referral link)

    21 min
  5. ÉPISODE 5

    How Was I Supposed to Know?

    Mindset, motivation and multiple sports, the Tri Me Tapes are the audio journal of an amateur athlete, Abi Dawson.  Seeking a new challenge and an opportunity to improve her mindset Abi made the commitment to try new sports and compete.  Initially, she identified triathlon as a true test of grit, physicality and most importantly mental fortitude.  Join Abi and her partner in crime Matt as they discuss the journey to competition, the highs, the lows and lessons learnt along the way.  In this tape of Tri-MeTapes Podcast, we unpack the relationship between coach and athlete, overcoming excuses and how to take life lessons from bike crashes.  If you are a new listener to The Tri Me Tapes, we would love to hear from you.  Please visit our Facebook Page and share your athletic adventures! In this episode, we discuss: 01:00 Coach catch up + Swimming Drills without the correct equipment 03:40 Making sure you know what the coach expects of you 04:58 Being coached & communication 06:24 Excuses and reasons not to ride 07:45 New Direction, Abi’s previous sporting experience Hockey 12:35 Bike training, crashes, & still scared of clipless pedals 14:31 Dad Advice about crashing 14:53 First long ride with clipless pedals and their fate Follow our PodcastTri Me FacebookTri Me Insta Explore these Resources or Items Mentioned in the ShowIn this episode, we mentioned the following resources: VO2 Max TrainingJimmy GeorgeFinsShimano Clipless PedalsNukeproof pedals Check Out More TapesTape 101Tape 102Tape 103Tape 104 Thanks For Listening, Reading And Sharing. Don't Forget To Subscribe!  Hosted by Sign up for your free trial HERE. (referral link)

    18 min
  6. ÉPISODE 6

    New Year, New Me

    Mindset, motivation and multiple sports, the Tri Me Tapes are the audio journal of an amateur athlete, Abi Dawson.  Seeking a new challenge and an opportunity to improve her mindset Abi made the commitment to try new sports and compete.  Initially, she identified triathlon as a true test of grit, physicality and most importantly mental fortitude.  Join Abi and her partner in crime Matt as they discuss the journey to competition, the highs, the lows and lessons learnt along the way.  In this tape of Tri-MeTapes Podcast, we discuss Abi’s journey with diets, body image, nutrition and overcoming negative self-talk. We establish priorities and what the goal was. Is she doing this to be a top athlete, look better or develop a resilient mindset? Can you have it all?  If you are a new listener to The Tri Me Tapes, we would love to hear from you.  Please visit our Facebook Page and share your athletic adventures! In this episode, we discuss: 00:45 Body image & diet 02:45 Inbody physique monitoring system 04:52 TrainingPeaks App - Stress Score 05:50 Food tracking + nutrition around work 09:09 Carbs and what matters to Abi 10:22 Extra strength training 14:14 Training paddies & negative self-talk 18:56 Creating space to grow mental resilience … don’t dwell on it 19:55 Bike & swimming training Follow our PodcastTri Me FacebookTri Me Insta Explore these Resources or Items Mentioned in the ShowIn this episode, we mentioned the following resources: InbodyTraining PeaksJimmy George, VO2 Maximum TrainingRoss Edgley C2 Bike ErgWahoo Elemnt Check Out More TapesTape 101Tape 102Tape 103Tape 104Tape 105 Thanks For Listening, Reading And Sharing. Don't Forget To Subscribe!  Hosted by Sign up for your free trial HERE. (referral link)

    23 min
  7. ÉPISODE 7

    I’m Alive Dammit!

    Mindset, motivation and multiple sports, the Tri Me Tapes are the audio journal of an amateur athlete, Abi Dawson.  Seeking a new challenge and an opportunity to improve her mindset Abi made the commitment to try new sports and compete.  Initially, she identified triathlon as a true test of grit, physicality and most importantly mental fortitude.  Join Abi and her partner in crime Matt as they discuss the journey to competition, the highs, the lows and lessons learnt along the way.  In this tape of Tri-Me Tapes Podcast, we review the 16 - 18 weeks of training. Looking at weight management whilst ensuring nutrition is on point for endurance training. How food, recovery and increased workload leads towards anxiety, self-doubt and criticism of Abi’s ability in the sport.    If you are a new listener to The Tri Me Tapes, we would love to hear from you.  Please visit our Facebook Page and share your athletic adventures! In this episode, we discuss: 01:06 Accountability & supporting those that are new to triathlon  01:50 Kit guide for beginner triathletes 03:49 Riding in extreme weather conditions 05:54 Kids size crash helmet top tip 07:02 Weight and nutrition update 08:57 Sugar & fueling the body for endurance training 10:00 Sleep, recovery & taking control of your nutrition 13:13 Accountability for your own diet 14:17 16 week review of training, mindset & progression 17:48 Anxiety, mistakes & high expectations  21:10 Training alone and the effects on the mind 22:40 Rest week & recovery - the dangers of burnout 23:51 Training plan overview 25:29 Negative & Positive effects of tri-training 28:54 Data Vs Body - What to listen to?  31:24 Advice for starting your fitness journey 32:13 Booking the first event! Woo Woking!  34:01 What is a Brick? 38:48 Summary of 18 weeks of training Follow our Podcast Tri Me FacebookTri Me Insta Explore these Resources or Items Mentioned in the ShowIn this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Kit BlogCycling ShoesForrest Gump - Lt DanWahoo Elemnt Cycling Helmet InBody ScannerMy Fitness Pal AppInstagramTraining PeaksSweat-It TrainingCrowborough Hockeya...

    43 min
  8. ÉPISODE 8

    The End ... Or is it?

    Mindset, motivation and multiple sports, the Tri Me Tapes are the audio journal of an amateur athlete, Abi Dawson.  Seeking a new challenge and an opportunity to improve her mindset Abi made the commitment to try new sports and compete.  Initially, she identified triathlon as a true test of grit, physicality and most importantly mental fortitude.  Join Abi and her partner in crime Matt as they discuss the journey to competition, the highs, the lows and lessons learnt along the way.  In this tape of Tri-Me Tapes Podcast, Abi makes the tough choice to quit training for a triathlon, we discuss the rationale behind it and lessons learnt along the way. Plus we prepare for a new challenge in series 2 of the Tri-Me Tapes. Thanks for sharing the experience with us so far!  If you are a new listener to The Tri Me Tapes, we would love to hear from you.  Please visit our Facebook Page and share your athletic adventures! In this episode, we discuss: 01:00 Recapping the training & looking at more races 02:50 Preparing your first triathlon season 03:55 Training in Covid Lockdowns 06:06 Swimming training with no access to pools 08:39 Priorities & commitment to training 10:55 Mindset around waiting 12 months to compete & enjoyment of training 13:22 When the fun becomes a stress 13:55 Why is Abi doing the training? Doubt about quitting.  15:27 Training solo and what a team can offer  15:57 Making the choice to quit 17:42 Being okay with changing your perspectives  18:22 Sharing the choice with Coach Jimmy 19:00 Key learnings: Personal development & being part of a team 21:47 Reflections on training overall 23:12 Competitive vs calm dualities  26:10 What's next? 28:42 Crossfit announcement and why CrossFit Follow our Podcast Tri Me FacebookTri Me Insta Explore these Resources or Items Mentioned in the ShowIn this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Crowborough TriathlonWoking TriathlonSevenoaks TriathlonJimmy George - VO2 MaxBanded Swimming DrillsCrossfit Check Out More TapesTape 101Tape 102Tape 103Tape 104a...

    34 min

À propos

Mindset, motivation and multiple sports, the Tri Me Tapes are the audio journal of an amateur athlete, Abi Dawson. Seeking a new challenge and an opportunity to improve her mindset Abi made the commitment to try new sports and compete. Initially, she identified triathlon as a true test of grit, physicality and most importantly mental fortitude. Join Abi and her partner in crime Matt as they discuss the journey to competition, the highs, the lows and lessons learnt along the way.

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