19 min

The True Costs of DIY The Phunnel Podcast with Jody Jelas

    • Marketing

Visit https://FunnelPodcast.net to download my PDF, "Six Strategies My Most Successful Clients Used to Increase Profits from Sales Funnels."

Ever wonder about the ACTUAL cost of doing it all yourself in your business? In our latest episode, we unveil the "True Cost of DIY" – a must-watch for every entrepreneur.

While many start with limited budgets and opt for the DIY route, there's a lot more to it. We explore the financial, time, and energy costs that DIY can impose on your business.

At the heart of it all is the concept of putting "Lifestyle First." We delve into how building your business around your life is crucial, addressing the often-overlooked expenses of time and energy. Focusing on doing the tasks you dislike can drain your motivation and slow your business's growth.

Drawing from my personal experiences, when experts handle technical aspects, it lead to increased efficiency and overall enjoyment.

Consider this scenario: You have a $1,000 course, and it takes you six weeks to create sales funnels and a members' area on your own. During this time, you're potentially missing out on $60,000 in sales.

But there's a different path. Hire professionals and have your funnels ready in a couple weeks, offering you a $40,000 head start. Even if it cost you $10,000, you'd still come out ahead.

But, it's not just about money. The time and energy saved by outsourcing tasks can't be underestimated. Focus on what you excel at, work efficiently, and enjoy the process.
Trust is essential when outsourcing, and I emphasize building that trust through transparent strategies and strong partnerships.

DIY can be more expensive than you think – financially, time-wise, and energetically. It's time to focus on what you do best and let experts handle the rest. Save not only money but also time, energy, and your passion for your business.

Learn the benefits of outsourcing so you can streamline your path to success. Check out our latest episode on the "True Cost of DIY."

If you need high-converting sales funnels done completely for you by a crack team of high-converting funnel experts with over 1000 funnels built to date, then go to https://www.phunnelbuilders.com. You can also chat to a funnel expert by sending an SMS text, chatting, or jumping on a strategy call where we will do an actual strategy, specifically for you and your situation.

Visit https://FunnelPodcast.net to download my PDF, "Six Strategies My Most Successful Clients Used to Increase Profits from Sales Funnels."

Ever wonder about the ACTUAL cost of doing it all yourself in your business? In our latest episode, we unveil the "True Cost of DIY" – a must-watch for every entrepreneur.

While many start with limited budgets and opt for the DIY route, there's a lot more to it. We explore the financial, time, and energy costs that DIY can impose on your business.

At the heart of it all is the concept of putting "Lifestyle First." We delve into how building your business around your life is crucial, addressing the often-overlooked expenses of time and energy. Focusing on doing the tasks you dislike can drain your motivation and slow your business's growth.

Drawing from my personal experiences, when experts handle technical aspects, it lead to increased efficiency and overall enjoyment.

Consider this scenario: You have a $1,000 course, and it takes you six weeks to create sales funnels and a members' area on your own. During this time, you're potentially missing out on $60,000 in sales.

But there's a different path. Hire professionals and have your funnels ready in a couple weeks, offering you a $40,000 head start. Even if it cost you $10,000, you'd still come out ahead.

But, it's not just about money. The time and energy saved by outsourcing tasks can't be underestimated. Focus on what you excel at, work efficiently, and enjoy the process.
Trust is essential when outsourcing, and I emphasize building that trust through transparent strategies and strong partnerships.

DIY can be more expensive than you think – financially, time-wise, and energetically. It's time to focus on what you do best and let experts handle the rest. Save not only money but also time, energy, and your passion for your business.

Learn the benefits of outsourcing so you can streamline your path to success. Check out our latest episode on the "True Cost of DIY."

If you need high-converting sales funnels done completely for you by a crack team of high-converting funnel experts with over 1000 funnels built to date, then go to https://www.phunnelbuilders.com. You can also chat to a funnel expert by sending an SMS text, chatting, or jumping on a strategy call where we will do an actual strategy, specifically for you and your situation.

19 min