This is coming from one of Full age, this is coming from one of the Professing of Righteousness to Righteousness, Faith to Faith, as well as this Grace Era, Acceptable Year of the LORD Lord Christ today to who the Great Shepherd has Come, God Kingdom Elder Christ Apostle Debra A. Treated lower then angels, whom promoting of this Everlasting Glory, Things that required a High Priest over Good Things that are not a Figure of true things, this is the Word that is Sharper than a Double Edge Sword, things of the EverlastingGospel that’s been being proclaimed into this second decade Now! For whom am under Commission to Communicate, to Share as my Soul Prosperous, I understand that I am not the Religious Cup of tea, but they got to understand that my Allegiance is to the very one that took the Nails for me, that has delivered me from the law of sins in my members as well, but what’s even greater is He has Abolished the Carnal Commandments and they won’t to dispute that don’t mean moral well moral dont means clean hands either, it still means that a Righteousness that prophets and devout men’s couldn’t hear, Faith Point this is the Kingdom of God that don’t appear as they thought, that you should Sow into, as you purchase your gasoline, as you put a Trust fund for your Children, as you will be responsible to add a fire Station in your very own Village, or Community, or Country, in honoring the Scripture that says not to sow to other things that can’t bring deliverance but this is today, God Revenue, that’s not coming from the Tithing System but this Great Harvest is white in the field, this is the Door of the Seed of Issac today, this is to not let the left know, just as God and Samuel had to go into Cahoots, to avoid King Saul at the time cause the Kingdom departed from him, this is not by sight when I say get some Fidelity of Obedience, like go to and Give, is the best thing to do that can be tangible, that will guarantee God Jesus will never say He Jesus never New you, till Greater establishment is set up for the Greatest Kingdom of God ever being Ministered just by Word with all the full Bonafide Faith Rights, graduated from Church into the SecondDecade now shy a some months, from the School Master, looking to get a Kingdom of Hod Lord By Hearing of Faith Master of Belief, with many to under this is Life to them, and others to understand they don’t have to offer the heathens for the Nation no more just tell them they will receive life from death, yes this is the Kingdom that Supplies all things, only by a New Creature, New Cloth, By the Cross, Grace and Truth Era! This is the Door that will authenticate from receiving thing from the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness by 1st to manifest Abundant of Fruits as well as, the Highest measure of Righteousness then the Pharisees today and astronomical measure of the God Head things that are the prerequisite that’s adjacent to have of kingdom of God Lord principles in this day to His Glory for ones works wrought of God to Line up with John 3:21 as well as many others, things of this GloriousGospel and to assure it’s not about a sloppy like but about God Son dyeing take away the sins of the whole world His the Heir, 2:32 pm 2/2/21 *** This is All Things New Steps of Jesus, Doctrines of Christ, God Grace that is manifestingLife to all today, can’t be his, as I said this is not of that that is to passingaway the fashion of, in Context of who can Stay the Hand of God Jehovah Elohim, Jesus Yeshua, The Word when Sent performs, Builds, Exhorts, things of More sure Word of Prophesy, what’s being fulfilled in our life today that makes them Glorify the Father who says, to honor Him you must honor His Son, we need for certain to humble while others under duress: that are told to not have a penitent heart that will gender up wrath of God on them, in this Era of the Righteous Judgment of God, to show His long Suffering, goodness turn to Repentance and so much more worse