69 episodes

The Workshop Weekly Podcast is a show where no dream is too big and no topic is too small. Around here, we believe that taking imperfect action rules, so we’re creating space for you to dive in and fast track your success, one workshop at a time. Now, refill your coffee cup, grab your notebook and get ready to join in on your weekly training, listen to meaningful conversations and learn from industry experts.

The Workshop Weekly Kelly Lawson

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    • 5.0 • 2 Ratings

The Workshop Weekly Podcast is a show where no dream is too big and no topic is too small. Around here, we believe that taking imperfect action rules, so we’re creating space for you to dive in and fast track your success, one workshop at a time. Now, refill your coffee cup, grab your notebook and get ready to join in on your weekly training, listen to meaningful conversations and learn from industry experts.

    068: How to Make an Affiliate Program Successful.

    068: How to Make an Affiliate Program Successful.

    With Rick Magennis

    By now most of us are familiar with the concept of affiliate marketing.

    It is basically being paid to promote a product or service using your own network and influence. And yes, you do have influence being paid to promote something that you actually like to people who trust your recommendations is a pretty cool gig and many of the programs and products that you already use and love offer affiliate programs.

    Rick Magennis has been an affiliate marketing guru for nearly a decade, with most of that time managing affiliate programs for other brands. He believes in growing sales the right way for his clients. And Rick is the president and founder of Bearcat Media Media an affiliate marketing agency. They're all about driving the right results for each client. He has recently run a whole event dedicated to affiliate management best practices for brands called affiliate management Expo.

    I am really looking forward to this conversation with Rick today and I think you're about to learn a whole lot about affiliate marketing, whether you are running an affiliate marketing program yourself for your business, or if you're thinking about being an affiliate as an individual. So let's get started.

    In this episode, Rick talks about:

    How starting out as an affiliate inspired Rick to be the affiliate marketing expert that he is today. 2:04What is an affiliate marketer and how do you make money being one? 4:31Basic steps to getting started as an affiliate marketer. 6:58Protecting your own credibility by - promoting products and services that you actually stand behind. 8:53Getting started using affiliate marketing in your own business. 11:07Determining the right amount of commission for referrals. 13:09Affiliate management software to help you get off the ground and running. 16:14Affiliate marketing strategy, the do's and don'ts. 21:44Quality over quantity, finding the best affiliates for the job and setting them up for success. 23:47The ethics of affiliate marking and how to implement ethical practices. 28:57

    I love that we focused on the idea of promoting products that you truly use and love.

    Affiliate marketing has gotten a bad rap lately and there are a million examples of people using unethical practices to make a sale. You can tell when someone isn't being sincere in their promotion and it certainly doesn't help build the trust factor... run far away from those folks.

    But if you really do love something, earning a nice tip for sharing it is a great way to make a passive income. I know I trust people in my networks for recommendations over cold and undirected advertisements. Start today by making a list of products or services that you already use and see if they currently offer a program that you can join. When it is time to start your own affiliate marketing program in your business, be sure that your affiliates first of all truly love what you're selling. And second of all, and this one is important. You want to double ensure that your affiliates values align with your values. Because remember, they are an extension of you and your brand.

    Honesty is the best policy here.

    Until next time workshop warrior. Thank you so much for spending part of your day with me today. I just love hanging out. So let's do it again next week. Bye for now.

    Connect with Rick:

    Website: https://affiliateprogrammanagement.co/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rick-magennis/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bearcatmediaSEO/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bearcatmediallc/

    Mentioned in this episode

    The Rick Magennis Podcast

    Affiliate marketing software: ShareASale, CJ Affiliate, Shopify, WooCommerce, Affiliatly

    What you need to know to start and affiliate program - Blog

    A note from our sponsors:

    So you bought a fancy camera or you're thinking about buying one because it's clear to you that there is no shortage of beautiful moments or things in your life that

    • 38 min
    067: Bro Marketing: The Dark Side of Persuasion.

    067: Bro Marketing: The Dark Side of Persuasion.

    With Shannon Droeske

    Ethics and marketing. Sometimes we struggle to reconcile the two especially as we mindlessly scroll.

    With the rise of the Internet and the boom of social media as a marketing platform. We are bombarded with messages every single day. These messages and the tactics used to push them can be expertly crafted, and based on psychology to target people in unethical ways, often exploiting vulnerabilities. And I don't know about you, but that doesn't sit well with me.

    Today's guest Shannon Droeske, has spent nearly 15 years in the marketing industry, she is on a mission to create a more ethical and inclusive online business culture. And she refuses to engage in tired sales and marketing strategies devised by the good old boys, and is committed to cultivating new paths that raise the standard of what it means to do business as usual.

    I am so excited to chat about ethical marketing with Shannon today, you have no idea I need a different word because exciting isn't a good enough word anymore. This topic has swept me off the ground and I could literally talk about it for days.

    In this episode, Shannon talks about:

    How she came to be a marketing expert and the types of clients she serves. 2:51What it means to be an ethical marketer, using that power for good, and the psychology behind it. 5:48The harm of “Bro-marketting”. 10:08Emotional decision making and how traditional marketing plays on that vulnerability. 11:26Protecting ourselves from harmful marketing and the role of shame. 15:17How to sell in a way that's ethical. 20:09Advice for people as they navigate a toxic self-help industry and the marketing that supports it. 23:00How to further in understanding marketing and use it for a force of good. 40:21

    Take a step back, give yourself a minute, and then connect back to why am I doing this in the first place? Why this product? Why this service? And what's that ripple effect?Shannon Droeske

    I think we can all remember a time when we’ve individually been suckered by unethical marketing techniques...like that pretty dress impulse purchase that graced my scroll and arrived at my doorstep looking absolutely nothing like it did in the cute video of the tanned model twirling and the return shipping cost as much as the dress so I was stuck with a pile of cheap fabric and a garment that looked like a… I won't get into that.. .  but, it doesn’t feel good to be on the receiving end of sneaky marketing tactics so why would we use these same techniques in our own businesses?

    Our businesses are our greatest tool to create change, and building this change-making machine requires marketing… and that is okay! Ensuring that our marketing efforts are focused on helping people and not just lining pockets will ensure that our message is authentic and truly resonates with people who would buy our products anyway… they just need to know they exist! 

    It is a beautiful thing to help another human. I think it is safe to say that, if you are listening to this episode, you have a product or service that you can feel good about marketing to the world because you know it will help someone. And I know you’re here because you care more about that than the money anyway. I mean, we live n a capitalist world, so money is great, but the REAL currency in life is the quality of your relationships, in my humble opinion. I would love to know if you agree.

    I really love Shannons advice of defining success for yourself, and not what is showing up on your Instagram feed, curated by people who are trying to define success for you. So, pay attention. When you see a fit body, fancy car, handbag or house, in your scroll, I challenge you to dig a little deeper before you decide this is the true picture of success.

    In a world where hussle culture is doing more harm than good, Shannon recommends that we take a step back and re-connect to our why. Don’t lose touch with why you started this business of yo

    • 45 min
    066: Grow Your People To Grow Your Business.

    066: Grow Your People To Grow Your Business.

    With Amy Lafko

    Making the move from a solopreneur to a teampreneur can be daunting and, frankly, a little terrifying. And, If I know you, I know you are probably trying to do all the things by yourself because you think it’s just easier that way.

    Maybe you are even listening to this podcast as you juggle five other tasks… no judgement my friend. It’s part of what makes you so amazing.

    Well, today's guest, Amy Lafko, is here to offer her best tips and tricks to make the move to hire, and help business owners and leaders dedicate their time where it is most needed. Amy brings the secrets of the People 1st Paradigm to companies everywhere. Working with clients to transform their organisation and their leadership, Amy’s mission is to shift the way owners and leaders view the lifecycle of their employees.

    If you are thinking of expanding your human resources or onboarding new talent, this is the episode for you!

    In this episode, Amy talks about:

    Amy's journey to becoming the Human Resources guru that she is today. 2:21Why it is important to listen to your team and the risks when you don't. 3:45How setting up clear expectations will help put you on the path to success and focus your energies. 5:49The delegation game changer, how to let go of tasks that someone else can handle. 7:35Being CEO-centric and hiring right, the first time. 10:58Tools and assessments to make sure you are finding the right fit for your team. 14:56How to fully step into your CEO 19:31Interviewing and onboarding new team members and the value of regular check ins. 20:54Achieving work/life balance while running a successful business. 24:25Amy's upcoming book and key accountabilities template. 28:10

    Please go make your list of everything that you're doing in your business. And then once you've got that laundry list, start paring it down. I want you to look at what do you love doing, what's your zone of genius what takes your talent. And then I want you to start to figure out how do I shed the rest of it, how do I build a team, so that I can do what I do well, and move the rest to other people.Amy Lafko

    The moral of the story is: if you put all the time and attention into your customers while skipping over your staff, you are going to have a bad time. 

    And, consider this your permission slip to delegate and pass off work that is not within your zone of genius, because doing so will actually help your business! 

    By being crystal clear with your expectations, you aren’t being unpleasant, you are setting up your potential hire for success. Take advantage of the many tools out there to ensure that you are hiring the best staff for you and your business, because remember, what you are really hiring is an extension of you and your brand. 

    This episode has inspired me to take Amy up on her advice to make a complete list of everything I do in my own business and start figuring out what else I can outsource so I can focus on what I love to do. I suggest you do it too!

    I can’t wait to check her book that comes out this summer

    Thank you for joining me for yet another episode. You’re the reason I do it! Bye for now!

    Connect with Amy:

    Websites: https://cairncs.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amy.lafko1/

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/cairn-consulting-solutions/ and https://www.linkedin.com/in/amy-lafko/

    Mentioned in this episode:

    People First: a Proven Method for Exceptional Healthcare Practice

    Key Accountabilities Template

    A note from our sponsors:

    So you bought a fancy camera or you're thinking about buying one because it's clear to you that there is no shortage of beautiful moments or things in your life that you'd like to capture beautifully, but the record scratches because all the dials and buttons and settings are standing between you and your life in stunning photos. Well, my friend I have just the fix the Ultimate Photography Starter Kit. This free resource includes a

    • 32 min
    065: Why You Don’t Need to Outsource Your Social Media Plan.

    065: Why You Don’t Need to Outsource Your Social Media Plan.

    With Katie Wight

    Surveys say that 68% of people do not think that brands share interesting content. Yikes!

    Social media has really become an essential platform for businesses to connect with their customers so using it effectively is important, but that doesn’t mean that it is easy. People connect with a brand when it has a personality and our next guest is here to teach us just how to perform our content. 

    Katie is the founder of KW Content, global content and social media marketing agency that develops and launches content and social media programs for purpose-driven brands. Her newest project is called Strong Brand Social and they provide social media marketing education that empowers small brands to develop their own high-performing marketing programs that are guaranteed to drive growth.

    Katie helps to simplify the process and demystify the art of social media marketing to offer focus, efficiency, and measurable results to small business owners, brand directors, and social media marketers. I definitely learned new things during our conversation today and i am sure you will too!

    Let’s dig in!

    In this episode, Katie talks about:

    Katie’s own entrepreneurial journey and her background in marketing. 2:17Creative marketing and performance marketing... What is the difference and why that matters. 5:27Why it is important to keep your branding and social strategy in house. 6:42The difference between connecting with a brand V.S. an individual on social media. 8:54Examples of brands who personify their social media accounts. 10:25Tips to bring these strategies into your own business and brand. 12:43How to discover what customers/clients really want to see from your brand. 17:51The narrative of your brand, weaving storytelling into your content as a strategy. 21:21Don't reinvent the wheel, how to recycle your content effectively. 24:25Get one step closer to being more strategic with your content with these tips. 29:15

    Build it, and they will come. 

    I loved this conversation because it stressed that you really do need to focus on building a community that your audience can visualize themselves in and help them connect with your brand.

    Imagining your brand as a single person with a very specific personality allows you to authentically reach your audience and understanding the type of information that your audience is seeking is sure to stop their scroll.

    Centering your customer in your brand story is a sure fire way to help them connect with your fabulous offer.

    Thank you for making me a part of your day today. It is always such an honour. 

    Until next week, bye for now.

    Connect with Katie:

    Websites: https://kwcontent.com/ and https://www.strongbrandsocial.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kwcontent/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kwcontent/

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Glossier on Instagram as a great example!

    Are you a growing brand that’s looking to scale? Get Katie's guide on the 7 proven steps we take that work every single time. Visit the website to download!

    A note from our sponsors:

    So you bought a fancy camera or you're thinking about buying one because it's clear to you that there is no shortage of beautiful moments or things in your life that you'd like to capture beautifully, but the record scratches because all the dials and buttons and settings are standing between you and your life in stunning photos. Well, my friend I have just the fix the Ultimate Photography Starter Kit. This free resource includes a recommended equipment list, quick start checklist, and a beginner's guide to creating natural poses and candid moments to give you the confidence you need to dust off that fancy camera and start documenting your moments so they can last forever.

    The Ultimate Photography Starter kit is completely free and It is everything you need to get started. So grab yours today at Kellylawson.ca/starterkit. That's Kellylawson.ca/starterkit.

    • 35 min
    064: The #1 Secret to Relationship-Driven Sales.

    064: The #1 Secret to Relationship-Driven Sales.

    With D. Nadia Brown

    Sometimes, sales can just feel icky. Like, have you ever started a conversation with someone and things were going great and then BAM comes the sales pitch. The rest of the conversation can feel awkward and forced. 

    Not only does it suck to be on the receiving end of an unwanted sales pitch but it can also be uncomfortable when it comes time for you to make a pitch… gatta pay those bills right?

    Today’s guest here is to take the pressure out of sales and build a sales process that converts consistently without feeling salesy. Dr. Nadia Brown is a sales strategist, consultant, trainer, and founder of The Doyenne Agency. She works with business owners, companies, and corporations sales teams using the Consistent Sales Method™ and is the author of the book Selling Like a Lady: Courage Diary book.

    She brings over fifteen years of leadership experience helping people achieve their goals while respecting people and our relationships with them. Dr. Nadia’s clients have seen real results and I am so excited to dig into this conversation with her. Because guess what, You can be in business and make money in a way that respects people and your relationships with them. What Dr Nadia has to say might surprise you and in the very least, it will leave you feeling a lot less icky about selling.

    Are you ready?

    In this episode, Dr. Nadia talks about:

    How a love/hate relationship with sales inspired her to find a new way to sell and build her business. 2:30How we can sell without feeling “icky” about it. 4:59How to build a sales process that converts consistently. 9:02What it looks like to nurture somebody who may become your customer in the future and build a pipeline. 11:09Getting started and scoring your leads. 12:56Qualifying leads, why quality is better than quantity. 14:52Dealing with objections and why you don't need to overcome them. 20:59How to help someone believe your product is worth it and see the value that you offer. 24:03The number one secret to relationship driven sales. 27:15Overcoming your fear of "selling". 31:05Prioritizing activities that promote you offer. 32:48Dr. Nadia Brown’s book: Selling like a Lady and her fabulous free resource. 34:25

    Commit to taking imperfect action, it won't be perfect, just do it. Just take the action.Dr. Nadia Brown

    I feel significantly less icky about sales after this conversation with Dr. Nadia. It really is about building and nurturing a genuine relationship with your customer. It is totally okay that your product or service isn’t for everyone so count those unsubscribes as a blessing that you can now focus your valuable attention on those who get the most value from your offer. Investing in a relationship is never a waste of time.

    Most people don’t get married on the first date and I hope this chat with Dr. Nadine helps you feel more confident on your “first date” with a potential customer. Maybe that person will like you so much that they are willing to go on another date, and another, and another… you get the point. 

    Until next time, Workshop Warrior!

    Connect with Dr. Nadia

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheDrNadia/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drnadia/

    Website: https://thedoyenneagency.com/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DoyenneLeadership1

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Courageous Conversations That Convert Checklist

    Selling Like a Lady - Dr. Nadia Brown

    A note from our sponsors:

    So you bought a fancy camera or you're thinking about buying one because it's clear to you that there is no shortage of beautiful moments or things in your life that you'd like to capture beautifully, but the record scratches because all the dials and buttons and settings are standing between you and your life in stunning photos. Well, my friend I have just the fix the Ultimate Photography Starter Kit. This free resource includes a recommended equipment list, quick start checklist, an

    • 41 min
    063: This One Thing is Your Real Life Superpower

    063: This One Thing is Your Real Life Superpower

    With Doris Fullgrabe

    Do you know your personality type?

    The internet is full of personality tests of all types. Knowing your personality type is more than just fun, it can be incredibly useful in your everyday life and business. Understanding why you behave and think the way you do will help you optimize your own productivity and effectiveness.

    Today's guest, Doris Fullgrabe, is a Myers-Briggs®Master Practitioner, an accredited coach, and licensed to facilitate a number of other psychological type models. After 10 years in leadership development and preparing expat couples for their international assignments, she now works with individuals, business owners, and couples who want to feel more connected to themselves and each other. 

    I love personality tests and I can’t wait to dig into this fun and interesting topic with Doris to learn how to make your personality work for you.

    In this episode, Doris talks about:

    How Doris came to be a Myers-Briggs master practitioner. 2:19An introduction to personality foundations - what are they and how they can help you as an entrepreneur. 3:53How understanding your personality type can be used as a tool to help your clients. 6:16Different personality tests and their scope, why Myers Briggs is different. 8:54Demystifying personality type acronyms. 14:25Changes in personality and developing as a well rounded person. 16:54Societal expectations and how they shape our perceptions of ourselves... and why they are often wrong. 21:45Digging deeper - Questions that entrepreneurs can ask themselves. 25:01Outline of Myers-Briggs personality types and key entrepreneurial traits. 34:15Personality types and trails. 36:24Recognizing personality based stress triggers and tips on dealing with them. 43:03

    You already know what's right for you. Honor your preferences. You're in business for yourself because you want to do it your way. So don't get distracted by how other people do. There's, I think it was Roosevelt who said, comparison is the thief of joy. So go with your energy because life is hard enough right now, do the stuff that you like, Know thyself, love thyself, and the rest is gravy.Doris Fullgrabe

    I have the tab open right now to sign up for Doris’s course and I have her free resource bookmarked. I am totally going to take her up on that discovery call too!

    I love how she approaches this topic like your personality is your superpower that can be used to our advantage. Her tips are practical and you can implement them today and see a real difference in your personal and professional life.

    Knowing yourself intimately and using that knowledge to leverage your strengths will help you honor your preferences which is the whole reason you became an entrepreneur...right?

    I hope that you enjoyed this episode, thank you so much for joining us today, and until next week workshop warriors, let that personality of yours shine so bright you’ll need UV protection. Ok. That was lame. Until next week my friend.

    Connect with Doris:

    Coaching - www.dorisfullgrabe.com

    Couples Premarital Prep - www.yourloveprofiles.com

    Mentioned in this episode:


    Personality Type Self Discovery - Find Your Best Fit Pattern

    Youtube - Self Discovery Best Fit Mindset

    Who Are You at Your Core Quiz

    A note from our sponsors:

    So you bought a fancy camera or you're thinking about buying one because it's clear to you that there is no shortage of beautiful moments or things in your life that you'd like to capture beautifully, but the record scratches because all the dials and buttons and settings are standing between you and your life in stunning photos. Well, my friend I have just the fix the Ultimate Photography Starter Kit. This free resource includes a recommended equipment list, quick start checklist, and a beginner's guide to creating natural poses and candid moments to give you the confidence you need to dust off that fancy camera and start doc

    • 51 min

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horsespoodles ,

Just so needed

So many great morsels to mull over. Let’s be the change.

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