The Youth Ministry Mindset Podcast

Youth Ministry Mindset
The Youth Ministry Mindset Podcast

A limited series with voices from Alpha and YDisciple that explores what youth ministry in the church has been like during COVID and what needs changing. Hosts Joshua Danis, Annie Grandell, and Jordan Biere look at past failures and look forward to ways we can make a space for what youth need.


  1. 05/31/2021

    Ep. 8 - Putting It All Together

    In Episode 8 of The Youth Ministry Mindset Podcast, a limited series with voices from Alpha and YDisciple, Joshua, Annie, and Jordan discuss the possibilities and practicals of implementing a transformational ministry. Join us as we continue the conversation on youth ministry in a post-COVID world. SHOWNOTES Introduction: What could transformational ministry look like Do not change what we teach; change how we teach it Need to learn to extend grace and teach others to   -Create a place of invitation and relationship Transformation = slow Success isn’t a breakthrough; it’s them coming back Can use programs and not see it go anyway   -It's the person and the culture that matters Alpha and YDisciple working together   -Need an encounter first that leads to evangelization   -Discipleship isn’t linear; it’s circular There are more questions than answers   -All work together to find answers   -Be Spirit-led What is the most important point to communicate?   -Start small, don't stay small   -Discern where the Lord is calling you to transform   -Be hopeful   -What you do matters   -Lean into reliance on the Holy Spirit; that will be the beginning REFERENCES Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by  Dr. Carol S. Dweck “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind” Romans 12:2 Saul becoming Paul - Acts 9 The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller PULL QUOTES 9:28 “Transformation is slow, and it's a gradual process that we don’t even see happening in the moment.” 12: 02 “There are no silver bullets.” 18:30 “Disciples start to desire to make other disciples.” HOSTS: Joshua Danis Annie Grandell Jordan Biere --------------------

    30 min
  2. 05/24/2021

    Ep. 7 - Content is Not King (with Jim Beckman)

    In Episode 7 of The Youth Ministry Mindset Podcast, a limited series with voices from Alpha and YDisciple, Joshua, Annie, and Jordan bring Jim Beckman, the founding architect of YDisciple, into the discussion on the relationship between content and the culture of youth ministry. Join us as we continue the conversation about how youth ministry could look in a post-COVID world. SHOWNOTES Introduction: Content is not king The role of content and what it does and doesn’t accomplish Content is the vehicle, but it is not primary Culture we need to cultivate that creates a space   -Jesus is king; the content leads to that truth Jim Beckman, currently works for the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, has been in youth ministry for many years and is the founding architect of YDisciple It’s all about introducing them to Jesus, who is with them their whole life   -If this doesn’t go into the rest of the kid’s life, then what’s the point? The culture is a tsunami of opposition Need to think of the context of where the youth are coming from Content is critical   -Need marriage between sharing content of faith and the lived relationship GenZ is ready to stand up for the Kingdom, but they don’t know the King Need to pay attention to spiritual and physical reality Peel back layers and show Truth that is hidden   -Reveal identity to young people Fundamental groups of discipleship are found in small groups   -Need to provide content, but cultivate with appropriate intimacy   -Be willing to enter into real relationship If you want to be good at this, get close to Jesus Key Takeaways   -It’s all about creating a space for relationships   -Be in love with Jesus, and ministry will come from the overflow   -Disciple-making is about the people, not the program   -Given the freedom to start again fresh   -Content is a means to the relationship with Jesus REFERENCES Franciscan University of Stubeunville Young Servant with Elisha - 2 Kings 6:17-20 The Lost Art of Disciple Making by LeRoy Elms PULL QUOTES 3:40 “If the point of all of this is for young people to know and love Jesus, well you can’t love what you don’t know.” 13:35 “The landscape has changed so dramatically just in the last two years –this may be controversial– but I would actually venture that youth ministry as we know it is over.” 23:40 “Fundamentally, we have a sacramental reality that is lost on the vast majority of people.” 31:57 “Once they realize that you really love them, you just can’t get rid of them” Hosts: Joshua Danis Annie Grandell Jordan Biere --------------------

    40 min
  3. 05/17/2021

    Ep. 6 - Empowering Young People

    In Episode 6 of The Youth Ministry Mindset Podcast, a limited series with voices from Alpha and YDisciple, Joshua, Annie, and Jordan discuss practicals of reproducing a transformational youth ministry that empowers young people. Join us as we continue the conversation on youth ministry in a post-COVID world. SHOWNOTES Give leadership roles that give youth the ability to be part of the ministry   -Caused their faith to deepen by answering questions and seeing peers grow How do you do that? M.A.W.L.   -Model - what does it look like to be a leader in a community?   -Assist - be near and help the youth as you go   -Watch - watch them, but they lead everything   -Launch - “you got this;” affirm them Discipleship is like an apprenticeship, not a program Need to walk with them, nurture the gifts Invite young people to go with other parish groups   -Give the youth opportunities to integrate into the parish   -Ask other staff how the youth can help their mission Don’t put on a show; it’s a process they are part of   -They build the thing they are benefiting from   -Let them take ownership of the content, give options When young people encounter Jesus, they share that We need people who will give tools to have conversations and love well Key takeaway of how to empower the youth   -Get out of the way and don’t take control   -Your failure isn’t a failure   -Need to launch disciples   -Find other youth ministers and do it with them REFERENCES Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis The Woman at the Well - John 4:4 PULL QUOTES 7:50 “It’s important that we don’t think ‘Oh this is how we reproduce ourselves a million times over, so I don’t have to do anything.’ No, you are doing the work of being a discipler, and you’re integrating them to do something with you.” 12:09 “They are looking for things to integrate themselves into, and we just have to create those opportunities, and we can’t replicate jobs cause they are going to know when a job is hollow.” 31:14 “If you want to see young people who are alive in Christ, then find young people who are activated in Christ.” HOSTS Joshua Danis Annie Grandell Jordan Biere --------------------

    38 min
  4. 05/10/2021

    Ep. 05 - Empowering Adults

    In Episode 5 of The Youth Ministry Mindset Podcast, a limited series with voices from Alpha and YDisciple, Joshua, Annie, and Jordan talk about how to empower volunteers to become leaders and create a successful ministry. Join us as we continue the conversation on youth ministry in a post-COVID world. SHOWNOTES Introduction: Reproducibility and Empowering adults It can be easy to make the youth group around the youth minister’s talent Empower adults to be a part of the ministry   -Create a culture of known, seen, loved Qualities in a leader   -Relational intelligence - anyone who has a heart for young people   -Spiritual velocity - passionately in love with Jesus and following Him every day   -Teachability - not stuck to the old way Know what to look for, but where do I find them?   -Best leaders recruit other leaders   -Create community and invite their community into the mission   -Ask parents who they want to mentor their children   -Ask students who's already influencing them Need to change that 18 months is the standard career for a youth minister   -Takes 3 years to start a successful youth ministry that empowers the parish   -Observe and build trust in community Multiple leaders and help continue to form them Need consistency - try to have two group leaders Might need to redirect some leaders to another ministry they will thrive in   -Follow up afterward Change the language to change the culture Advice to volunteers   -Do for a few what you wish you could do everyone   -You are necessary   -To make disciples, you need to be a disciple - Daily prayer life REFERENCES Ali Hoffman - The Lost Art of Disciple Making by LeRoy Elms World Youth Day - a worldwide encounter with the Pope for youth ages 16-35 to encounter Christ, celebrated in a different country about every three years. PULL QUOTES 4:45 “As the ministry grows, it needs to feel smaller.” 13:11 “We as the whole church have a responsibility to anchor with them and to assist them in lifelong transition.” 25:25 “The best leaders out there, the ones who are most attractive to be employed, are the ones who actually replace themselves really well.” LINKS Alpha: YDisciple: NET Ministries:

    40 min
  5. 05/03/2021

    Ep. 04 - Gen Z and the Holy Spirit (with Sarah Kaczmarek)

    In Episode 4 of The Youth Ministry Mindset Podcast, a limited series with voices from Alpha and YDisciple, Joshua, Annie, and Jordan discuss successes, failures, and the importance of relying on the Holy Spirit in ministry with guest Sarah Kaczmarek, Director of Pastoral Ministry at Encounter Ministries. Join us as we continue the conversation on what to bring into youth ministry in a post-COVID world. SHOWNOTES Introduction: Reliance on the Holy Spirit Important to experience the power Start with what reliance is not   -Not emotional manipulation; needs to be authentic   -Not a watering down, there needs to be an experience   -Not an excuse to “wing it”. Necessary for the moment, but not for long term planning Speaking with guest Sarah Kaczmarek, former Associate Director of Alpha Catholic and now works with Encounter Ministries, about what reliance on the Holy Spirit is   -Taught about God, but never given an interactive relationship   -Encounters bring about transformation How do we create this space?   -Obstacles      +If we haven’t had an encounter with Him, then we can’t lead others. Need to have the belief that God will show up      +We want to control because we are human   -We need to pray   -We need to wait in silence   -Always be looking for a moment and be obedient Asking for the Holy Spirit to come is part of our tradition, but not part of our culture. Ask for God to show up, just like He promises in the Scriptures Important to start with personal encounters and then look at why the ministry exists, and then pray. Just show up and God will show up and amazing things will happen Takeaways   -Having confidence: ask the Holy Spirit to show up and He will   -The Holy Spirit is moving, regardless of what we see or what the youth see   -Felt nervous, but she created the space and impacted the youth and the parents Create a space for yourself, then invite the youth into that space. REFERENCES “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you” - St. Augustine iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy--and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood--and What That Means for the Rest of Us by Jean M. Twenge We all have experience of this moment, in which it is no longer enough to talk about Jesus by repeating what others say. It is necessary to say what you think, and not to report an opinion; it is necessary to give a witness, to feel committed by the testimony given and to go up to the extreme demands of this commitment.” - St. John Paul II, Homily for Young People and Students, Belo Horizonte (Brazil), 1 July 1980 PULL QUOTES 8:15 “We do not hype the Holy Spirit up, the Holy Spirit comes down.” 23:54 “[The Holy Spirit] doesn’t need all the bells, the whistles, the fog, whatever it is we think that the Holy Spirit needs to show up. We just need to ask and then get out of the way.” 29:53 “I want to do just enough to set the table, to make sure everything is prepared as the Lord has led me to, and then invite the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings to sit down and have a conversation with their sons and daughters.” 37:38 “We know God is good theologically, but we’re creating space for His Goodness to come through and that’s reliance on the Holy Spirit.”

    41 min
  6. 04/30/2021

    Ep. 03 - BONUS CONTENT (with Jason Ballard & Ben Woodman)

    In this special bonus episode of The Youth Ministry Mindset Podcast, a limited series with voices from Alpha and YDisciple, Joshua, Annie, and Jordan continue talking with Jason Ballard and Ben Woodman about creating successful small groups. Join us as we continue the conversation on what youth ministry could look like in a post-COVID world. SHOWNOTES Small groups are key but can be difficult   -Pause along the way for discussion   -Give opportunity for different points of view Use the tool to start and continue the conversation Not everyone can give talks, but everyone can ask what people think Train the youth to lead   -Ownership in students   -Create teamwork   -Raise leaders Goal to evangelize through empowering others   -Learn to ask questions they encounter outside the classroom Jesus sends out disciples but is still with them through the Holy Spirit   -Being invited into the mission deepens our faith   -Church today needs to still participate in that mission REFERENCES The Great Commission - Matthew 28:16-20 PULL QUOTES 6:55 “All of a sudden we are raising leaders and not just consumers, and that is when this thing goes viral, and when I say this thing I’m talking about the Christian movement, is when people are owners of this.” LINKS Alpha: YDisciple: NET Ministries:

    13 min
  7. 04/26/2021

    Ep. 03 - Listening to Gen Z (with Jason Ballard & Ben Woodman)

    In Episode 3 of The Youth Ministry Mindset Podcast, Joshua, Annie, and Jordan look at how to use active listening as a tool for evangelizing young people. Jason Ballard and Ben Woodman, hosts of the Alpha Youth Series, share and discuss the ways listening becomes an invitation. Join us as we continue the conversation on what youth ministry could look like in a post-COVID world. SHOWNOTES Introduction: Listening is the most important skill   -We are taught to speak, but not how to listen   -We need to develop a culture of listening so young people feel heard and loved   -When a young person comes with a question, we go into apologetics mode or make it about what we have been through Jason & Ben, who pioneered Alpha Youth, centered it around listening to Gen Z   -Don't answer the questions, host the conversation It is freeing for adults to not need the answers and for the youth to hear other youths' answers. Invite youth to become owners of the ideas and let them set the culture. Don’t just do the pretense of active listening (e.g., eye contact), listen   -People open up only after being shown respect Power of ownership   -Invite youth into the process: “What topic do you want to talk about next?” Listening based on discussion-based programs   -Find out what they actually believe   -Realize the diversity of the group   -Not everyone is at the same spot in the journey, becomes more personal Youth might share how they feel, testing to see if it is actually safe to share   -Opening for other youth to create and join the discussion   -Can lead to them sharing why they believe what they believe When looking for an opportunity to share about the faith, just take an interest in who they are What would you tell volunteers:   -Create a place that is robust enough to handle the big questions without fear; then the faith becomes more robust for them personally   -Dream big, but think small: Have big ideas, but think of names and real people      +Build mutual respect, bring doubts and questions, be that listening friend      +Relational dynamic - How are you making space and time for them to open up?   -Pull students together on Zoom: Do you feel like youth ministry is a safe place to ask questions? How could we do that?   -The program reveals the values. How much time is devoted to the values your program wants to embody? Takeaways   -It's not about the tools; they just give the space for ownership.   -Listening is cooperating with the work of the Holy Spirit, and we are changed ourselves   -Five questions to ask in response:   +What did you do in that situation/with that?   +What did you say when that happened?   +What do you think about that?   +How did you feel?   +Tell me more/Can you tell me more? REFERENCES 1. Caring Enough to Hear and Be Heard: How to Hear and How to Be Heard in Equal Communication by David Augsburger 2. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey 3. The Quest Video Session - Pull Quotes: 1:30 "Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable." 3:54 "We need to be a people who are interested, and not interesting" 13:08 "Evangelism is joining in on a conversation that the Holy Spirit is already having with someone." 27:25 "Sometimes people just need to feel listened to before they listen to you."

    42 min
  8. 04/19/2021

    Ep. 02 - Understanding Gen Z (with Katie Prejean McGrady)

    In Episode 2 of The Youth Ministry Mindset Podcast, a limited series with voices from Alpha and YDisciple, Joshua, Annie, and Jordan continue to discuss how to move from transactional to transformational ministry. Katie Prejean McGrady weighs in with insights into how Gen Z thinks and ways to reach them in a digital world. Join us as we continue the conversation on what youth ministers can do moving into a post-COVID world.   SHOWNOTES Introductions      -Culture matters more than content. COVID presented us with a new opportunity to reshape the culture of youth ministry in the Church What makes Gen Z tick? 3 different sections of Gen Z: Older and in college, younger and in middle school, & high schoolers   -They need affirmation and find it in phones/dopamine from social media   -Are black and white on issues, “the wokest generation” - we can learn from them   -Misunderstood generation   -Looking for an authentic connection. The digital world is the real world now. Dialogue and conversation are happening. We cannot write off phone usage How do we reach Gen Z?   -Don't just occupy digital spaces   -Try to draw them away into real life and give them the break we know they need. Done out of love, not judgment   -Creating connection by seeing them and speaking to them as an individual   -Grow in empathy for Gen Z. What are their daily struggles that we may not know? They feel isolated. They are looking for relationships to thrive   -They want a church that speaks love and truth but not in an accusing way -See their struggles, reference their social media post. Offer to pray and give resources. Enter into digital space, then pull them out. We can be the one who tells them they are not alone What you would tell volunteers  -First, establish trust. “What did you watch on Netflix” want relationship    -Want substance. Not afraid to go deeper. Love them as you go there Both/and: Be compassionate but don’t sacrifice truth. The “how” matters Need to draw them into a space outside the digital world where they know they are known and loved We have to listen to people over data, not data over people. Have to be students of this generation Have this conversation with Gen Z, not just youth ministers. The internet is not the enemy. Find appropriate ways to use social media as the avenue to begin relationships Put ourselves in the shoes of young people REFERENCES Understanding and Ministering to Millenials and Gen Z by Katie Prejean McGrady PULL QUOTES 9:23 “We don’t need to just occupy those spaces and shove Jesus stuff in their face there...try to draw them away for some respite.” 15:33 “We are not always on offense. Sometimes we are on defense. And defense doesn’t mean we just roll over and let this kid walk away. It just means that I need to find another way to connect with them. 19:32 “They want a church that speaks love and truth.., but doesn’t do it in an accusatory or attacking kind of way.” 21:13 “I think that is very true of a lot of Gen Zers. They just need somebody to listen to them and process.” 26:53 "A young person wants to know that you see them and love them before they know that you know anything practical about the Church.

    35 min
  9. Ep. 01 - The Upside of the Downside


    Ep. 01 - The Upside of the Downside

    The first episode of The Youth Ministry Mindset Podcast, a limited series with voices from Alpha and YDisciple. Joshua, Annie, and Jordan dive into what youth ministry in the church has been like during COVID and changes that need to be made. Join us as we start the conversation of what youth ministers can do moving into a post-COVID world. We'll look at past failures and look forward to ways to make a space for what our young people need and how to make our ministries more effective. SHOWNOTES Introductions Culture matters more than content COVID took away the games we were clinging to   - What are the core values of a thriving ministry?   - Clinging to youth ministry models that are ineffective Tsunami   - Reveals the bedrock/problems for miles before waves/grace come crashing in   - Gen Z seeking the truth and being that crashing wave Transactional to transformational ministry   - Confirmation prep - viewed as a cause of stress & just checking the boxes   - Missing the grace - the point is to create room for the Holy Spirit   - People come with a transactional mindset   - Need to engage in meaningful relationships   - Opportunity to meet Jesus, have a relationship with Him, and know that they are accepted in the Church 4 lenses for looking at youth ministry:   - Real      + Welcome real doubts, questions, statements      + Meet the real person of Jesus      + “Authentic” - Gen Z buzzword      + Small group - with the objective of engaging in conversation and be heard      + How can we invite and challenge people to be real with us? How can we make a space for that in the Church? How can we be real with them?   - Relational      + Concept for a long time, but needs renewal      + Youth need 5 adults to stay in the Church - so we need the whole Church      + Youth asking if they belong in the Church      + What would it look like to turnup the dial on the relational part of our ministry? What can we do to make that a reality? What impact would it have?   - Reliant      + Relying on the Holy Spirit      + Create space, do our job, but trust the Holy Spirit to do his part   - Reproducible      + Work ourselves out of a job      + Create space for young people to engage/participate in ministry      + Need to reproduce youth ministers/more volunteers      + Give opportunities to others 2021 is the new era of youth ministry Many guests will join over this series REFERENCES 1. “The typical expression of opening Friendship would be something like, ‘What? You too? I thought I was the only one.’" -C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves 2. The most dangerous phrase in the language is ‘we’ve always done it this way.’ -Grace Hopper 3. “It’s not doubt that is toxic to faith, it’s silence’ -Kara Powell 4. “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” -1Corinthians 11:1 5. Parable of the Talents -Matthew 25:14-30 PULL QUOTES 10:30 “It wasn’t really working before, and we knew it, but the change was scary.” 20:10 “They don’t care that we know until they know that we care.”

    33 min

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A limited series with voices from Alpha and YDisciple that explores what youth ministry in the church has been like during COVID and what needs changing. Hosts Joshua Danis, Annie Grandell, and Jordan Biere look at past failures and look forward to ways we can make a space for what youth need.

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