1 hr 2 min

Third Grader Trains Her Dog Talking with the dogs!

    • Pets & Animals

Third Grader Daphne and her special rescue terrier Hazel join host Liz Murdoch to talk about mastering dog training, walks, crates and potty training a dog. Liz shares the messages she intuitively receives from Hazel, getting a sense of Hazel’s excitement for adventurous walks and how she gets so excited about seeing everything she forgets to go to the bathroom, leading to unwanted accidents in the house. Daphne and Liz discuss solutions with Hazel and come up with some plans that will hopefully work for everyone!

Third Grader Daphne and her special rescue terrier Hazel join host Liz Murdoch to talk about mastering dog training, walks, crates and potty training a dog. Liz shares the messages she intuitively receives from Hazel, getting a sense of Hazel’s excitement for adventurous walks and how she gets so excited about seeing everything she forgets to go to the bathroom, leading to unwanted accidents in the house. Daphne and Liz discuss solutions with Hazel and come up with some plans that will hopefully work for everyone!

1 hr 2 min