4 min

This Spells Relief Gibney Cares

    • Alternative Health

This Spells Relief

Take a few easy breaths and begin to notice it's easy, natural rhythm. When you're ready, softly send your head around for a few gentle circles one way and then the other just noticing the sensations - being mindful for any moments around that circle that might feel like they need some extra time, some extra stretch.  Feel free to stop and start as you journey along the circle inviting 'comfortable zone' stretches which utilize our breath to facilitate even a few millimeters of additional lengthening of our range of motion. When you feel ready to continue on, I invite you to place your thumbs at the base of your skull, one on either side of your spine. This practice could also be done utilizing tennis balls situated inside of a long sock while laying on the floor as well.  Press in for two breaths, release, and move an inch out towards your ears. Continue to repeat this process along the base of the skull until you’re about an inch away from your ears.  Let's try it two more times together.

Return to the starting position, this time try inching your thumbs down your neck until you reach your shoulders. Try a few more easy head circles and see if you notice some increased warmth, flexibility, reduced soreness or a lightness to your head and shoulders.  Try incorporating these practices as part of your routine in the shower each day.  It increases blood flow, helps to relieve tension in muscles that work so hard for us everyday, and can also be reminder that we can find some moments of relief, that things will change, and even when it may seem like there is so much out of our control right now, we can be reminded that we have agency in how we approach our care for ourselves and our care for others - millions of chances throughout the day to try to find and offer relief.

Take Care....

This Take Care Card was inspired by Kristy Kuhn.  Copyright @Gina Gibney Dance, Inc. All rights reserved.

This Spells Relief

Take a few easy breaths and begin to notice it's easy, natural rhythm. When you're ready, softly send your head around for a few gentle circles one way and then the other just noticing the sensations - being mindful for any moments around that circle that might feel like they need some extra time, some extra stretch.  Feel free to stop and start as you journey along the circle inviting 'comfortable zone' stretches which utilize our breath to facilitate even a few millimeters of additional lengthening of our range of motion. When you feel ready to continue on, I invite you to place your thumbs at the base of your skull, one on either side of your spine. This practice could also be done utilizing tennis balls situated inside of a long sock while laying on the floor as well.  Press in for two breaths, release, and move an inch out towards your ears. Continue to repeat this process along the base of the skull until you’re about an inch away from your ears.  Let's try it two more times together.

Return to the starting position, this time try inching your thumbs down your neck until you reach your shoulders. Try a few more easy head circles and see if you notice some increased warmth, flexibility, reduced soreness or a lightness to your head and shoulders.  Try incorporating these practices as part of your routine in the shower each day.  It increases blood flow, helps to relieve tension in muscles that work so hard for us everyday, and can also be reminder that we can find some moments of relief, that things will change, and even when it may seem like there is so much out of our control right now, we can be reminded that we have agency in how we approach our care for ourselves and our care for others - millions of chances throughout the day to try to find and offer relief.

Take Care....

This Take Care Card was inspired by Kristy Kuhn.  Copyright @Gina Gibney Dance, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 min