We’re online 🇫🇷 with Thomas Ybert, the co-founder of DNA Script, the leading biotech for DNA printing of oligos.
We talked about the commercialization of the first DNA printer. We also talked about company building at large and how to expand to the US successfully.
At just 30 years old, Thomas Ybert co-founded DNA Script in 2014 in Paris. Previously he worked in R&D at Sanofi before joining Total in the New Energies Division where he contributed to the bio jet-fuel project in collaboration with Amyris. It was here he developed his passion for manufacturing synthetic DNA which moved him from the world of academic research to a startup.
- From 3 nucleotides to being a cornerstone technology for precision medicine, my journey creating an Enzymatic DNA Synthesis technology and company: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/from-3-nucleotides-being-cornerstone-technology-precision-ybert-ykw3c?trackingId=HIpMVK4lTiOPcxcWeSsI4w%3D%3D&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_search_srp_all%3BIW0XygKqT4Wbnq6s0mNP7Q%3D%3D
- DNA Script to Unveil Industry’s Most Versatile On-site, On-Demand DNA Printer at the World’s Largest Synthetic Biology Conference: https://www.biospace.com/dna-script-to-unveil-industry-s-most-versatile-on-site-on-demand-dna-printer-at-the-world-s-largest-synthetic-biology-conference
- DNA Script Appoints Marc Montserrat as CEO to Drive Long-Term Commercial Growth for Groundbreaking Enzymatic DNA Synthesis Platform: https://www.dnascript.com/press-releases/dna-script-appoints-marc-montserrat-as-ceo-to-drive-long-term-commercial-growth-for-groundbreaking-enzymatic-dna-synthesis-platform/
- Towards Longer, Purer Oligonucleotides Thanks to Enzymatic DNA Synthesis: https://www.synbiobeta.com/read/towards-longer-purer-oligonucleotides-thanks-to-enzymatic-dna-synthesis
📜 TRANSCRIPT Read the full transcript here: https://flot.bio/episode/thomas-ybert-dna-script-dna-printing/
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🎙️ ABOUT FLOT.BIO Flot.bio is a show to watch the best Europeans in biotech to help you grow. Hosted by Philip Hemme. 20k monthly views. Free.
- [00:00:00] Intro
- [00:02:06] One decade after the inception of DNA Printing
- [00:12:35] The problem DNA printing is solving
- [00:22:44] Reaching €20M sales
- [00:25:09] Productizing a science breakthrough
- [00:32:49] Thomas Ybert's transition from CEO to CSO
- [00:39:53] Early US expansion for DNA Script
- [00:49:22] Next steps for DNA Script
- [00:51:18] Quickfire
- [00:57:50] Thanks for listening
- Show
- FrequencyUpdated Monthly
- PublishedFebruary 3, 2025 at 7:57 PM UTC
- Length59 min
- Episode27
- RatingClean