22 min

To B or not to B Corp Two in Twenty

    • Marketing

Kirsten Hastings, White Marble's Head of Content and Lisa Mattes Senior Marketing Executive at White Marble are joined by Lucy Ronan, Impact and Sustainability Manager at Octopus Group. With White Marble only recently achieving its B Corp certification and Octopus Group gearing up for recertification, in this podcast they delve into the reasons companies want to achieve B Corp certification, what the process is like and how it has shaped the companies.

Kirsten Hastings, White Marble's Head of Content and Lisa Mattes Senior Marketing Executive at White Marble are joined by Lucy Ronan, Impact and Sustainability Manager at Octopus Group. With White Marble only recently achieving its B Corp certification and Octopus Group gearing up for recertification, in this podcast they delve into the reasons companies want to achieve B Corp certification, what the process is like and how it has shaped the companies.

22 min