35 min

Tobias Schiffler on access to cancer care for people experiencing homelessness eClinicalMedicine in conversation with

    • Medicine

Tobias Schiffler, Medical University of Vienna, sits down with Ben Burwood, Senior Editor at eClinicalMedicine, to discuss the findings of the CANCERLESS project, which is looking to improve access to cancer care for people who have experienced homelessness.Read the full article:https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(23)00272-9/fulltext?dgcid=buzzsprout_icw_podcast_generic_eclinmContinue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...https://twitter.com/thelancethtt...

Tobias Schiffler, Medical University of Vienna, sits down with Ben Burwood, Senior Editor at eClinicalMedicine, to discuss the findings of the CANCERLESS project, which is looking to improve access to cancer care for people who have experienced homelessness.Read the full article:https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(23)00272-9/fulltext?dgcid=buzzsprout_icw_podcast_generic_eclinmContinue this conversation on social!Follow us today at...https://twitter.com/thelancethtt...

35 min