59 min

Fitness Business Growth Secrets--A Conversation with 3 of my Uber-Successful Mastermind Members| Ep. 190 Todd Durkin IMPACT Show

    • Self-Improvement

Man-o-man, do I love LIVE, IN-PERSON retreats! I recently had my first LIVE Mastermind Retreat of 2021, and it was awesome seeing 25 “Fire-Breathing Dragons” in person. The energy in the room was palpable. The retreat reminded me of Proverbs 27:17 “Iron Sharpens Iron”... Who Sharpens You? We cannot have in-person, LIVE events come back quick enough...can I get an AMEN on that?!
In today’s episode, I have 3 super-successful Mastermind members in attendance for the retreat talking Fitness Business Growth Secrets with me. Meet Amanda Mittleman, owner of Momentum Fitness (Huntington, Beach, CA; she’s been in my Mastermind program for over 10 years), along with Amber Kivett, owner of Kivett Kinetic Solutions (she just converted & expanded her barn on 300-acres in Indiana into a Fitness and Recovery studio to focus on healing & performance) and Brady Dale, owner of Fearless Fitness (Palmer, Alaska), who has grown astronomically in the last 15-months. 
In this episode, we have a conversation about their top Fitness Business Growth Secrets. Here are the questions I asked each of them:
- What is working really well in your business right now?
- What will you focus on in the next 6-12 months to capitalize on the opportunities that abound?
- As coaches, trainers, and life transformers, how do you keep your MIND RIGHT?
- What are you most excited about these days that you know is going to create great IMPACT to the world? 
Buckle up and get ready for some great wisdom shared in today’s episode. Regardless of whether you are in fitness or not, there are a lot of business lessons & wisdom to glean. My hope is that this episode motivates and inspires you to Get Your Mind Right and “Do Better.”
If you love the episode, please make sure you share it with your friends, co-workers, and family, or share it on your social media. 
Please tag me and our guests so we can reciprocate some love! 
IG/Twitter: @ToddDurkin @amandamittleman @kivettkineticsolutions @bradydale34
Facebook: @ToddDurkinFQ10
#ToddDurkin #IMPACTShow190 #IronSharpensIron
Please keep your questions coming so I can highlight you on the podcast!!
If you have a burning question and want to be featured on the IMPACT show, go to www.todddurkin.com/podcast, fill out the form, and submit your questions! 
Ready to Attend a LIVE, IN-PERSON Retreat with Todd in July? (OPEN TO ALL PEOPLE Who Are Ready for more Energy, Inspiration, Clarity, Success, and Significance!!!)
Is that you? Todd will be hosting a small, intimate, 2-day Retreat in San Diego for just 20-people looking to create MAXIMUM IMPACT in their life immediately.
This Retreat is for anyone looking to get a major jolt of energy, inspiration, clarity, motivation, and LIFE breathed into them...and ready to JUMP to the next level of living. This Retreat is NOT just for fit-pros but ANYONE who desires more out of life. More success. More passion. More purpose. And more IMPACT.
We will train together. We will pray together. We will break bread and network together. And we will GO DEEP on all facets of life. 2-days of complete immersion in greatness from sun-up to sun-down. 
If you are interested and want details on the Retreat in July, simply email Todd at durkin@fitnessquest10.com and say, “TD, I want IN on the Retreat. 
He will reply back ASAP with all details.
Iron Sharpens Iron… Who Sharpens You? JOIN THE Todd Durkin MASTERMIND TODAY and GET SHARPENED immediately (for Fit-Pros Only)
You are only as good as the people you surround yourself with. Level up today with my “Best in Class” MASTERMIND program for fitness professionals. I invite you to connect, share, and grow with the top coaches, trainers, and entrepreneurs in the fitness industry. The Todd Durkin MASTERMIND is for passionate and purpose-driven fitness professionals who want to create success & significance in their personal a

Man-o-man, do I love LIVE, IN-PERSON retreats! I recently had my first LIVE Mastermind Retreat of 2021, and it was awesome seeing 25 “Fire-Breathing Dragons” in person. The energy in the room was palpable. The retreat reminded me of Proverbs 27:17 “Iron Sharpens Iron”... Who Sharpens You? We cannot have in-person, LIVE events come back quick enough...can I get an AMEN on that?!
In today’s episode, I have 3 super-successful Mastermind members in attendance for the retreat talking Fitness Business Growth Secrets with me. Meet Amanda Mittleman, owner of Momentum Fitness (Huntington, Beach, CA; she’s been in my Mastermind program for over 10 years), along with Amber Kivett, owner of Kivett Kinetic Solutions (she just converted & expanded her barn on 300-acres in Indiana into a Fitness and Recovery studio to focus on healing & performance) and Brady Dale, owner of Fearless Fitness (Palmer, Alaska), who has grown astronomically in the last 15-months. 
In this episode, we have a conversation about their top Fitness Business Growth Secrets. Here are the questions I asked each of them:
- What is working really well in your business right now?
- What will you focus on in the next 6-12 months to capitalize on the opportunities that abound?
- As coaches, trainers, and life transformers, how do you keep your MIND RIGHT?
- What are you most excited about these days that you know is going to create great IMPACT to the world? 
Buckle up and get ready for some great wisdom shared in today’s episode. Regardless of whether you are in fitness or not, there are a lot of business lessons & wisdom to glean. My hope is that this episode motivates and inspires you to Get Your Mind Right and “Do Better.”
If you love the episode, please make sure you share it with your friends, co-workers, and family, or share it on your social media. 
Please tag me and our guests so we can reciprocate some love! 
IG/Twitter: @ToddDurkin @amandamittleman @kivettkineticsolutions @bradydale34
Facebook: @ToddDurkinFQ10
#ToddDurkin #IMPACTShow190 #IronSharpensIron
Please keep your questions coming so I can highlight you on the podcast!!
If you have a burning question and want to be featured on the IMPACT show, go to www.todddurkin.com/podcast, fill out the form, and submit your questions! 
Ready to Attend a LIVE, IN-PERSON Retreat with Todd in July? (OPEN TO ALL PEOPLE Who Are Ready for more Energy, Inspiration, Clarity, Success, and Significance!!!)
Is that you? Todd will be hosting a small, intimate, 2-day Retreat in San Diego for just 20-people looking to create MAXIMUM IMPACT in their life immediately.
This Retreat is for anyone looking to get a major jolt of energy, inspiration, clarity, motivation, and LIFE breathed into them...and ready to JUMP to the next level of living. This Retreat is NOT just for fit-pros but ANYONE who desires more out of life. More success. More passion. More purpose. And more IMPACT.
We will train together. We will pray together. We will break bread and network together. And we will GO DEEP on all facets of life. 2-days of complete immersion in greatness from sun-up to sun-down. 
If you are interested and want details on the Retreat in July, simply email Todd at durkin@fitnessquest10.com and say, “TD, I want IN on the Retreat. 
He will reply back ASAP with all details.
Iron Sharpens Iron… Who Sharpens You? JOIN THE Todd Durkin MASTERMIND TODAY and GET SHARPENED immediately (for Fit-Pros Only)
You are only as good as the people you surround yourself with. Level up today with my “Best in Class” MASTERMIND program for fitness professionals. I invite you to connect, share, and grow with the top coaches, trainers, and entrepreneurs in the fitness industry. The Todd Durkin MASTERMIND is for passionate and purpose-driven fitness professionals who want to create success & significance in their personal a

59 min