4 min

Toe Walking in Children - Is There Reason For Concern‪?‬ Pediatric Foot & Ankle

    • Parenting

Toe walking is a walking pattern in which the child walks on their toes or the balls of their feet and there’s no contact of the heel to the ground. For children 3 years and younger, toe walking is very common. However, for children ages 3 and up toe walking may be associated with a medical condition. Fortunately, over 90% of these cases can be treated with conservative treatment options.In this audio track, Dr. Jarman with Pediatric Foot & Ankle in Arizona, discusses toe walking in...

Toe walking is a walking pattern in which the child walks on their toes or the balls of their feet and there’s no contact of the heel to the ground. For children 3 years and younger, toe walking is very common. However, for children ages 3 and up toe walking may be associated with a medical condition. Fortunately, over 90% of these cases can be treated with conservative treatment options.In this audio track, Dr. Jarman with Pediatric Foot & Ankle in Arizona, discusses toe walking in...

4 min