Tony Funderburk the Voice of Rhyme and Reason

Tony Funderburk
Tony Funderburk the Voice of Rhyme and Reason Podcast

Tony Funderburk shares the power of God's love in each podcast episode. He’s the author and publisher of dozens of books for adults and kids. And he's a songwriter with hundreds of songs to his credit. Get some free songs and a book for kids when you become a FunderFan today.

  1. AUG 30

    Because of it a lotta people quit

    Nations and empires fall because of it. Governments become tyrannical and then crumble because of it. And families are torn to shreds because of it. And it’s something you can’t detect with your five senses. But you WILL still suffer because of it. And the “IT” I’m talking about is selfishness. The cruel selfishness that leads some people to want to steal, lie, cheat, and even murder other people. The bitter selfishness that fuels harsh words between members of a family. And even the fearful, hopeless selfishness that leads to suicide. You can’t control everyone, thank God. So, you can’t do anything about those first two kinds of selfishness. And you and I WILL suffer (in fact, we already suffer) from the side effects of what those people do. But you CAN do something about the fearful, hopeless selfishness. About 10 years ago I share three reasons to be drawn to life. I’ll share them again, here and now. * Your life is real. And it’s the only one you’re ever gonna get. You’re not living in a dream world. When you hear Christians talk about being reborn, they’re talking about your spirit. And your spirit is the only place where true and everlasting life can reside. Have you ever felt a pulling on you from within? It’s a sort of longing to know there’s more to life than what your five senses can tell you. Well, that’s your spirit’s sense of connection to your Creator. He put eternity in your heart. He IS life, and He wants you to be drawn to life. And it’s the kind that lasts forever. * Hope. Without it, you can easily become another sad statistic like the countless, nameless others. The living, loving God of the Bible wants you to know that you’re valuable to Him. And He also wants you to know that life in this current space/time continuum won’t last. Torment, torture, and tyrants will be done away with by the Prince of Peace. So, knowing that He’ll do this AND give you eternal life should provide you Hope. * Eternity is a long time. As I’ve mentioned many times, forever is forever. It isn’t the absence of time. That’s an impossible paradigm. It’s time without end. Time will go on and never, ever end. So, it’s important to give some thought and consideration to where you’ll be during that time. My Christian worldview says you can live forever in paradise with the one, true, living, loving God who created you. Sure, you can exist apart from Him (and therefore apart from life) forever somewhere else. Just know, it won’t be paradise. And it won’t be enjoyable. But the choice is yours. So, there are my three simple reasons to be drawn to life. And I mean the Life of God. You can live forever because of it. In case you’re on the fence about it, here are some lyrics to nudge you along. (hint: subscribe to the FunderCast and you can hear the song, too.) Drawn To You Maybe it’s Your grace.  I don’t know. It could be Your Word.  I’m not sure. But You have a way of refining my thoughts. Your Will is my strength. Your Will is my cure. Anytime it’s me making it up Show me I’m wrong to just forget You. You barely lift a finger, and You change my whole direction. What else can I say?  What more can I do? I’m drawn to You Like a June-bug to the light. I’m drawn to You Like a boxer to the fight. I’m drawn to You

    14 min
  2. AUG 25

    Master of the universe: one is better, one is worse

    It’s truly your lucky day! Because, even though I didn’t think I’d ever share this secret again, I’m gonna show you the main ingredients you need in order to be master of the universe. And despite what you might have thought, up until this moment… You are NOT already the master of the universe. But I’m here for you. You’re my digital neighbor. And the Bible says to love your neighbor as yourself. So, keep reading. And in almost no time at all your master of the universe status will change. Oh, and by the way, don’t let those scientists who say the universe is expanding throw you off course. It’s do-able if you have the right stuff and never give up. So, are you ready? Good, let’s get to it. First off, you gotta gather up the ingredients to get the universe going in the first place. And you’ll need a rough idea of how long your materials can last and what they’ll be made of. No worries. You can do all the calculations on the handy device of your choice. (note to self: build a master of the universe ingredients calculator app. money in the bank) So, go get yourself some awesome light sources, water, oxygen, and as many of the elements as you can. Remember, you’re gonna build the right kinds of planets, moons, suns, and other heavenly bodies to form a functioning and cohesive universe. This ain’t gonna be some lean-to chicken hut for crying out loud. And you don’t want it to just splatter all over the place. Right? OK, once you have all those ingredients, it’s a good time to pause, at least for a few minutes or so, to ponder your “end game.” And your end game has to be able to answer these two questions… * What’s your “why?” * Who’s your target audience? (or, in this case, who will be serving you?) Alright. Great! You’ve got the ingredients. And you’ve answered the two questions for your end game. I’m sure you’re probably like most people who want to be master of the universe. Your WHY is already answered in your goal. And your target audience is made up of the fairly intelligent creatures you’ll control. All those so-called “people” who’ll tend to the planets, moons, and stars so you can relax. So, it would probably be a good idea to take some of those ingredients you gathered up and see if you could stir them together and make some interactive beings. Personally I think this would be the hardest part of the whole thing. But maybe you’ve already got some good ideas on how you’ll do it. And once you have a couple of those “beings” formed, see if you can devise a way for them to procreate. You certainly don’t want to have to go make new ones every time you turn around or get bored. Am I right? And if they make new ones, that just means you’ll have even more of them to control. Win-Win OK, now you’ve got a bunch of  self-replicating creatures building stuff and working on “their own ideas.” So, move in and show them how it’s all done. After all, they wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for you. And they’ll probably just bend over backwards trying to find ways to thank you for controlling their lives. And that’s when you’ll have an irresistible urge to send me thank you gifts. Not necessary. Seriously. I’ve gotta be transparent and tell you something. For the vast majority of people I’ve shared al this information with, it all sounds like too much work. Yeah, I get it. If you’ve gotten this far, you might be at that crossroads, too. If so, there’s another option. You could just leave the whole universe in the hands of someone who ...

    11 min
  3. AUG 23

    Good for the environment statement didn’t make a dent

    I gotta share this story I just saw again today. Maybe you’ve seen some version of it. But it’s about what happened when a young cashier told an older woman “you should bring your grocery bags next time. Because plastic bags aren’t good for the environment.” And the older woman shared some actual good for the environment facts. Here’s the story version I saw: The  woman apologized, “We didn’t have this green thing back in my day.”  The young clerk said, “Your generation didn’t care enough to save the environment for future generations.” So, the woman gave him a firm stare and a hard grin and said… “Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles, and beer bottles. And the store sent them back to the plant to be washed sterilized and refilled. So they could use the same bottles over. They were recycled.  Grocery stores bagged our groceries in brown paper bags which we reused for numerous things. We walked upstairs because we didn’t have an escalator in every store and office building. And we walked to the grocery and didn’t climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks.  Back then, we washed the baby’s diapers. Because we didn’t have the throwaway kind. And we dried clothes on a line. Not in an energy-gobbling machine burning up 220 volts. Wind and solar power did dry our clothes back in our day. And kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters. Not always brand-new clothing.  Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house. Not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief. Not an energy draining screen the size of the state of Montana. In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand. Because we didn’t have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded-up old newspapers to cushion it. Not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. And back then, we didn’t fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working. So we didn’t need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity.  And we drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen. And we replaced the razor blades with a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull.  Back then, people took a bus and kids rode their bikes instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service. We had one electrical outlet in a room. Not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn’t need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 23,000 miles in space to find the nearest burger joint. But the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn’t have the green thing.” The cashier stood there still and quiet as the old lady found her wallet to pay. Then, the lady turned to leave. But she stepped back and turned toward the cashier. And she said “You have a world of knowledge in that little device in your hand. Pity you just use it to gossip, take pictures, and waste time. It would do you good to search a bit of history before you embarrass yourself like this again. I love that story. I don’t know if I’m as old as the old lady. But I can relate to every example she shared. And, in fact, I can remember living in a house where the cooking was done entirely with a wood-burning stove. For a long time there was an ice box instead of a refrigerator. And we ate food that came from a chicken, cow, pig, or garden just outside the farmhouse doors.

    9 min
  4. AUG 21

    Understatement of the year is maybe right here

    Sure, you could say Tino loves music. If you’re trying to win the “understatement of the year” contest, you could say that. Or another “understatement of the year” could be… “He’s no quitter.” Boy oh boy, is THAT putting it mildly. Because Tino’s efforts in the cutthroat music world were almost legendary. First, he got fed up with traditional gatekeepers who rejected his work. Next, he got sick of “all the fairness” as he called it. And, finally, he took matters into his own hands. He thought to himself, “Hey, why not use the power of the internet? It seems to be workin’ pretty well for some of those YouTubers and Instagramers.” So, he set up an independent music publishing label entirely online. He found an affordable hosting company, DreamHost, where he could serve up a user-friendly website. But he didn’t make it all about him and his music. Tino decided to make his platform a place where hard-working artists could upload their music and communicate directly with their fans. Plus, for a little extra, they could even manage their merchandise sales without the enormous fees that come with traditional labels. Yeah, that could go a long way toward beating that old-school music world. He understood you gotta make money or else it’s just a hobby. So, Tino set up a subscription-based model. For a small monthly fee, fans could subscribe to get exclusive access to new releases, behind-the-scenes content, and live-streamed studio sessions. And that move helped to provid a steady income for the artists. Plus, it helped them build a loyal fanbase willing to support their favorite musicians directly. Without label gatekeepers. Here’s another understatement of the year contender. Tino was an idea guy. Yeah, that’s serious tip-of-the-iceberg stuff right there. Because he used social media channels and digital marketing strategies to promote his artists. He knew how to create compelling content to showcase their unique stories. And built an even stronger connection with their fans and potential fans. And he made sure email marketing was a BIG part of the whole fan connection process. Should I share more of Tino’s world-beating story? How about I just tell you that he made great use of: * Streaming technology * Multiple payment gateways * SEO strategies Tino (and the other artists) loved how it didn’t feel like their pockets were being picked by promoters, publishers, and recording studios and labels anymore. And fans loved the much more direct connection they could make with their favorite singers and bands. In just a few years, Tino carved what looked like a permanent niche for himself in the music world. That’s right. He found that, with the right tools and strategies, artists could indeed beat the music world at its own game. Wow, his story reminds me of the 8th song on my Do Right collection. Beat The World. In fact, check out these lyrics (that Tino didn’t write). ~ Every time you turn your back There’s somebody there to pick your pockets. And so you see there’s more to life, More than love and rockets. ~ And then, there’s this verse: ~ Yeah…every time you make your mark There’s somebody there to erase it. And people say that’s just the way it is And boy you’d better face it. ~ Get the rest of the lyrics, and all the lyrics to ALL the songs when you get your own Do Right Songbook Journal. You’ll also get lots of pages where you can journal, take notes in church, or just doodle if you prefer. AND you can download ALL the songs (at no extra charge) from a s...

    8 min
  5. AUG 19

    Blue streak, take a peek, it’s unique

    The anchors, the weather and sports reporters, the investigative reporters, and the editorialists all talked a blue streak night after night. So, it was ironic when Theo felt something like the stroke of a paintbrush across his heart. Because it wasn’t the same feeling as a physical paintbrush stroke. It was more like a blue streak of cool light. And it happened as he listened to a late night, local talkshow host talk about something in the Bible. But the host didn’t sound like a preacher. He sounded more like a reporter who related current events to verses in the Bible. And every time he pointed out another truth, it tore away another layer of darkness from Theo’s eyes. The truth sort of pierced right into him like a needle in the hand of skilled nurse. No pain. So, night after night, Theo would tune in. And night after night he’d hear more truth that he hadn’t heard from churches and other religious organizations. Plus, the talk show host included hilarious entertainment by taking calls from people, all around the country, who disagreed with him. Theo noticed a pattern form. Many people from all around the country clearly despised the talk show host. And most of them could only express their contempt for him with insults and complaints. They refused to believe the words he read, directly from the Bible, were actually words in the Bible. Because, like me, they also hadn’t heard those messages in church. Or from any Christians they knew. So, Theo tuned in to the show, for months. He couldn’t find any points of contention or disagreement with the talk show host. And he enjoyed how the host ended his shows with “Do right. And risk the consequences.” Then, one day, after watching a particularly entertaining episode of the show, Theo’s brain lit up with some lyrics. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Theo’s an excellent songwriter. So, he wrote down the words, editing as he wrote (because that’s the best way). And he twiddled around with some chords and progressions as he ironed out the verses and chorus. I’ll bet you can see why his first line was… “There’s a blue streak like a paintbrush stroke through my heart.” Right? You picked up on that whole connection I’ll betcha. And I bet you get this next line, too. “It’s a cool light and it tears the darkness apart.” How about it? The lyrics make a lotta sense, since you read a little bit of the backstory. Can I get an Amen? So, any guesses on the next line? Try these next two lines: “I’m so near it; though it pierces me I don’t fear it. Like a needle; the Word sews into my spirit.” I don’t know about you, but that gave me goosebumps. OK, maybe little goslingbumps. But I really enjoy observing a maestro’s mind at work. Well, I’ve been writing up a blue streak about this story. So, I’m not gonna share the whole rest of the laborious and intense songwriting process with you. But you can rest assured, Theo included the line, “Do right and risk the consequences.” You know what you should Do Right now? Go get your own digital download of the Do Right Songbook Journal. And when you get your own copy, you’ll get all the lyrics to ALL the songs. Not just this Do Right song I wrote about. Plus, there are tons of pages where you can journal, take notes in church, or just doodle if you prefer. AND you can download ALL the songs (at no extra charge) from a secret (not secret) link in the book. Just go to the Rhyme and Reason Bookshop and get yours today. https://www.tonyfunderburk.

    9 min
  6. AUG 17

    Struck out, struck down, and washed up in this town

    You’ve heard how there was no joy in Mudville when Mighty Casey struck out. Well, I assume you’ve heard that or read it. And I know what happens when you assume. So, maybe I should have given a spoiler alert. But the poem first appeared back in 1888. So, for cryin’ out loud, if you haven’t read it or heard it by now, then shame on you. Anyway… Mighty Casey struck out. But that’s nothing compared to Wyler’s woes. I know you’ve never heard of Wyler James. And I’ll explain how I know that, shortly. Just know for now, that when it comes to someone who knows what it feels like to be struck out, you don’t have to look any further than Wyler. He started out on a what looked like a fast track to stardom. Because his first 3 songs were covered by some Nashville names big enough to make him a fair sum of money as it made them a lot more. So, that was mighty cool. And Wyler gained a considerable amount of recognition from his appearances in the Nashville venues that featured songwriters “in the round.” People just plain liked him. And they liked those first 3 hits, a trio of soulful love songs. But one gray day Wyler hit two metaphorical, but solid, stone walls that stalled out his career. First, the music industry moved into a time where his style of soulful love songs just were “not what the public wants to hear,” according to publishers, promoters, and radio execs. So, that was a pretty big slap. Because Wyler wasn’t a “viral hits” and “dance tracks” kind of songwriter they said they needed. But the other stone wall was where he really got the rug pulled out from under him. And that wall was Wyler’s worldview. Yeah, it’s safe to say he didn’t tow the creative community’s party line. Because Wyler not only considered himself a Christian AND a conservative. He actually voiced his opinion. A lot. GASP! Can you imagine? (Yeah, you probably can, right?) So… Former so-called “friends” faded into the background. Or should I say into the woodwork? And publishers, and other songwriters, treated him as persona non grata (that’s Italian for persona non grata). And I can tell you, from experience, a persona with non grata has a much harder time paying the bills. So, Wyler’s desk filled up with past-due bills. And he headed toward total bankruptcy. Because the memories of the days of radio hits, sold-out shows, and awards motivated him to stick with his true love. Music. And, in a world that increasingly doesn’t appreciate the Christian worldview, Wyler seemed to face impossible odds. But he wasn’t the kind of guy who bet the odds. And night after night he’d go to his guitar, strum and hum, and look for “that song.” The one his heart wanted to sing to (and FOR) everyone who faced seemingly impossible odds because they dared to speak their Christian faith. Finally, one night he found some chords and strums that fit just right with 4 lines of lyrics that kept popping into his brain. And he wrote… You say you’re feeling empty and it doesn’t go away. And you live for your tomorrow and suffer in today. You need to blow your trumpet to tear down all the walls And keep your heart wide open to hear God when He calls. Suddenly Wyler felt revived. And it was as if his soul filled up with renewed hope, love, and determination. Then, he set up his computer studio, positioned his mic, and recorded the whole song in only a couple of takes. He listened to the finished song about 10 times. And every time he heard it, he liked it more. Then, he got this crazy idea that he’d just skip the Nashville publishing, promoting scene. He’d just put his song directly in front of the fans he still had on hi...

    12 min
  7. AUG 16

    Here for you but what DID I do?

    OK kiddos from 3 to 103. I’ll just let you know, right up front, that I’m here for you. Because I know that you fit into one of these categories. You are the: * Cream of the crop * Top of the heap * Bee’s knees * Cat’s meow Best thing since sliced bread And maybe you’ve even come up with something else you think describes your effervescent and irresistible personality. If so, good for you. Or is it, good ON you these days? No matter. You know what you are. We’ll leave it at that. Just know I’m here for you. And I bet just knowing that relaxes you to your very soul. Right? Yeah, because until I popped into your email inbox, you were fretting about something. And you know what they say about fretting, don’t you? Well, I don’t know what they say. But I’m sure it isn’t complimentary or reassuring. Anyway… Back to why and how I’m here for you. I’m here for you because you need a break from the negativity, vulgarity, and instability of the news and the “newsmakers.” And you need a reason to smile, forget about who said what about whom, and just remember that God is gonna make everything beautiful, bright, and completely right again one fine day. I had some special words I wanted to share with you about that. But I seem to have misplaced them. I’ve searched under my computer. Down the side of my desk. And even under my cap. But the words appear to have vanished into thin air (because nothing vanishes into thick air). Well, there’s my quandary. My dilemma, plight, and predicament. So, I scratch my head and ask: Did I put the words in a bag With a tag that looks like a flag? Did I stick the words in a shoe Painted blue to make it look new? Did I hide the words in a drum Which, to some, could make me look dumb? Did I let the words out the door Where they’ll soar and come back no more? Did I leave the words in my head To be read by no one instead? Nope, I found the words in my eyes, So surprise! They’re here for you guys. © 2014 Tony Funderburk As always, thanks for joining me on another ride on the rails of Rhyme and Reason. Before you go, jump on the The FunderFlash. And join the growing band of believers who enjoy my books, daily rhymes, songs, and videos about the Rhyme and Reason and power of God’s love. Stay tuned…

    7 min
  8. AUG 13

    The goal, the prize, and where to point your eyes

    Kris and Themum woke up to a thunderstorm filled with bright flashes of lightning. Thank goodness they had taken extra time to secure their tents and position them for protection. Because the thunderstorm turned into what Uncle Paulo would describe as “a real frog drowner.” But they weren’t gonna let a little rain put a damper on reaching the goal for the day. Because the goal for the day was the ultimate hiker’s prize. The summit. The peak. A couple more vertical miles, and they’d see the tip-top of the goal they’d talked about for a long time. And they both thought about that as they fired up the little backpack grill to make breakfast and coffee. Neither one said anything. Kris had pointed out, before they even started their climb, that he wasn’t a morning talker. And Themum said he just wasn’t a morning person, period. So, that worked out. Even though it sounds funny to say it, they could just enjoy the mountain sounds in silence. After breakfast, and a jolt of adrenaline thanks to their Italian roast coffee, the guys gathered up their gear to get ready to press on. And as most climbers (the honest ones at least) might tell you, they didn’t even fully understand WHY they pressed on. Because the thin air increased the challenge with each step up in elevation. So, it wasn’t like it was just a walk in the park. But when set a goal, you gotta keep your eyes on the goal. Otherwise your mind, and aching muscles, can conjure up all kinds of reasons to turn back. And Kris and Themum certainly faced those distractions way up there above the tree line. But the awesome beauty of the summit, bathed in the orange-red-yellow glow of the morning sun, urged them forward. After a few more switchbacks, the trail turned considerably narrower. And rockier. As they approached a sharp turn, next to a wind-worn tree trunk, Themum felt a pebble in his hiking boot. So, he stopped to lean on the tree trunk for support and remove it. But just as he started to lift his foot to unlace the boot his other foot twisted slightly on another rock. And his hand slipped off the tree trunk. And he tumbled off the edge of the trail. Kris had just made the sharp turn when he looked back to see Themum disappear over the edge. And, as you can well imagine, he dashed back down the trail to where his friend had fallen out of sight. He was afraid of what he might find. Or not find. But he quickly calmed that fear with faith. “Themum!” he called out. And thankfully Themum replied, “I’m right down here. Good thing there was a shrub to break my fall. But it’s pretty small. And I don’t know if it can hold me for long.” So, Kris answered back, “OK, don’t worry. I’ll help you get back up here.” And with that promise, Kris quickly looked around for something to hand down to his friend. There wasn’t much to choose from. But he DID find one solid limb, about 4 feet long, that looked like it had fallen off that wind-worn tree. Then, he carefully approached the edge of the trail again. “Ok, buddy. I’m gonna hand you a branch to grab on to. Can you do that without falling?” he asked. Themum answered, “Yeah, I think so. But I think we’d better hurry. The roots of this shrub seem to be shifting around a little bit.” So, Kris grabbed on to another shrub with his left hand and lowered the branch down to his friend. And it was a good thing the branch was about 4 feet long. Because they needed every inch of it. “Now, we’ve gotta sync up just right, buddy,” Kris told Themum. “When I pull,

    10 min
out of 5
5 Ratings


Tony Funderburk shares the power of God's love in each podcast episode. He’s the author and publisher of dozens of books for adults and kids. And he's a songwriter with hundreds of songs to his credit. Get some free songs and a book for kids when you become a FunderFan today.

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