Total Wellness Empowerment with Nancy Guberti

Nancy A Guberti
Total Wellness Empowerment with Nancy Guberti

This podcast is all about empowering others take charge of their own health while gaining awareness, perhaps learning how to think out of the box and discover new ways to do that. Some episodes, I will be sharing the latest research, answering health questions while removing confusion. My special shows are the ones that I will highlight an amazing wellness warriors who took charge of their own health. The goal is to empower others looking for their health breakthrough on the path to optimal wellness.

  1. 09/25/2024

    Passion About Root Cause Care: A Journey of Healing

    The journey into root cause care has been deeply personal, one that saved my son’s life, transformed my family, and ultimately led me down roads less traveled. The destination? A place far beyond anything I could have ever imagined. At the time, I was entrenched in a high-paced career on the trading floor at Goldman Sachs when my youngest son, at just 18 months old, began developing severe food allergies and a troubling liver disorder. He was in a delicate state, and the future seemed uncertain. Despite seeking help from conventional doctors, I found myself more confused than ever, left with only medications and a "wait and see" approach—answers that simply weren’t enough for me. That’s when I decided to forge my own path, diving into research, going back to school to study the intricate workings of the human body, and learning about the delicate balance between mind, body, and nutrition. I began to understand how food plays a critical role in health, how imbalances could exacerbate issues, and how functional medicine lab testing could provide the answers conventional approaches couldn't. Armed with a fierce passion to heal my son, I immersed myself in the world of organic foods, cooking everything from scratch, cooking with glass pots, getting my son tested with an organic acid, comprehensive stool analysis and toxin tests, introducing nutraceuticals, and uncovering the mysteries of how various factors interconnect in our bodies. It was a journey born out of desperation, but one I’m incredibly grateful for. What I discovered transformed our lives in ways I could never have anticipated. It wasn’t just a road to recovery; it was a road to wellness—total wellness, of both mind and body. God’s grace was evident every step of the way. With knowledge, determination, and specialized labs in hand, I watched as a miracle unfolded for my son, who today runs marathons, strong and healthy. We are actually headed to the Berlin Marathon this week! I can’t help but marvel at what healing looks like, never daring to think what might have been if I hadn’t chosen the road less traveled. When my son got better, the financial industry offered several positions to return to, and I did return, but this time running a Corporate Wellness Program for their top executives as an outreach in my private practice. Today, functional medicine labs are the cornerstone of my approach to care, and the first step I take with anyone serious about their wellness journey. Depending on the individual's health concerns, I utilize a range of specialized tests to pinpoint underlying issues. Some of my favorite go-to tests include the Organic Acids Test, Gut Zoomer, Hormone Testing, Total Toxic Burden, and Food Sensitivity Complete. Honestly, I absolutely love the Gut Zoomer—it’s the most comprehensive stool test available and provides incredible insight into the gut microbiome and its vast impact on one’s wellness. The Total Toxic Burden test, which assesses exposure to PFAS, mycotoxins, and other environmental toxins, is equally phenomenal. I have been working with a law firm that specializes in mold toxicity in one’s home and we utilize the Mycotoxin test for his clients. These tests are essential tools, helping me identify the root causes of health issues and offering a guiding light toward healing. This journey led me to start a private practice over 24 years ago in Greenwich, CT, where I’ve had the honor of working with a vast range of individuals, all searching for their own paths to wellness. I approach each new story with humility and passion, partnering with my clients to uncover the root causes of their health challenges. Many of these individuals have become long-lasting clients and cherished friends. I’ve seen clients marry, start families and even work with three generations in several families. It has been the utmost honor to be a part of their lives and it all started from my son’s early life challenges.  As I reflect on this journey, I am deeply humbled by both the miracle of my son’s recovery and the countless transformations I’ve been privileged to witness in others. This is why I am passionate about root cause care—because I’ve seen firsthand the life-changing impact it can have.

    30 min
  2. 04/24/2024

    How Emotions Affect Your Organs

    What goes on in your mind has a profound effect on your body. Thoughts and emotions affect all organs, including the immune, nervous, hormonal, circulatory, and reproductive systems. Emotional wellness is a vital part of your health & total wellness. When our emotions become excessive or repressed for a long time, they negatively impact the energy flow through our meridians. Your Heart and Your Emotions The heart pumps blood to nourish the cells but can get weakened due to anxiety and stress. Anxiety can affect the heart’s normal functioning, raising your blood pressure and white blood cell count and increasing blood sugar through the action of adrenalin. Stress affects circulation, the heart, and the nervous system. In early Western medicine, doctors already believed emotions caused diseases. A powerful mind-body connection through which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and behavioral factors can directly affect our health. Living with fear often leads to depression and negatively impacts health. Learning to unwind before bed and nourishing a grateful heart with optimistic thinking by writing in a gratitude journal is good for your health. Connecting Emotions and Wellness The connection between emotions and the human body has been a core topic throughout the history of science. Research indicates there are close relationships between emotions and bodily reactions during the formation of mental experiences. Physiological responses, such as cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, skeletomuscular, and autonomic nervous systems, trigger emotional experiences. Now, we understand that direct and instantaneous interactions within the body allow an emotion to be a mental recognition and a feeling within the body. The mind and body are within a unified framework. Different functions and components of the bodily system are related to corresponding categorical emotions. A 2017 research on “Understanding Mind-Body Interaction from the Perspective of East Asian Medicine” analyzed relationships between the visceral system and emotions according to the principles of East Asian medicine. The research concluded the following: -anger was related to the liver, -happiness to the heart, -thoughtfulness to the heart and spleen, -sadness to the heart and lungs, -fear to the kidneys, heart, liver, and gallbladder, -surprise to the heart and gallbladder, and -anxiety to the heart and the lungs. The research also demonstrated that specific patterns existed between the visceral system and corresponding emotions, which suggests that each emotion is primarily associated with a connected body system and corresponds to the principles of East Asian medicine. For example, the DongUiBoGam, the Korean book compiled by the royal physician Heo Jun and was first published in 1613, states the following: “The liver is in charge of anger, the heart is in charge of happiness, the spleen is in charge of thoughtfulness, the lungs are in charge of sadness, and the kidneys are in charge of fear.” Imbalances in emotions can lead to illnesses in their corresponding organs, such as -anger damages the liver, -happiness damages the heart, -thoughts damages the spleen, -anxiety damages the lungs, -fear damages the kidneys, and -surprise damages the gallbladder. The relationship between the mind and the body is horizontal, meaning the heart is significantly prevalent in most emotions. Experts consider the heart as common visceral system that influences emotions. The Korean book states the heart stores the mind, and feelings of sadness, thoughtfulness, and worries all damage the heart, signifying the heart’s role in processing thoughts and emotions. Western medicine and East Asian medicine have different understanding of emotions and their relationship to the body, which leads to distinct interpretations of illness. Western medicine deals with emotional disorders using neural language, and East Asian medicine uses somatic language. Understanding this difference can offer a comprehensive perspective when healing the human body and its symptoms. Both viewpoints help us understand emotional health. The somatic language uses intuition to unlock your powers to soothe, calm, and heal. From the moment we’re born, we instinctively seek ways to help and nourish our human condition. Neuroscience Lense on Emotions Neuroscience offers a look at how emotions impact the body. Neurophysiological factors play a vital role in the process of emotions. In 1985, neuroscientist Candace Pert discovered small proteins known as neuropeptides activate the circuits linked to emotions. Therefore, it’s helpful to look at both Western and East Asian medicine approaches and to gain insight into how your body is functioning and take the guesswork out; getting tested with a non-invasive urine test to check over 70 markers, including your neurotransmitters, is essential. Why is it so essential to check neurotransmitters in balancing your emotions? First, conventional doctors never check your markers, so how will they offer the best solution for you? Do you know what your neurotransmitter levels are? Here are some of the important markers that we check with our specialized labs and why it is imperative to check the following markers: Norepinephrine marker: Responsible for the regulation of cardiovascular activity, body temperature, and pain sensation. Research has shown that there is a close link between this marker and anxiety and a relationship between depression and disturbance of norepinephrine in the brain. Serotonin marker: Found in the central nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract, and blood platelets influences biological and neurological processes, such as anxiety, aggression, appetite, sleep, mood, and thermoregulation. Dopamine marker: Responsible for emotion regulation is associated with mood, behavior, and cognition mediation. Recent studies in Western medicine suggest dysregulation of neurotransmitters could be one of the most important causes of emotional issues. Interest in the neuroscientific investigation has increased dramatically in the past few decades, and that’s where functional medicine lab testing comes in to provide further insight into your total wellness. Integrating East & West would look into supporting organs while testing for your neurotransmitters and GI health levels with an organic acid test bundle. Support the liver function by balancing the HPA axis, spleen function by aiding the digestive system, and heart function with blood circulation and brain activity regulation. The mind-body connection is natural and scientifically proven, as your body responds to how you think, feel, and act. Your body reacts physically when stressed, anxious, or upset. You may develop high blood pressure or stomachache after a stressful event. Learn to listen to your body and keep a journal of your symptoms and feelings. Take a personal body scan to see if you can feel where your emotions impact your body. How Emotions Affect Your Body Every organ corresponds to a particular emotion. Every disease stems from an organ or meridian/energy channel imbalance. Anger weakens your Liver Grief weakens your Lungs Worry weakens your Stomach Stress weakens your Heart and Brain Fear weakens your Kidneys. Love brings peace and harmony, strengthening your mind and body. Gaining insight into your neurotransmitters brings awareness and understanding. Dive into the East Meets West Approach to Understanding Emotion Dysregulation when you gain insight into your neurotransmitter levels and get them balanced. Bypass the appointment and the drive and get the convenience of lab testing sent to your home. Gain access to a variety of cutting-edge lab tests to get a deep dive into your health.  Your healthcare practitioner should know about your emotional health Discuss with your practitioner if your feelings are causing your physical problems and ways to manage not only your physical symptoms but also your emotional ones. Achieving emotional wellness is possible and can allow you to live a physically rewarding life as well. Order your lab test directly from the lab, complete it at home, and return it to the lab. Once your results are in, we will schedule our session to review your results. You’ll receive actionable next steps to eliminate guesswork and start feeling better fast. Check your overall health with an Organic acid test and if you want a deep dive into neurotransmitters then add in the Neurotransmitter test.

    13 min
  3. 08/07/2021

    Intermitten Fasting

    ntermittent fasting is not a fad diet. It is an eating cycle that provides a timeframe for you to eat and a timeframe for you to fast. Always check with your medical practitioner before trying any new exercise, supplement, food, or fasting regime. People with medical issues should refrain from fasting, so always get clearance. If you are pregnant, want to conceive, breastfeeding, have low blood pressure, are diabetic, on medications, have an eating disorder, underweight, have difficulty processing sugar and many other health issues, remember to get clearance. Here are some of the benefits of intermittent fasting: aids in weight loss may lower blood pressure, and blood sugar levels may reduce inflammation may increase human growth hormone changes hormone levels to facilitate weight loss increases metabolic rate may reduce waist circumference Increases release of the fat-burning hormone norepinephrine helps you eat fewer calories may reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol, blood triglycerides may increase the brain hormone BDNF may aid the growth of new nerve cells may activate autophagy, the ability to old damaged cell components may decrease insulin levels, making it easier for the body to use stored fat. Very exciting clinical usage of intermittent fasting has occurred for individuals interested in boosting their immune system during this pandemic as a healthy lifestyle choice for prevention of the virus as well as recovery from it. Read the article: #intermittenFasting #weightLoss #immuneboost

    9 min
  4. 08/02/2021

    Nine Appetite Suppressing Foods

    Do you struggle with food cravings?  Let’s explore some science and these lifestyle and nutrition tips for how to curb appetite and hunger  There is a biomedical explanation for food cravings, so it’s not always willpower that keeps you from fighting off those cravings. It turns out that hormones can cause your food cravings. It’s those hormones that are the messengers influencing how you feel, what you want, and how fast your body stores fat. The healthy way to get rid of the appetite increase hormone, AKA “ghrelin gremlin” is to eat wholesome foods that suppress your appetite. By reducing your calorie intake by 500 calories a day, you could lose 50 pounds in a year! Listen to the podcast and read the article. #weightloss #foodcravings #wellness Remember that it usually takes 20 minutes after your meal for your brain to get the message from your gut that you are full. Keep that in mind, so you do not overeat and feel too full after a meal. Are you worth it? I think YOU are! Want functional medicine & nutrition expertise at your fingertips? Then take Charge of your health by joining Total Wellness Monthly Membership today.  Attend the upcoming presentation all about the importance of Probiotics and get empowered with knowledge to reach total wellness of mind and body.  Are you eating foods that promote cancer? Sign up for the free educational video series. Register for the life changing program at Look & Feel Great Method and take back your life today You can have glowing, skin by learning how to stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms in order to support more optimal functioning and unravel some of the damage from past metabolic insults to the body. Skin changes are related to environmental factors, genetic makeup, nutrition, and other factors. Get the free Age Defiance Guidebook today.

    9 min
  5. 06/26/2021


    Anxiety  Did you know that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States? It affects approximately 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older every year. Only 36% of sufferers receive treatment. Here are common symptoms of Anxiety Disorder: Feeling nervous, restless, or tense Increased heart rate Feelings of impending danger, doom, or panic Rapidly breathing Trembling Sweating Tired or weak feeling Trouble sleeping Trouble concentrating Difficulty controlling worry Gastrointestinal (GI) issues Desire to avoid anything that can trigger the anxiety The good news is you can take control of your life and anxiety with natural approaches by discovering the root cause. Get the organic acid test which is functional medicine lab testing, to determine how your body is functioning and work on the imbalances.  Nine Natural Remedies to Reduce Anxiety: Stay active with some exercise. Ditch the alcohol. Limit caffeine. Get quality sleep. Meditate. Eat a healthy diet. Practice deep breathing and gratitude Balance your neurotransmitters Stay hydrated, then rinse and repeat these steps daily as it takes commitment to you reaching total wellness of mind and body Increased anxiety may require therapy so always work with your medical practitioner before starting a new regime.   Listen to the podcast and watch the YouTube video to learn more. Request your Freedom from Anxiety guidebook at: #anxiety #mentalhealth #depression #wellness

    12 min
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This podcast is all about empowering others take charge of their own health while gaining awareness, perhaps learning how to think out of the box and discover new ways to do that. Some episodes, I will be sharing the latest research, answering health questions while removing confusion. My special shows are the ones that I will highlight an amazing wellness warriors who took charge of their own health. The goal is to empower others looking for their health breakthrough on the path to optimal wellness.

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