U****k Your Life by Laura Herde

Laura Herde | Master Mindset Coach
U****k Your Life by Laura Herde

This podcast is for the woman who dares to dream bigger - the woman who wants MORE out of life. I created this space for driven females like YOU who have high ambitions and standards for their life, for women in leadership positions, for (aspiring) fempreneurs… This the THE space to teach you how to cultivate alignment, fulfilment, abundance and freedom on ALL levels — in your career, your relationships, your mind, your body and your soul. I am here to teach you how you can accelerate your journey of becoming your most powerful Self; that version of you who gets to be, do and have it all.

  1. 14 HR. AGO

    Reclaiming your softness through body image healing, cultivating self connection & confidence with Marisa Hope

    Today’s guest is a dear online friend of mine who spreads an insanely important message - she is a wellness and confidence coach who helps women reconnect to their true self, gain confidence, heal their relationship with their body image, and create their dream life from an aligned heart space. Marisa and I are diving deep into our journeys of cultivating *true* self-love, healing our relationships with our bodies, reclaiming our feminine energy and soo much more! So babe, grab your cacao or matcha and a journal, because you’re going to want to implement these shifts into your life ASAP!  JOIN MY FEMININE ENERGY MINI-MIND *THRIVE ON LIFE* AS AN EARLY BIRD ($444 OFF!) SAVE YOUR SPOT FOR MY *RECLAIM YOUR FEMININE* FREE MASTERCLASS ON 2ND MARCH In this episode, we discuss:  – Marisa’s journey and how her past struggles with her body shaped her – The advice you need to hear if you struggle with accessing your intuition and releasing the need for external validation – How Marisa healed her relationship with her body – Why our thoughts are so powerful & the importance of thinking compassionately  – Marisa’s transition from living in her masculine energy to living in her feminine energy  – Marisa’s top tip to Unfuck Your Life that you can implement today  Connect with Marisa:  Marisa’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marisahopeee/ Marisa’s Website: https://www.hopewellnesscoaching.com/ Connect with Laura:  Laura’s Website: https://www.lauraherde.com/ Laura’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/laura.herde/ Laura’s 1-1 Coaching: https://www.lauraherde.com/application-1-1 Laura’s Coaching Certification Course: https://www.instagram.com/embodiedcoachacademy/ More free resources for you: *FREE* HEAL YOUR FEMININE ENERGY GUIDE⁠ *FREE* TRIAL OF MY CERTIFICATION - THE EMBODIED COACH ACADEMY *FREE* ⁠TRAINING FOR FEMALE BIZ OWNERS: SHE SUCCEEDS MASTERCLASS⁠ >> EMAIL ME TO CONNECT/ ASK QUESTIONS: hello@lauraherde.com >> FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @laura.herde  Feel free to share this episode with your bestie, and tag me on IG when you listen so I can repost you! Thank you so much for tuning in, love xx

    58 min
  2. FEB 11

    EP 107: My Life Story *re-written* (how 2024 changed me forever | my updated story) + 5 big shifts I made

    Today’s episode is circling back to one of my most popular episodes; the first ever episode on this show! I recently realized that my life story has evolved so much since recording that episode two years ago. So, I’m dedicating this episode to filling in the blanks and letting you in on why this past year particularly has changed me and my life forever – as well as the learnings I gathered. Get ready for a very real, raw, and vulnerable peek into my life and this past year – as well as how my timeline shifted and life just became better than I could have ever imagined after making some insanely difficult decisions. Babe, grab your cacao or matcha and a journal because you’re going to want to implement these learnings for yourself!  JOIN MY FEMININE ENERGY MINI-MIND *THRIVE ON LIFE* AS AN EARLY BIRD ($444 OFF!) SAVE YOUR SPOT FOR MY FREE *RECLAIM YOUR FEMININE*MASTERCLASS ON 16/2 TUNE INTO EPISODE 1 ON *U****K YOUR LIFE* HERE In this episode, I discuss: My life story (updated) & how 2024 changed me forever A juicy behind the scenes update including my vision board trip to Australia A re-telling of my backstory and my journey along the way (updated version) A quick recap of the cornerstones of my life journey and what I learned 5 uncommon yet impactful ways to start off creating YOUR dream life  Connect with Laura:  Laura’s Website:https://www.lauraherde.com/ Laura’s IG:https://www.instagram.com/laura.herde/ Laura’s 1-1 Coaching:https://www.lauraherde.com/application-1-1 Laura’s Coaching Certification Course:https://www.instagram.com/embodiedcoachacademy/ More free resources for you: *FREE*HEAL YOUR FEMININE ENERGY GUIDE⁠ *FREE*TRIAL OF MY CERTIFICATION - THE EMBODIED COACH ACADEMY *FREE*⁠TRAINING FOR FEMALE BIZ OWNERS: SHE SUCCEEDS MASTERCLASS⁠ >> EMAIL ME TO CONNECT/ ASK QUESTIONS: hello@lauraherde.com >> FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @laura.herde  Feel free to share this episode with your bestie, and tag me on IG when you listen so I can repost you! Thank you so much for tuning in, love xx

    1h 9m
  3. FEB 4

    EP 106: Embodying your Feminine Energy while embracing life's Ups and Downs with Sophie Jaffe

    Today’s guest is someone who previously was on the show (all the way back to episode 19), and is so influential in what she does that I had to bring her back on again. Sophie Jaffe is a former private client who turned into a dear friend over time. She is the founder of the organic superfood company Philosophie and a mama to 3 adorable kids. She inspires her followers to reach their fullest state of health and happiness through connection, self-love and radical transparency.  In this episode, we’re diving into all things stepping into your feminine energy, how Sophie and her husband balance their relationship amongst a busy life, the difference between magnetizing and manifesting, and so much more! So bby, grab your cacao or matcha and a journal, because you’re going to want to take notes!  JOIN MY FEMININE ENERGY MINI-MIND *THRIVE ON LIFE* APPLY FOR ONE OF MY 1-1 COACHING CONTAINERS HERE SAVE YOUR SPOT FOR MY ‘RECLAIM YOUR FEMININE’ MASTERCLASS In this episode, we discuss:  – What it means to be in your feminine in romance, motherhood, and life – How to be in your feminine energy as a CEO/ woman in a high position – How Sophie and her husband balance everything & still prioritize each other – The difference between magnetizing and manifesting & which Sophie prefers – Sophie’s top tip to U****k Your Life that you can implement today Connect with Sophie:  Sophie’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sophie.jaffe/  Sophie’s Website: https://www.philosophiesuperfoods.com/  21 Day Retreat: Click here to join Connect with Laura:  Laura’s Website: https://www.lauraherde.com/ Laura’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/laura.herde/ Laura’s 1-1 Coaching: https://www.lauraherde.com/application-1-1 Laura’s Coaching Certification Course: https://www.instagram.com/embodiedcoachacademy/ More free resources for you: *FREE* HEAL YOUR FEMININE ENERGY – THE GUIDE⁠ *FREE* TRIAL OF MY CERTIFICATION - THE EMBODIED COACH ACADEMY *FREE* ⁠TRAINING FOR FEMALE BIZ OWNERS: SHE SUCCEEDS MASTERCLASS⁠ >> EMAIL ME TO CONNECT/ ASK QUESTIONS: hello@lauraherde.com >> FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @laura.herde  Feel free to share this episode with your bestie, and tag me on IG when you listen so I can repost you! Thank you so much for tuning in, love xx

    56 min
  4. JAN 31

    EP 105: The 3 reasons why you are not thriving (mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually or financially) + how to fix this

    Today's episode is a juicy info-packed one, so get ready, babe! We’re diving into the 3 reasons why you might not be thriving mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, or financially (just yet) — and, most importantly, how you can shift into a state of alignment & vibrance. There’s no gatekeeping in this episode! So, if you're having a nagging sensation that something in your life is no longer aligned with your highest timeline... then babe, let this be your reminder that better things are coming once you make SPACE. Grab your cacao or matcha and a journal because you’re going to want to implement these tips today! JOIN MY FEMININE ENERGY MINI-MIND *THRIVE ON LIFE* APPLY FOR ONE OF MY 1-1 COACHING CONTAINERS HERE SAVE YOUR SPOT FOR MY ‘RECLAIM YOUR FEMININE’ MASTERCLASS In this episode, I discuss:  – Common struggles that I see amongst highly ambitious women  – Three reasons why you’re not thriving mentally, emotionally, and physically – Actionable steps you can take today to create unbelievable shifts in record speed Connect with Laura:  Laura’s Website: https://www.lauraherde.com/ Laura’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/laura.herde/ Laura’s 1-1 Coaching: https://www.lauraherde.com/application-1-1 Laura’s Coaching Certification Course: https://www.instagram.com/embodiedcoachacademy/ More free resources for you: *FREE* HEAL YOUR FEMININE ENERGY – THE GUIDE⁠ *FREE* TRIAL OF MY CERTIFICATION - THE EMBODIED COACH ACADEMY *FREE* ⁠TRAINING FOR FEMALE BIZ OWNERS: SHE SUCCEEDS MASTERCLASS⁠ >> EMAIL ME TO CONNECT/ ASK QUESTIONS: hello@lauraherde.com >> FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @laura.herde  Feel free to share this episode with your bestie, and tag me on IG when you listen so I can repost you! Thank you so much for tuning in, love xx

    50 min
  5. JAN 28

    EP 104: Navigating the quantum crumble and getting out of survival mode with Margot Miller

    Today's guest is a fellow women's empowerment coach who is big on identity work. I absolutely love her approach, as I see myself in so many parts of her story and so I just had to ask her to come onto the pod to share her wisdom and magic with you babes! Margot Miller is a psychotherapist and coach dedicated to helping female entrepreneurs upgrade their identity so they can increase their impact and income. In this episode, we’re diving deep into all things breaking free from survival roles, emotionally supporting yourself through a quantum crumble, reprogramming your mind to overcome chronic health issues and toxic relationships, and so much more! So babe, grab your cacao or matcha and a journal because you’re going to want to implement these gold nuggets!  JOIN MY FEMININE ENERY MINI-MIND *THRIVE ON LIFE* STARTING IN FEB APPLY FOR ONE OF MY 1-1 COACHING CONTAINERS HERE In this episode, we discuss:  Margot’s journey and what brought her to where she is today  How to emotionally support yourself through a quantum crumble Shifting your identity and thus recreating your entire external reality Reprogramming your mind to overcome health issues, toxic relationships & addictions  The character traits you need to adopt in order to create exponential results in your life How to overcome self-sabotaging habits and fears of failure and/or success The common types of survival roles and how to break free from them Using the Law of Assumption to manifest at record speed What is the success thermostat and how to increase it  The Knowing State, how to get into it & utilize it Margot’s top tip to Unfuck Your Life that you can implement today Connect with Margot:  Margot’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/margotmillerinc/  Margot’s Website: https://herunapologeticsuccess.com/  Join The Upgrade: https://herunapologeticsuccess.mykajabi.com/the-upgrade  Connect with Laura:  Laura’s Website: https://www.lauraherde.com/ Laura’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/laura.herde/ Laura’s 1-1 Coaching: https://www.lauraherde.com/application-1-1 Laura’s Coaching Certification Course: https://www.instagram.com/embodiedcoachacademy/ More free resources for you: *FREE* HEAL YOUR FEMININE ENERGY – THE GUIDE⁠ *FREE* TRIAL OF MY CERTIFICATION - THE EMBODIED COACH ACADEMY *FREE* ⁠TRAINING FOR FEMALE BIZ OWNERS: SHE SUCCEEDS MASTERCLASS⁠ >> EMAIL ME TO CONNECT/ ASK QUESTIONS: hello@lauraherde.com >> FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @laura.herde  Feel free to share this episode with your bestie, and tag me on IG when you listen so I can repost you! Thank you so much for tuning in, love xx

    54 min
  6. JAN 21

    EP 103: How the quality of your mental wellness is reflected back in your level of success with Chris Soll

    Today’s guest is an absolute expert when it comes to all things meditation and creating a wildly abundant, fulfilling life all while honoring your well-being. Chris Soll is the co-founder of Mindspo, a mental wellness company that helps people connect to self, source & others. We’re diving deep into all things mental health and wellness including mantra meditation. We’re also covering how to balance wellbeing with success, the secret to making manifestation work for you & so much more! So babe, grab your cacao or matcha and a journal because you’re going to want to implement these golden nuggets!  JOIN MY FEMININE MINI-MIND THRIVE ON LIFE STARTING FEB 2025 APPLY FOR ONE OF MY 1-1 COACHING CONTAINERS HERE LEARN HOW TO MEDITATE (FOR FREE) ------ In this episode, we discuss:  Chris’s journey in recap: how his business journey started with his partner The secret to making manifestation work for you that most people don't realize Chris’s advice on how to balance well-being, mindfulness, personal growth & career Chris’s top tip to Unfuck Your Life that you can implement today  Connect with Chris:  Chris’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrissoll/ Mindspo App: mindspo.com/app Retreats: mindsporetreats.com 66 Meditation Day Challenge: mindspo.com/meditate Connect with Laura:  Laura’s Website: https://www.lauraherde.com/ Laura’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/laura.herde/ Laura’s 1-1 Coaching: https://www.lauraherde.com/application-1-1 Laura’s Coaching Certification Course: https://www.instagram.com/embodiedcoachacademy/ More free resources for you: *FREE* HEAL YOUR FEMININE ENERGY – THE GUIDE⁠ *FREE* TRIAL OF MY CERTIFICATION - THE EMBODIED COACH ACADEMY *FREE* ⁠TRAINING FOR FEMALE BIZ OWNERS: SHE SUCCEEDS MASTERCLASS⁠ >> EMAIL ME TO CONNECT/ ASK QUESTIONS: hello@lauraherde.com >> FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @laura.herde  Feel free to share this episode with your bestie, and tag me on IG when you listen so I can repost you! Thank you so much for tuning in, love xx

    1h 27m
  7. JAN 14

    EP 102: Becoming an asset for your dream man & dream career/ income and how to manifest your dream body & dream life

    In today’s solo episode, we’re diving into becoming an asset for your dream man, dream career, and dream life. Now, when I say “asset,” I don’t mean it in a transactional way. I’m talking about stepping into a version of yourself that naturally attracts everything you desire — not through hustle, but through embodiment and becoming your most thriving Self. And because we’re all about going beyond the surface level here, I’m sharing some unconventional tips that go beyond traditional self-care routines. I’m talking about somatic healing, cultivating self-connection, and becoming *that* version of yourself. So bby, grab your cacao or matcha and a journal because you’re going to want to implement these practices! JOIN MY FEMININE MINI-MIND THRIVE ON LIFE STARTING FEB 2025 APPLY FOR ONE OF MY 1-1 COACHING CONTAINERS HERE LISTEN TO MY PREVIOUS EPISODE HERE In this episode, I discuss:  – Unconventional tips beyond self-care routines you need to implement today – The benefits of rewriting your own narrative to step into self-empowerment – Why you need to create a Feminine Magnetism Pleasure Practice  – The importance of shadow work to emotionally regulate yourself – All the ways to pour into you – including dating yourself Connect with Laura:  Laura’s Website: https://www.lauraherde.com/ Laura’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/laura.herde/ Laura’s 1-1 Coaching: https://www.lauraherde.com/application-1-1 Laura’s Coaching Certification Course: https://www.instagram.com/embodiedcoachacademy/ More free resources for you: *FREE* HEAL YOUR FEMININE ENERGY – THE GUIDE⁠ *FREE* TRIAL OF MY CERTIFICATION - THE EMBODIED COACH ACADEMY *FREE* ⁠TRAINING FOR FEMALE BIZ OWNERS: SHE SUCCEEDS MASTERCLASS⁠ >> EMAIL ME TO CONNECT/ ASK QUESTIONS: hello@lauraherde.com >> FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @laura.herde  Feel free to share this episode with your bestie, and tag me on IG when you listen so I can repost you! Thank you so much for tuning in, love xx

    37 min
  8. EP 101: The #1 shift to make to change your entire reality within days

    JAN 9

    EP 101: The #1 shift to make to change your entire reality within days

    I can’t believe this is episode 101 and with that, marks the official kick-off of SEASON 3! This feels like a massive milestone and makes me insanely grateful. Thank you so much to every single one of you who has been tuning in for the past almost 2 years. Today, I want to share with you the intentions I’ve set to make 2025 my most abundant year yet, and how I went from hoping for the things I used to put onto my vision board, to claiming them and thus, receiving them every single time, without a doubt - at record speed! So babe, grab your cacao or matcha and grab a journal because you’re going to want to implement these shifts! ------ JOIN MY FEMININE MINI-MIND THRIVE ON LIFE STARTING FEB 2025 APPLY FOR ONE OF MY 1-1 COACHING CONTAINER HERE ------ In this episode, I discuss:  – How to know when it's time to shift things in order to change your reality – The difference between daydreaming + claiming when it comes to manifestation  – The intentions I’ve set for 2025 to make sure I’ll be thriving in all aspects – How to shift into the energy of claiming and demanding to ‘have it all’ Connect with Laura:  Laura’s Website: https://www.lauraherde.com/ Laura’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/laura.herde/ Laura’s 1-1 Coaching: https://www.lauraherde.com/application-1-1 Laura’s Coaching Certification Course: https://www.instagram.com/embodiedcoachacademy/ More free resources for you: *FREE* HEAL YOUR FEMININE ENERGY – THE GUIDE⁠ *FREE* TRIAL OF MY CERTIFICATION - THE EMBODIED COACH ACADEMY *FREE* ⁠TRAINING FOR FEMALE BIZ OWNERS: SHE SUCCEEDS MASTERCLASS⁠ >> EMAIL ME TO CONNECT/ ASK QUESTIONS: hello@lauraherde.com >> FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @laura.herde  Feel free to share this episode with your bestie, and tag me on IG when you listen so I can repost you! Thank you so much for tuning in, love xx

    47 min
out of 5
18 Ratings


This podcast is for the woman who dares to dream bigger - the woman who wants MORE out of life. I created this space for driven females like YOU who have high ambitions and standards for their life, for women in leadership positions, for (aspiring) fempreneurs… This the THE space to teach you how to cultivate alignment, fulfilment, abundance and freedom on ALL levels — in your career, your relationships, your mind, your body and your soul. I am here to teach you how you can accelerate your journey of becoming your most powerful Self; that version of you who gets to be, do and have it all.

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