27 min

PFAS: Spreading Out Under Our Feet

    • Earth Sciences

Episode three of our series about PFAS forever chemicals. In this installment, Chris Zahasky, Maureen Muldoon, and Christy Remucal guide us through the hidden groundwater systems that let PFAS spread through the environment and into our drinking water. 
More information, and a link to support the show on Patreon, at UOFpod.org. Music by the Blue Dot Sessions. Under Our Feet is a production of Meandering Media.

Episode three of our series about PFAS forever chemicals. In this installment, Chris Zahasky, Maureen Muldoon, and Christy Remucal guide us through the hidden groundwater systems that let PFAS spread through the environment and into our drinking water. 
More information, and a link to support the show on Patreon, at UOFpod.org. Music by the Blue Dot Sessions. Under Our Feet is a production of Meandering Media.

27 min