123 episodes

This is Unfilter Yourself!

The podcast for the bold and unapologetic entrepreneurs and business leaders whose ambitions have no boundaries!

For those who talk too loud...
move too fast...
and dream too big!

In this podcast, I'm here to challenge you and to call you up to boldly and unapologetically step into the most powerful version of yourself, and take control of your life, your business, and your career with the confidence and authority of who you are designed to be!

Whether you're an entrepreneur working toward growing your own business to six figures or more...

Or you're looking to maximize your impact and income level in your current career...

Or you're a business leader looking to intentionally support your team, increase profitability, and grow your bottom line...

In this podcast, you'll get the strategies, the tools, and the resources to help you reach your goals and take your business, your career, and ultimately your income to the next level!

Unfilter Yourself Josie Smith

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 8 Ratings

This is Unfilter Yourself!

The podcast for the bold and unapologetic entrepreneurs and business leaders whose ambitions have no boundaries!

For those who talk too loud...
move too fast...
and dream too big!

In this podcast, I'm here to challenge you and to call you up to boldly and unapologetically step into the most powerful version of yourself, and take control of your life, your business, and your career with the confidence and authority of who you are designed to be!

Whether you're an entrepreneur working toward growing your own business to six figures or more...

Or you're looking to maximize your impact and income level in your current career...

Or you're a business leader looking to intentionally support your team, increase profitability, and grow your bottom line...

In this podcast, you'll get the strategies, the tools, and the resources to help you reach your goals and take your business, your career, and ultimately your income to the next level!

    Ep. 123: How to Know When to Quit, When to Start Over, and When to Keep Going

    Ep. 123: How to Know When to Quit, When to Start Over, and When to Keep Going

    In today’s episode, I get a little deeper into a challenge I brought up in last week’s episode – which is how to navigate the choices you need to make when the foundation of the road map you previously created to help you reach a major goal in your life or in your business has fallen apart.  
    When your goal hasn’t changed, but the foundation upon which you built your road map is no longer able to support that road map, you need to rebuild a new foundation. You need to adjust the road map. And in this episode, I walk you through several different potential scenarios that could fall into this particular type of challenge, as well as the questions you need to ask yourself and the possibilities you need to consider in order to repair or rebuild the foundation of your road map. 
    I equip you with tangible, tactical strategies to empower you to make the best decisions for your specific situation and with your specific goals in mind. Whether you’re in network marketing, a small business owner who provides physical products to your customers, an entrepreneur with a service-based business, or a nine-to-fiver looking to grow a side-hustle so you can leave your full-time job, this episode speaks to the challenges we all face when we’re following a plan to reach a specific goal, but something within that plan changes unexpectedly, forcing us to adapt. 
    This episode is all about creating the best road map for YOU, in order to equip you to reach YOUR personal, professional, and entrepreneurial goals. Your goals don’t look like anyone else’s goals, so your road map to reaching those goals isn’t going to look like anyone else’s road map. That’s why you need to know how to build that road map in a way that works best for you. 

    Connect with Josie:
    Website: josiesmithcoaching.com
    1:1 Coaching with Josie (3 month coaching program, by application only)
    90 Minute Success Strategy Session
    The 30-Day Purpose Journal: Reconnect with yourself, realign with your purpose, and reignite your dreams
    Get a FREE copy of the one week version of the journal.
    Would you like Josie to speak at your event?! Click here to inquire! 
    Follow on IG: @josiesmithofficial 

    Topics in this episode:
    goal setting, adapting to change, lifestyle goals, business goals, money goals, financial goals, time freedom, financial freedom, six figure business, coaching for entrepreneurs, financial coach, money coach, business strategy, network marketing, entrepreneur, small business owner 

    • 29 min
    Ep. 122: Navigating Storms, Calming Chaos, & Rebuilding Foundations

    Ep. 122: Navigating Storms, Calming Chaos, & Rebuilding Foundations

    Initially, this episode was supposed to be called "Lessons I've Learned from Yoga"...
    And while I do share some of those lessons in this episode, I went on a little bit of a tangent early on and the entire episode turned into a discussion about some struggles I've been working through recently that have had me feeling stuck and uncertain in a lot of ways. And I share how I've begun to navigate those situations with some loving but challenging words from a mentor.
    I talk about seasons - both literal seasons that relate to weather, and the seasons we experience in life. I talk about building road maps to reach our goals and also being willing to change and rebuild those road maps when things change. Because as we take the journey to reach the goals we've set, we grow and change, we overcome obstacles, we develop new tools to use along the way, all of which allow us to elevate our road map to a new level.
    I share how I've begun to rebuild certain parts of my own road map after some of the foundational pieces I'd built upon crumbled and fell apart. And I share how integral my yoga practice has been in allowing me to stay connected to myself and how doing the inner work makes the outer work that much more relevant.
    And, as I initially set out to do, I also share the lessons I've learned from yoga:
    1) Never stop trying things that force you out of your comfort zone
    2) Everything is always only a suggestion
    3) You will never know all there is to know or be able to do all there is to do
    4) There's no room for comparison or self-judgment on the mat
    5) The body stores emotions that our conscious mind cannot access
    6) Surround yourself with magical people
    7) Never skip Savasana

    Connect with Josie:
    Website: josiesmithcoaching.com
    1:1 Coaching with Josie (3 month coaching program, by application only)
    90 Minute Success Strategy Session
    The 30-Day Purpose Journal: Reconnect with yourself, realign with your purpose, and reignite your dreams
    Get a FREE copy of the one week version of the journal.
    Would you like Josie to speak at your event?! Click here to inquire! 
    Follow on IG: @josiesmithofficial 

    • 32 min
    Ep. 121: Can You Have it All?

    Ep. 121: Can You Have it All?

    Recently I was listening to a podcast interview and the person being interviewed was asked the question... "Do you think it's possible to 'have it all'?"
    This woman had built a successful career while navigating the complexities of raising children.
    She had gone on to build successful businesses and to help other women build successful businesses.
    And her answer to this question was...
    "You can have a little bit of all of it...
    or you can have all of some of it...
    but you can't have all of all of it."
    And that's what I talk about in today's episode - what it looks like to have a little bit of all of it or all of some of it... and what happens when we try to have ALL of ALL of it.
    As women, and especially as moms, we are still fighting the societal double standards that men and dads don't even have to think about. If we prioritize our families, we risk people thinking that we aren't serious about our careers or our businesses. But if we prioritize our careers or our businesses, we risk being judged for neglecting our families.
    But when we buy into the narrative that WE CAN HAVE IT ALL, we risk burning ourselves out trying to actually attain an unattainable reality. There are seasons when we might need to prioritize one thing over another, and there are seasons when we might prefer to have "a little bit of all of it", but we can't expend more time and energy than we have to expend without burning out and risking losing all of it.

    Connect with Josie:
    Website: josiesmithcoaching.com
    1:1 Coaching with Josie (3 month coaching program, by application only)
    90 Minute Success Strategy Session
    The 30-Day Purpose Journal: Reconnect with yourself, realign with your purpose, and reignite your dreams
    Get a FREE copy of the one week version of the journal.
    Would you like Josie to speak at your event?! Click here to inquire! 
    Follow on IG: @josiesmithofficial 

    • 19 min
    Ep. 120: Unfilter Yourself!

    Ep. 120: Unfilter Yourself!

    Today I bring you SEASON TWO of the podcast! A new name, a new energy, a new vibe, a new intention... it's time to Unfilter Yourself!!In today's first episode of Unfilter Yourself - and a brand new second season of the podcast! - I share about parts of my journey that have led to this new evolution of the podcast. What started out as "The Strong Sassy Single Mom"... then evolved into "Realign with your Purpose"... and has now boldly become "Unfilter Yourself"... because of the journey I've taken over the past two and half years.

    I talk today about the importance of releasing the things that are distracting us from truly embracing the next season of our journey, and how many times those distractions are pieces from our past that we simply can't take into our future. I share a very recent realization of a fear and lack mindset around money that I had formed when I was a young single mom over 20 years ago, that had become so ingrained in me that it was STILL controlling some of the habits I had today. And I talk about some of the steps I took very recently to begin the process of reprogramming that mindset so that I can begin to free myself from the things that are still holding me back.

    I also touch on some realizations I've come to within the coaching and personal development space around some of the reasons we're told to do things a certain way - when, a lot of times, the ways we're being taught, told, and modeled aren't even the best ways to do things. 

    In this new season of the podcast, we're breaking all the rules. We're challenging the status quo and embracing the edgy, quirky, playful bad-a$$es we were designed to be. We're doing business OUR way and we're gonna be completely and unapologetically unfiltered about it!



    Connect with Josie:

    Sign up for my NEW! FREE! Masterclass and Create & Launch Your Podcast! 

    Website: josiesmithcoaching.com

    1:1 Coaching with Josie (3 month coaching program, by application only)

    90 Minute Success Strategy Session

    The 30-Day Purpose Journal: Reconnect with yourself, realign with your purpose, and reignite your dreams

    Get a FREE copy of the one week version of the journal.

    Would you like Josie to speak at your event?! Click here to inquire! 

    Follow on IG: @josiesmithofficial 

    • 30 min
    Ep. 119: Maximize Creativity, Efficiency, and Productivity with Cycle Syncing

    Ep. 119: Maximize Creativity, Efficiency, and Productivity with Cycle Syncing

    This episode was originally released on June 6, 2023, but what I talk about in this episode has been a frequent topic of conversation recently, so I decided to re-release it for those who didn't catch it the first time and for those who might want a refresh!

    And honestly, I needed to remind myself this past week of everything I shared in this episode. I caught myself judging myself for not being as energetic and productive and creative as I wanted to be... but then I remembered where I was in my hormone cycle, and I had to meet myself with grace. Because I wasn't in my most energetic and productive and creative phase... I was in a phase that required more quiet, more solitude, and more rest. 

    So in this episode, I talk about how, as women, we are often forced to work AGAINST the natural cycles of our own bodies and our own hormones in order to function in a world that's designed to work in perfect harmony with men's natural 24-hour cycles. 

    I touch briefly on two different cycles, or rhythms, in this episode. And then I go in-depth into a third cycle. The first cycle I briefly go over is the circadian cycle, or the circadian rhythm – which is the rhythm or the cycle of the sun. This is the cycle that most of us naturally use when it comes to our sleep.  

    The next cycle I briefly touch on is the hormone cycle that men go through. Men’s hormones are on a 24-hour cycle, meaning their hormones are nearly the same every single day, and more or less follow the circadian cycle. Their testosterone levels are highest in the morning, and as the day progresses, those levels begin to go down until they reach the end of the day when their levels are at their lowest. This means that men’s highest point of productivity typically occurs during the normal work day. 

    The final cycle I discuss (much more in-depth) is the hormone cycle that women go through. Women’s hormone cycles follow a 28-day cycle (on average). And within that cycle, there are four different phases where various hormones are at distinctly different levels. A woman’s hormone cycle even has its own name – it's called the infradian rhythm. And the different hormone levels that we as women have within our infradian rhythm affect our energy, focus, productivity, social interaction, communication, cognitive functioning, motivation, and mood. This episode is an in-depth discussion of the different phases of our infradian rhythm: the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase, the luteal phase, and the menstrual phase; and how to maximize the SUPER POWERS we possess during each of these phases based on our hormone levels. 


    Connect with Josie:

    Sign up for my NEW! FREE! Masterclass and Create & Launch Your Podcast! 

    Website: josiesmithcoaching.com

    1:1 Coaching with Josie (3 month coaching program, by application only)

    90 Minute Success Strategy Session

    The 30-Day Purpose Journal: Reconnect with yourself, realign with your purpose, and reignite your dreams

    Get a FREE copy of the one week version of the journal.

    Would you like Josie to speak at your event?! Click here to inquire! 

    Follow on IG: @josiesmithofficial 


    *A lot of the information I share in this episode around the infradian rhythm and the super powers contained within each of the phases of a woman’s hormone cycle are attributed to information I have learned from a process trademarked by Alisa Vitta called The Cycle Syncing Method. You can learn more about this method and the resources she has created on her website floliving.com.


    • 27 min
    Ep. 118: Givers vs. Takers & the Dangerous Trap of Over-Giving

    Ep. 118: Givers vs. Takers & the Dangerous Trap of Over-Giving

    In today's episode I talk about givers and takers. Giving and receiving. But from the perspective of being a chronic "over-giver". I talk about how being a chronic over-giver can devalue what it is you're giving. How always being a giver and never allowing yourself to receive can actually be coming from a place of ego and judgment against those you perceive as "takers". And how, if you want to take your life and your relationships to a higher level, you have to be willing to be vulnerable and also allow yourself to receive.



    Connect with Josie:

    Sign up for my NEW! FREE! Masterclass and Create & Launch Your Podcast! 

    Website: josiesmithcoaching.com

    1:1 Coaching with Josie (3 month coaching program, by application only)

    90 Minute Success Strategy Session

    The 30-Day Purpose Journal: Reconnect with yourself, realign with your purpose, and reignite your dreams

    Get a FREE copy of the one week version of the journal.

    Would you like Josie to speak at your event?! Click here to inquire! 

    Follow on IG: @josiesmithofficial 

    • 22 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
8 Ratings

8 Ratings

MaggiePurseStrings ,


Great podcast! I am loving the relationship series as that’s always an area to grow. This is a must listen!

lmfletch81 ,

Really great advice!

Loved the intention setting episode and the perspective Josie brings! Intentions are internally focused versus goals that are externally focused. Loved that shifting your perspective is something that you can change now! Love it!

MelyssaMunday ,

Perfect combo

I love that this podcast is the perfect combo of entrepreneurship, mindset and purpose. These episodes remind me to slow down and find that balance.

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