46 sec

Update: Our movie podcast has a home The Pink and Black Playback

    • Wrestling

Howdy, Marks!

You can now find the new episode of our movie podcast, Look Who's Siskel and Ebert Now! available for your listening pleasure at anchor.fm/siskelandebertnow. 

It might take a few days for it to appear in your favourite podcasting aggregator, but hopefully, by the end of February, it will be on all major platforms.

The new Episode of Pink and Black Playback will be available in about a week, maybe two. Until then, just remember, we think you're a real jam-up guy.

Contact Us:

Email: pinkandblackplayback@gmail.com
Dillon on Twitter: @BigFaceless

Howdy, Marks!

You can now find the new episode of our movie podcast, Look Who's Siskel and Ebert Now! available for your listening pleasure at anchor.fm/siskelandebertnow. 

It might take a few days for it to appear in your favourite podcasting aggregator, but hopefully, by the end of February, it will be on all major platforms.

The new Episode of Pink and Black Playback will be available in about a week, maybe two. Until then, just remember, we think you're a real jam-up guy.

Contact Us:

Email: pinkandblackplayback@gmail.com
Dillon on Twitter: @BigFaceless

46 sec