8 min

UWE J. REINHARDT | D NOMADIC SCENERY – ephemere scenography | AppleTV

    • Design


Following his professional educations in administration and journalism, Uwe J. Reinhardt worked in the features section of a daily newspaper. He studied empirical cultural studies and design, political sciences and German language and literature in Tübingen and Stuttgart, always with a special focus on design, graphic design and communication of cultural projects. Subsequently he worked as editor for a media project of the ARD (German TV), lectures design / text / conceptual design at the "Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart" (Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design), the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt as well as journalism at the University of Hohenheim. Furthermore, he was peer at the course of studies Visual Communications at the Berlin University of the Arts. 
Prof. Uwe J. Reinhardt is cultural scientist, journalist, exhibition organiser and professor specialised on conceptual design / creative writing. He directs the "edi – Exhibition Design Institute" at the “Fachhochschule Düsseldorf” (University of Applied Sciences), design department with a Master’s Degree programme.
In addition he works as research fellow and evaluator for the European Commission for transnational Projects in Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Austria, Rumania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey. Further functions: Research Fellow at the IEIE e.V., external counsellor at the “Institut für Buchgestaltung und Medienentwicklung” (institute for book design and media development) at the "Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart" (Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design); design research projects of "labor visuell"; member of the EIS – European Initiative Scenography and of the Cairo Club.
In 2010 the book „ned02 – New Exhibition Design“ – edited in co-operation with Philipp Teufel – was published by the avedition Verlag Ludwigsburg („ned01“ published 2008).


Following his professional educations in administration and journalism, Uwe J. Reinhardt worked in the features section of a daily newspaper. He studied empirical cultural studies and design, political sciences and German language and literature in Tübingen and Stuttgart, always with a special focus on design, graphic design and communication of cultural projects. Subsequently he worked as editor for a media project of the ARD (German TV), lectures design / text / conceptual design at the "Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart" (Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design), the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt as well as journalism at the University of Hohenheim. Furthermore, he was peer at the course of studies Visual Communications at the Berlin University of the Arts. 
Prof. Uwe J. Reinhardt is cultural scientist, journalist, exhibition organiser and professor specialised on conceptual design / creative writing. He directs the "edi – Exhibition Design Institute" at the “Fachhochschule Düsseldorf” (University of Applied Sciences), design department with a Master’s Degree programme.
In addition he works as research fellow and evaluator for the European Commission for transnational Projects in Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Austria, Rumania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey. Further functions: Research Fellow at the IEIE e.V., external counsellor at the “Institut für Buchgestaltung und Medienentwicklung” (institute for book design and media development) at the "Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart" (Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design); design research projects of "labor visuell"; member of the EIS – European Initiative Scenography and of the Cairo Club.
In 2010 the book „ned02 – New Exhibition Design“ – edited in co-operation with Philipp Teufel – was published by the avedition Verlag Ludwigsburg („ned01“ published 2008).

8 min

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