13 min

Vanambadi By Na.Pichamoorthy Tamil Short Stories - Under the tree

    • Drama

"Under the Tree" is an initiative to re - live the child
hood and our lives by relating to stories by great writers of
yesteryears. The objective is to rekindle the interest of reading
and showcase the Indian authors work which give rebirth to the
tradition, culture. Spiritual series that is rich in Indian ethos
along with Management aspects increase positivity which is much
needed always..

"Under the Tree" is an initiative to re - live the child
hood and our lives by relating to stories by great writers of
yesteryears. The objective is to rekindle the interest of reading
and showcase the Indian authors work which give rebirth to the
tradition, culture. Spiritual series that is rich in Indian ethos
along with Management aspects increase positivity which is much
needed always..

13 min