47 min

Venus & Mars Collide in Aquarius: Redefining Relationships ⚡Love Revolution! w/Mark Borax Astrology Hub Podcast

    • Spirituality

If you’re feeling a palpable tension in your relationships or within yourself, there’s a really good reason! If your relationships feel strained, or you’re experiencing internal conflict, you’re not alone, and you’ll want to keep an eye out for this particular transit.You’re under the hot beam brought on by Venus colliding with Mars. As Venus and Mars come together in the sky, they each want something from one another.The masculine is giving the feminine the strength of inner nature and essen...

If you’re feeling a palpable tension in your relationships or within yourself, there’s a really good reason! If your relationships feel strained, or you’re experiencing internal conflict, you’re not alone, and you’ll want to keep an eye out for this particular transit.You’re under the hot beam brought on by Venus colliding with Mars. As Venus and Mars come together in the sky, they each want something from one another.The masculine is giving the feminine the strength of inner nature and essen...

47 min