20 min

Video Game Brains - NexTalks Episode 18 NexTalks

    • Self-Improvement

The studies referenced in this episode:

https://rdcu.be/dxf86 - The neural basis of video gaming
https://rdcu.be/dxf88 - Neurocognitive analyses reveal that VGP's exhibit enhanced implicit temporal processing
https://rdcu.be/dxf9f - Action video game modifies visual selective attention
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2921999/- Enhancing the CSF through action video game training
https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2008-19072-010 - Can training in a real-time strategy video game attenuate cognitive decline in older adults?
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22715883/ - Brain plasticity through the life span: learning to learn and action video games

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The studies referenced in this episode:

https://rdcu.be/dxf86 - The neural basis of video gaming
https://rdcu.be/dxf88 - Neurocognitive analyses reveal that VGP's exhibit enhanced implicit temporal processing
https://rdcu.be/dxf9f - Action video game modifies visual selective attention
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2921999/- Enhancing the CSF through action video game training
https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2008-19072-010 - Can training in a real-time strategy video game attenuate cognitive decline in older adults?
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22715883/ - Brain plasticity through the life span: learning to learn and action video games

If you enjoyed this episode, please consider supporting on the website https://nexjuice.com/support


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nexjuice/support

20 min