41 min

Vigil Creek Nature Preserve 2 Making Stuff Up

    • Games

The continuing story of a group of semi-competent park employees and their hunt for a mysterious creature that might be an alligator, but definitely is not a bear because there are no bears here. This is Florida's only bear-free park. YOU HEAR THAT, SAMMY?

(Also, I completely screwed up last week and uploaded the wrong version of episode 1, which was cut off at the wrong place. If you heard that one before I fixed it, you might want to skip ahead about 7 minutes.)


Ross: Sabine V
Eleanor: Kim R, 
Oscar: David M
Willow and Cynthia: Maria M
Kay and Sammy: Ethan H

Game: Unincorporated and Vigil Creek Nature Preserve, by Ethan Harvey

Photo by wileydoc from Pixabay.


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/making-stuff-up/support

The continuing story of a group of semi-competent park employees and their hunt for a mysterious creature that might be an alligator, but definitely is not a bear because there are no bears here. This is Florida's only bear-free park. YOU HEAR THAT, SAMMY?

(Also, I completely screwed up last week and uploaded the wrong version of episode 1, which was cut off at the wrong place. If you heard that one before I fixed it, you might want to skip ahead about 7 minutes.)


Ross: Sabine V
Eleanor: Kim R, 
Oscar: David M
Willow and Cynthia: Maria M
Kay and Sammy: Ethan H

Game: Unincorporated and Vigil Creek Nature Preserve, by Ethan Harvey

Photo by wileydoc from Pixabay.


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/making-stuff-up/support

41 min