1 hr 21 min

Vulnerability Still A Hot Mess

    • Self-Improvement

What does it mean to be vulnerable? Kelly thinks it’s a wounded gazelle while Susan dives into the research of “vulnerability queen” Brené Brown. Together they expose the shame, fear, and perfectionism that might be holding you back from allowing people to see the beautiful, hot mess that you are. @stillahotmesspodcast @susanistewart @fancyfanson https://www.facebook.com/stillahotmess/

What does it mean to be vulnerable? Kelly thinks it’s a wounded gazelle while Susan dives into the research of “vulnerability queen” Brené Brown. Together they expose the shame, fear, and perfectionism that might be holding you back from allowing people to see the beautiful, hot mess that you are. @stillahotmesspodcast @susanistewart @fancyfanson https://www.facebook.com/stillahotmess/

1 hr 21 min