28 min

Waiting Work Second on the Mount

    • Christianity

"Waiting Work" – Acts 1:13-26
Sermon by Dr. George C. Anderson from Sunday, January 21, 2024. "Prayer is sometimes dismissed as avoiding responsibility, such as when people who actually can do something about a problem say instead, 'Let’s pray about it.' But though prayer can be used to avoid the truth and dodge responsibility, it can also be a means by which to face the truth and deal with it. . . .
"Prayer is grounding oneself in God and remembering you are not alone. It is reminding oneself of God’s love; It is asking to be forgiven and it is asking to forgive; It is seeking some guidance, and asking for patience while waiting for the guidance; It is listening for some truth that so far hasn’t been heard; It is asking for a path forward that so far cannot be seen... Prayer is Waiting Work."
Read the manuscript on our website: https://www.spres.org/waiting-work/ 

"Waiting Work" – Acts 1:13-26
Sermon by Dr. George C. Anderson from Sunday, January 21, 2024. "Prayer is sometimes dismissed as avoiding responsibility, such as when people who actually can do something about a problem say instead, 'Let’s pray about it.' But though prayer can be used to avoid the truth and dodge responsibility, it can also be a means by which to face the truth and deal with it. . . .
"Prayer is grounding oneself in God and remembering you are not alone. It is reminding oneself of God’s love; It is asking to be forgiven and it is asking to forgive; It is seeking some guidance, and asking for patience while waiting for the guidance; It is listening for some truth that so far hasn’t been heard; It is asking for a path forward that so far cannot be seen... Prayer is Waiting Work."
Read the manuscript on our website: https://www.spres.org/waiting-work/ 

28 min