1 hr 9 min

“Wall Street’s War on Workers” with Les Leopold Coming From Left Field (Video)

    • Politics

Working Class and What to Do About It,” connects the dots between long-term trends in corporate capitalism and the last 50 years of neoliberal attacks on the working class. He shows the direct relationship between deregulation, predatory private equity firms, mass layoffs, stock buybacks, and the resulting destruction of the middle class.
As a longtime labor educator and journalist, Leopold describes how the Democrats have lost the longstanding support of millions of urban and rural workers and how both parties take their marching orders from Wall Street and wealthy donors.
Order the book: Wall Street’s War on Workers (https://www.kingsbookstore.com/book/9781645022336)
Substack: (https://lesleopold.substack.com/)
Webiste: (https://runawayinequality.org/)  
Greg’s Blog (subscribe!): http://zzs-blg.blogspot.com/

Working Class and What to Do About It,” connects the dots between long-term trends in corporate capitalism and the last 50 years of neoliberal attacks on the working class. He shows the direct relationship between deregulation, predatory private equity firms, mass layoffs, stock buybacks, and the resulting destruction of the middle class.
As a longtime labor educator and journalist, Leopold describes how the Democrats have lost the longstanding support of millions of urban and rural workers and how both parties take their marching orders from Wall Street and wealthy donors.
Order the book: Wall Street’s War on Workers (https://www.kingsbookstore.com/book/9781645022336)
Substack: (https://lesleopold.substack.com/)
Webiste: (https://runawayinequality.org/)  
Greg’s Blog (subscribe!): http://zzs-blg.blogspot.com/

1 hr 9 min