41 min

Watchmen The Sundae Presents

    • Film Reviews

It's an emergency episode! (Though maybe not released on an emergency schedule.) Ciara watched Zack Snyder's 2009 film adaptation of Watchmen, so she and Dean recorded an episode about it. They talk about the assassination of JFK, whether Rorschach is cool and the absence of a squid.

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Episode 12, Whedon v Snyder: The Justice League Special: https://thesundae.net/2022/01/26/whedon-v-snyder-the-justice-league-special-the-sundae-presents-episode-12/

It's an emergency episode! (Though maybe not released on an emergency schedule.) Ciara watched Zack Snyder's 2009 film adaptation of Watchmen, so she and Dean recorded an episode about it. They talk about the assassination of JFK, whether Rorschach is cool and the absence of a squid.

Visit The Sundae: https://thesundae.net/

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sundaeblog/

Episode 12, Whedon v Snyder: The Justice League Special: https://thesundae.net/2022/01/26/whedon-v-snyder-the-justice-league-special-the-sundae-presents-episode-12/

41 min