waterloop #140: Most Endangered River 2022 - The Colorado waterloop: exploring solutions

    • News Commentary

The Colorado River has been named the most endangered river in the U.S. by American Rivers, with the organization citing the challenges it faces from the impacts of climate change, outdated water management practices, overallocation of resources, and a failure to manage the river equitably. These problems and the overall state of the Colorado River are discussed in this episode with Matt Rice, Director of the Southwest Region for American Rivers. Matt also talks about how to respond to the challenges, including through funding from the new infrastructure act, expansion of a wide range of water efficiency measures, and by fully involving tribes in decisions and management.waterloop is a nonprofit media outlet focused on solutions and science. Visit https://www.waterloop.org (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUM5dmpHWFdJeFNqTjdGc19MYWVZS0M4TjFWZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuMmJ5dGdFSmZ2LU9jWDRKRVpUZHJTOThEcWFxemFBQWdjSUtLMk0wUlJ0SE9MTGtDMFBsZlJhVEh2dHd4ak1YVWQ2TUVhTzY1MHlEV0hPV0g2aHdBTkhnUEhSZ2pubGdOcmpIOGZVN3RUV3FPenhnZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.waterloop.org)

The Colorado River has been named the most endangered river in the U.S. by American Rivers, with the organization citing the challenges it faces from the impacts of climate change, outdated water management practices, overallocation of resources, and a failure to manage the river equitably. These problems and the overall state of the Colorado River are discussed in this episode with Matt Rice, Director of the Southwest Region for American Rivers. Matt also talks about how to respond to the challenges, including through funding from the new infrastructure act, expansion of a wide range of water efficiency measures, and by fully involving tribes in decisions and management.waterloop is a nonprofit media outlet focused on solutions and science. Visit https://www.waterloop.org (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUM5dmpHWFdJeFNqTjdGc19MYWVZS0M4TjFWZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuMmJ5dGdFSmZ2LU9jWDRKRVpUZHJTOThEcWFxemFBQWdjSUtLMk0wUlJ0SE9MTGtDMFBsZlJhVEh2dHd4ak1YVWQ2TUVhTzY1MHlEV0hPV0g2aHdBTkhnUEhSZ2pubGdOcmpIOGZVN3RUV3FPenhnZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.waterloop.org)