29 min

WCEO and Investing in the Future of Women's Leadership with Patricia Lizarraga, Managing Partner at Hypatia How Women Inspire: Invest, Lead, Give

    • Management

Women CEOs are incredible - they have to be to get to the top - so it only makes sense that their companies outperform others in the stock market. So why aren’t more people actively investing in women? Because the information has not been there, until now. Patricia Lizarraga is here today to talk about how we can consciously invest in women now and in the future. This week’s episode 62 of How Women Inspire Podcast is about WCEO and investing in the future of women’s leadership! In this e...

Women CEOs are incredible - they have to be to get to the top - so it only makes sense that their companies outperform others in the stock market. So why aren’t more people actively investing in women? Because the information has not been there, until now. Patricia Lizarraga is here today to talk about how we can consciously invest in women now and in the future. This week’s episode 62 of How Women Inspire Podcast is about WCEO and investing in the future of women’s leadership! In this e...

29 min