23 episodes

If you’ve heard the words “real estate investing” and thought of old men in suits making important phone calls and buying high-rise buildings, I’m here to tell you anyone can become a real estate investor. Even you... especially you!

I’m Jasmine Williams and I’m so excited to welcome you to The Women, Wealth, Impact Podcast. After years of living paycheck to paycheck and not having foundational knowledge of basic financial literacy, I said ENOUGH and took control of my money and future.

I worked hard as a realtor, REALLY hard. But it didn’t solve my money issues. Not too long ago I was a broke single mom of two and I knew that wasn’t what I wanted my legacy to be. I needed a plan to generate income and start saving.

And along the way, I found my purpose to educate women on the importance of real estate investing and how it can be accessible to anyone. Today, I help women dominate the world of real estate and realize their full potential. I help women elevate their finances through real estate investing and homeownership.

This podcast is for women that have had enough of financial instability, and are ready to create a plan for success for themselves and their families through money planning, homeownership, and learning real estate investing. I’m not saying it will be an easy road, but I am saying it will be 100% worth the hard work.

It really is possible to create a future of financial freedom with zero cents in your bank account. You have to start somewhere and I’m glad you’re starting here with me!

As your passionate and dedicated real estate investing coach, I’ll walk with you as we pave the way towards the financially stable future you’ve been dreaming of – one (lucrative) brick at a time.

Ready to learn more?
Visit my website: https://greeneverythingcommunity.com/
Connect on IG: @greenrealestatemom
If you know you’re ready to start planning for your financial future today let’s get started!

Wealthy Women Circle Jasmine Williams

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 23 Ratings

If you’ve heard the words “real estate investing” and thought of old men in suits making important phone calls and buying high-rise buildings, I’m here to tell you anyone can become a real estate investor. Even you... especially you!

I’m Jasmine Williams and I’m so excited to welcome you to The Women, Wealth, Impact Podcast. After years of living paycheck to paycheck and not having foundational knowledge of basic financial literacy, I said ENOUGH and took control of my money and future.

I worked hard as a realtor, REALLY hard. But it didn’t solve my money issues. Not too long ago I was a broke single mom of two and I knew that wasn’t what I wanted my legacy to be. I needed a plan to generate income and start saving.

And along the way, I found my purpose to educate women on the importance of real estate investing and how it can be accessible to anyone. Today, I help women dominate the world of real estate and realize their full potential. I help women elevate their finances through real estate investing and homeownership.

This podcast is for women that have had enough of financial instability, and are ready to create a plan for success for themselves and their families through money planning, homeownership, and learning real estate investing. I’m not saying it will be an easy road, but I am saying it will be 100% worth the hard work.

It really is possible to create a future of financial freedom with zero cents in your bank account. You have to start somewhere and I’m glad you’re starting here with me!

As your passionate and dedicated real estate investing coach, I’ll walk with you as we pave the way towards the financially stable future you’ve been dreaming of – one (lucrative) brick at a time.

Ready to learn more?
Visit my website: https://greeneverythingcommunity.com/
Connect on IG: @greenrealestatemom
If you know you’re ready to start planning for your financial future today let’s get started!

    Smart Planning

    Smart Planning

    Black History Month is almost over, and the second quarter of 2023 is approaching. I've dedicated this last episode to the culture to help us get our finances in formation.

    As a woman of color, my parents and elders did not play. They stressed the importance of education, financial independence, and having a little something tucked away for a rainy day.

    In this podcast episode, I'm sharing how we can move past having a little something tucked away to have a lot of something!! Wealth is your destiny, and real estate investing is the key to unlocking it.

    But to get started, you need to get SMART about your finances and real about creating a plan to build wealth.

    Here's what's on the other side of that play button:

    ✅What the statistics say about Women and Investing✅How to apply SMART goal planning to your Personal Finances✅How to turn obstacles into learning opportunities✅The misconceptions about investing in real estateAnd much, much more...

    [00:07] Don't know what S.M.A.R.T means and how to apply it to your finances--listen as I break it down for you.

    [00:57] Just saying that you want to become financially stable isn't enough if you're serious about your financial turnaround; it's time to get specific about your money goals. Here I explain how to do that with the SMART framework.

    [04:08] Big corporations plan their years and measure their success quarterly, and so should you. Join me as I explain how to track and measure your progress.

    [05:21] Who wants to be a millionaire? ...if you answered everybody, you're right! But acquiring large sums of money takes time; listen as I explain the importance of creating achievable goals based on your current financials.

    [06:41] Do your wealth goals reflect what's important to you? With so much marketing thrown our way, it's hard to determine what's a need VS. a want. Here, I explain how to SMART planning can help you create your personal financial plan based on what you value most.

    [08:00] Many goals become wishes without a hard deadline and focus. Listen as I explain the importance of creating and understanding your timeline to achieve financial freedom.

    [10:00] Are you ready to implement your SMART Financial Goals? Listen as I share how to get inside a community dedicated to YOU becoming a wealthy woman.

    I hope you enjoyed this episode--Now, it's time to implement what you just learned? Join The Women Who Build Wealth Community for only $7.00 per month and unlock:

    ✔️The flagship Fire Up Your Finances 8-Day Program✔️Step-by-step instructions on conducting a financial audit✔️The sought-after 50 Side Hustles Worksheet can help you leverage your knowledge, skills, and background to generate a side income in as little as two weeks!✔️Access to The Women Who Build Wealth Community✔️Strategies that I, and my private-coaching clients use, to get the entire family onboard!✔️An implementation checklist to keep you focused on celebrating your wins daily✔️A powerful debt reduction strategy you can use to start improving your financial standing TODAY!

    • 12 min
    Investing In Phildelphia's Market

    Investing In Phildelphia's Market

    The Women, Wealth, and Impact Podcast drops gems weekly on all things financial literacy and building wealth through Real Estate Investing. The gems I drop are applicable state- to -state-- but today's episode is a little different - Today, I'm talking about investing in my favorite city Philadelphia!


    If you thought Philly was just a foodie's paradise, think again! From its rich history to the many communities that make up this great city, there is much more to Philly than just cheesesteaks.


    On this episode of the Women, Wealth, and Impact Podcast, I get into the nitty-gritty of navigating the Philadelphia real estate market. Whether you're just starting as a real estate investor or looking to take your investment game to a whole new level - this episode will provide insightful tips from an experienced pro on all things related to Philadelphia investments. 

    Episode Highlights

    [00:00:30] What makes Philly an investor's dream? Tune in as I explain why investors flock to the city of brotherly love and what Philly offers that other major cities aren't.


    [00:01:25] We ladies like options, and Philly offers female investors a variety of options in culture-rich neighborhoods. Listen as I briefly explain what makes Philly and rich opportunity zone.


    [00:01:45] Five years ago, I turned a $14k investment property into a cash-flowing machine. Now, I share my duplicatable process with hundreds of women -- Here, I explain how property values keep increasing year over year and the importance of doing your due diligence.


    [00:02:10] If you're waiting to start your investment journey, I'm here to tell you the time is now! If you're an aspiring investor or a seasoned pro, this tip may be the push you need to purchase your first or next property.


    [00:03:20] There are thousands of opportunities coming to the Real Estate Market in the next 90 days, but before you dive in head first, let me explain what you need to know to become successful in the Philadelphia market.


    [00:04:00] Building wealth through Real Estate does not happen in a vacuum - Here, I share my experience on how to build a successful team and community around you.


    [00:04:45] Are you ready to launch your Rental Property Business but need help knowing where to start? Surrounding yourself with a like-minded community is paramount to success in this field. To learn more about what we can offer, click the link in the show notes to learn more.

    About Jasmine Williams

    Jasmine Williams is a Real-Estate Investment Coach, Womanpreneur, and the driving force behind The Green Everything Community. With over 15 years of combined experience, Jasmine provides tips, strategies, and practical advice for wealth building through Real-Estate Investing.


    Connect with Jasmine


    Check out the Green Everything Blog 


    Ready to improve your financial literacy for just $7.00 a month? Join The Women Who Build Wealth Membership Hub LINK

    • 5 min
    5 Easy Steps To Creating A Budget

    5 Easy Steps To Creating A Budget

    Ladies, it's time to talk about our budgets or lack thereof! So before you scroll past this episode of The Women, Wealth, and Impact Podcast, in favor of an episode that's not so heavy --take a deep breath and keep reading.

    I know it takes a lot of mental and emotional work to discuss money and budgets, especially if you're tight on both, but I promise you my easy budgeting tips are a game-changer. As a single momma and Real Estate Entrepreneur, I've created a simple 5 step budgeting system that makes it easy to run a household and an empire.

    In this episode, I'm spilling the tea and giving you the budgeting system I teach my clients and new investors.

    If you're struggling with:

    ✅Yo-yo savings (save a lot, blow it fast)

    ✅Living paycheck to paycheck

    ✅Working hard as heck but having no idea where your money is going

    Then this episode has the strategies and tough love you need to make 2023 the year of Financial Turnaround.

    Let me tell you what's on the other side of that play button:

    A down-and-dirty financial audit technique that will be so eye-opening you'll never have to guess where your money is going.
    Tips for making saving a habit you barely even think about An easy-to-follow 5-step system for creating a budget you can actually stick to.

    [00:01:10] Knowing exactly where your money is going is the first step to financial clarity- Here, I explain why clarity is the first step to budgeting and how to perform a down-and-dirty financial audit.

    [00:02:00] The term budgeting is so cliche, so I've flipped the script and taught my clients how to create a Money Plan. The difference is the term budgeting feels like your money is dictating what you can do -- Tune in to learn how to cultivate the feeling of YOU telling your money where to go.

    [00:02:55] Newsflash -- saving doesn't have to feel like a chore. Here I explain simple steps to make saving a habit you don't think about. Learn how my clients reduce stress by creating these Wealthy Woman Habits around money.

    [00:06:15] Want to know what to do when you have more months than money? When we get clear on the gaps in our budget, we can feel defeated. Let me share how you can close the gaps and get on the road to becoming a Woman Who Builds Wealth.

    [00:07:15] ] Have you ever heard the saying " What gets checked, gets done"? I explain how to check in on your Money Plan so you can stay laser-focused, eliminate excuses, and celebrate your wins and lessons.

    [00:07:25] Are your finances organized? Tune in to learn the foundation of creating a system that works best for you and your money. Here I share tips on managing your financial tasks and responsibilities.

    [00:08:05] Have you declared 2023 the year of your Financial Turnaround? Here I share how to put action behind your dreams and goals.


    About Jasmine Williams

    Jasmine Williams is a Real-Estate Investment Coach, Womanpreneur, and the driving force behind The Green Everything Community. With over 15 years of combined experience, Jasmine provides tips, strategies, and practical advice for wealth building through Real-Estate Investing.

    Connect with Jasmine

    Check out the Green Everything Blog

    Ready to improve your financial literacy for just $7.00 a month?

    Join The Women Who Build Wealth Membership Hub LINK

    • 9 min
    5 Steps To Investing In Real Estate

    5 Steps To Investing In Real Estate

    Calling ALL Women of Color!!! Listen up; we need to chat. Real-estate investing is a topic that is not only HUGELY important but one that I am passionate about. Why? Because I believe that Real Estate is one of the FASTEST and most POWERFUL wealth-building strategies. And I want to see more Women of Color taking advantage of it! Women are often told they're not good investors, but that's not true! Women are excellent investors when they understand the required steps and feel safe asking questions. Real estate can be an excellent investment for women because it offers the potential for significant returns and is a relatively safe investment. However, before investing in real estate, it's essential to understand the steps involved. In this episode of Women, Wealth, and Impact, I walk you through the steps to invest in real estate so that you can build wealth and take your financial future into your own hands. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Episode Highlights: Here is what's on the other side of that play button:

    [00:01:58] Have you fallen for the #fakenews that buying your first rental property is some complicated equation that YOU COULD NEVER figure out? Listen as I share the first thing you need to do to shift that "stinking thinking."

    [00:02:28] Where is your money going? Do you know? To become a confident real estate investor, you need to not only face your finances but become proficient in the language of money. I'll share some ways you can do that in this episode.

    [00:03:30] What's the difference between a sole proprietorship, an LLC, and an S-Corp? And which one is the best for real estate investing? I'm NOT a tax attorney, but I can share a few things you must consider before setting up your real-estate-rental business.

    [00:03:37] Ever heard the saying that the world is divided between two types of people: those who say, "wait to see what happens," and those who say, "I'll make it happen"? Learn how to become "a make it happen" woman by learning the systems and processes multi-million dollar investors use to source properties.

    [00:06:29] Are you a doer or a talker? In this episode, I'll give you the roadmap to implementation and holding yourself accountable so you can take action and achieve your real estate investing goals. [

    00:06:44] What is the #1 secret to building wealth through real estate investing? HINT: it's not what you think. Learn what it is by listening to this episode. Don't forget to rate, comment, and leave a review! Resources: Download The FREE 90-Day Rental Property Checklist Apply For The Road To Real-Estate Investing Join The Real Estate Investing 5-Day Challenge Join The Wealthy Woman Circle FREE Facebook Group _____________________________________________________________________________________About Jasmine Williams is a Real-Estate Investment Coach, Womanpreneur, and the driving force behind The Green Everything Community. With over 15 years of combined experience, Jasmine provides tips, strategies, and practical advice for wealth building through Real-Estate Investing. Connect with Jasmine Join Jasmine every Monday on Instagram Live as she shares proven savings, budgeting, and Real-Estate Investing Strategies. When you join the text community, don't miss exclusive content, prizes, and VIP Wealthy-Women Masterminds. Want more wealth-building resources? Join the Green Everything Facebook Community for more in-depth discussions about building wealth as black women. Are you ready to build wealth? 

    Download your FREE 90-Day Rental Property Business Plan Checklist 

    • 9 min
    Ep: 19 What the Gurus don't tell you !

    Ep: 19 What the Gurus don't tell you !

    Raise your hand if you've judged your journey through someone's social media feed. In this episode, my client Topaz and I separate the real from the fake. We go behind the glitz, glam, and fluff that can lead to self-doubt and procrastination. This episode was recorded in the field with my client Topaz as she reflected on her long journey to overcoming self-doubt. Listen as she shares her experience of procrastination and buying into the hype. We'll also discuss how submitting to the process and following my signature process helped her to see results. Let me tell you what's on the other side of that play button.

    [00:01:35] How social media creates unrealistic expectations about the investing process and what to focus on instead

    [00:02:22] The methods that I teach that aren't available in any other course on the internet and how I support Black Women

    [00:03:13] Why it pays to be early and take action immediately

    [00:04:05] Why wearing the savior cape keeps you from success as an investor

    [00:07:59] The secret to rapid success is rapid implementation; Listen as Topaz shared how she went from theory to practice

    [00:09:08] The cost of procrastination is higher than you think; listen as Topaz shares her experience and how she got on the right path.

    [00:10:46] The #1 secret to wealth building comes down to this one action

    [00:13:02] How to join the next cohort and start your wealth-building journey.


    About Jasmine Williams

    Jasmine Williams is a Real-Estate Investment Coach, Womanpreneur, and the driving force behind The Green Everything Community. With over 15 years of combined experience, Jasmine provides tips, strategies, and practical advice for wealth building through Real-Estate Investing. Connect with Jasmine Join Jasmine every Monday on Instagram Live as she shares proven savings, budgeting, and Real-Estate Investing Strategies. When you join the text community, don't miss exclusive content, prizes, and VIP Wealthy-Women Masterminds.

    Want more wealth-building resources? Join the 

    The Wealthy Woman Circle: Learn how to Invest in Real Estate to get Wealthy

    Facebook Community for more in-depth discussions around building wealth as black women. Are you ready to build wealth?


    Join our September Get Investing Challenge www.wealthywomenchallenge.com 

    Please don't forget to rate, comment, and subscribe. 

    • 16 min
    5-Day Challenge Lessons and Wins

    5-Day Challenge Lessons and Wins

    What happens when you get sick and tired of your own excuses? The ladies who participated in the 5-Day Real Estate Investing Challenge got out of their way and committed five days to learn about investing and financial readiness. Their commitment led to massive mindset shifts and income-producing activities.   In this episode, I'm going to share how you can have the same breakthroughs because when it comes to wealth building, there ARE viable solutions to your struggles. So often, we stay stuck because we're afraid of success, but if you're willing to be honest with yourself and commit to taking inspired action, you can change your financial story and the story of those connected to you.   This episode is about understanding what's possible through the experiences of others. If you want to build wealth, FIRST believe it's possible. And then press play. Here's what's on the other side of that button:     [00:03:16] Why many women take a backseat in their finances and how that limits their ability to create the life they want [00:07:22]The principles of success become apparent when you realize that there are solutions to your struggles in your own backyard; listen as I share how one challenger found the courage to get serious about real estate investing. [00:09:35] Risk is associated with investing, but the real secret to success is being more afraid of not taking action than you are of failing. Here I share how to make the mental shifts.  [00:13:13] Why I don't use scare tactics or "hype" to get people to invest? What makes my coaching different from others in the industry?  [00:15:43] Want to know how to win a scholarship opportunity for my next cohort? It's all right here. [00:17:59] If you missed this challenge, here's how you join the next one  
    About Jasmine Williams Jasmine Williams is a Real-Estate Investment Coach, Womanpreneur, and the driving force behind The Green Everything Community. With over 15 years of combined experience, Jasmine provides tips, strategies, and practical advice for wealth building through Real-Estate Investing.   Connect with Jasmine Join Jasmine every Monday on Instagram Live as she shares proven savings, budgeting, and Real-Estate Investing Strategies. When you join the text community, don't miss exclusive content, prizes, and VIP Wealthy-Women Masterminds. Want more wealth-building resources? Join The Wealthy Woman Circle on Facebook for more in-depth discussions around building wealth as black women.

    • 19 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
23 Ratings

23 Ratings

Nettie2151993 ,


Jasmine is the best. I’ve been following her for sometime now and I love how she empowers women to reach their goals. I love that she is down to earth and can relate to single mothers and their struggles.

Latryce H. ,

Love this Podcast

From one single mom trying to learn to another, thank you for this ❤️

Ashely6 ,

Amazing !!

Jasmine is such a blessing to women ! Always motivating & giving us game to the real estate world
Check the podcast out ladies ❤️

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