92 episodes

Welcome to Eloma is a podcast for visionaries, entrepreneurs, and business owners who want to become better leaders, people, and pioneers. In this podcast, we explore uncharted territories and share stories of business, life, and leadership with owners, entrepreneurs, and experts.

I’m your host, Kiley Peters, serial entrepreneur and Founder and CEO of RAYNE IX, a executive consultancy dedicated to helping service-based women small business owners build stronger business backends and leverage their companies to build the lives they want.

I’m on a mission to help small business owners build the futures they dream for themselves, their families, and their communities.

And I call that space, Eloma. Welcome.

Welcome To Eloma Kiley Peters

    • Business
    • 4.9 • 45 Ratings

Welcome to Eloma is a podcast for visionaries, entrepreneurs, and business owners who want to become better leaders, people, and pioneers. In this podcast, we explore uncharted territories and share stories of business, life, and leadership with owners, entrepreneurs, and experts.

I’m your host, Kiley Peters, serial entrepreneur and Founder and CEO of RAYNE IX, a executive consultancy dedicated to helping service-based women small business owners build stronger business backends and leverage their companies to build the lives they want.

I’m on a mission to help small business owners build the futures they dream for themselves, their families, and their communities.

And I call that space, Eloma. Welcome.

    Regulating Your Nervous System with Ava Johanna Pendl

    Regulating Your Nervous System with Ava Johanna Pendl

    In this episode of Welcome to Eloma, Ava Johanna Pendl, Executive Coach and Founder of The Academy of Breath, talks about the importance of regulating the nervous system for entrepreneurs. Kiley and Ava discuss the challenges that entrepreneurs face, such as constant productivity and lack of boundaries, which can lead to burnout and dysregulation. Ava explains the symptoms of a dysregulated nervous system, such as anxiety and physical ailments, and offers practical tips for regulating the nervous system, including slowing down, creating space, and practicing breathwork. They also discuss the importance of integration and reflection in educational programs and the potential impact of a dysregulated nervous system on decision-making and success. 
    Lastly, Ava emphasizes the need for entrepreneurs to prioritize their well-being and build in a sustainable way.
    “Slowing down doesn't mean that you have to put your foot on the brake. We're actually slowing down to be able to speed up. We're slowing down so that we can hold more. We're slowing down so that we can take that step back for a moment and build in a way that's gonna support us for the long term, right?” 6:47“Set a rule that you have at least 15, 20, 30 minutes in between each of your meetings so that you can not scroll on your phone, not answer your emails, but take some time to just breathe. The space that you create in stillness is where your creative ideas will come from. It's where the 'yes' for opportunities will land for you.” 9:00“If we are constantly inundated by new woulds, coulds, shoulds, information overload, social media, new emails coming in, new ideas, then there's this really cool function of the brain called the window of tolerance. There's only so much that we can tolerate within that window. Anything outside of that is going to push us into burnout. And again, burnout is gonna show up in many different ways, brain fog, anxiety, etc.” 16:45
    Links and follow-ups:
    Connect with Ava Johanna Pendl:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avajohanna 
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@iamavajohanna
    Websites: www.avajohanna.com, www.academyofbreath.org 
    Email: ava@avajohanna.com
    Connect with Kiley
    Learn more at WelcomeToEloma.com
    Work with us at RAYNEIX.com 
    Newsletter Signup: RIXNewsletter.com 
    Linkedin: Kiley Peters & RAYNE IX
    Instagram: @kileypeters & @rayneix 
    Email: info@rayneix.com

    • 40 min
    Building Your Wealth Strategy with Chelsea Ransom-Cooper

    Building Your Wealth Strategy with Chelsea Ransom-Cooper

    In this episode of Welcome to Eloma, Chelsea Ransom-Cooper, Chief Financial Planning Officer of Zenith Wealth Partners, talks about how entrepreneurs can build wealth within their businesses and outside of their businesses. Kiley and Chelsea explore the potholes that women founders often fall into when it comes to navigating wealth creation, such as thinking of their business as a lifestyle practice and not considering scale and profitability. They also discuss the importance of managing people and creating a culture that inspires and motivates employees. 
    They touch on the topic of debt and how entrepreneurs can strategically leverage it to grow their businesses. Chelsea also emphasizes the importance of paying oneself a healthy amount and having a clear financial plan. The conversation concludes with a discussion on money mindset and the need to adjust our mindset to see risk as an opportunity for growth. 
    Furthermore, the ladies discuss the mindset and risk tolerance of entrepreneurs, as well as advanced strategies for building wealth. They explore the concept of risk as an opportunity for loss and how entrepreneurs bet on themselves. They also discuss the importance of mindset in wealth creation and the need for support from coaches and experts. Both Kiley and Chelsea emphasize the importance of small habits and intentional saving, as well as defining what wealth means to each individual. Lastly, Chelsea shares her mission to help bridge the racial and gender wealth gap.
    “If you know that you're looking to grow and scale your business and you want to look at bank loans or small business association loans or even considering bringing on investors, how do you have that advocate in your corner so that you're not necessarily making mistakes because you're not familiar with the lay of the land?” 5:11“There's this super negative connotation around debt where it's like, hey, if I don't have the cash flow or I don't have the money, I probably shouldn't do it. But debt isn't always a bad thing. We have to acknowledge that a lot of really big publicly traded companies have a lot of debt and they have a lot of debt to grow and scale, to innovate. Debt gives you the opportunities to invest in growth and strategies that you have.” 6:25“The goal and the purpose for this business was to meet the demand and the mission that you wanted to serve, but also to make sure that you can pay your bills. Cutting your own pay to invest in other things isn't actually helpful in the long run. So making sure that you are paying yourself and making sure you're paying yourself a healthy amount of the revenue that is coming in.” 13:02
    Links and follow-ups:
    Connect with Chelsea Ransom-Cooper:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chelsea.cfp/ 
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chelsea-ransom-cooper-cfp-6b198346/ 
    Website: https://zenithwealth.partners/ 
    Email: chelsea@networthzenith.com

    Connect with Kiley
    Learn more at WelcomeToEloma.com
    Work with us at RAYNEIX.com 
    Newsletter Signup: RIXNewsletter.com 
    Linkedin: Kiley...

    • 41 min
    Preparing Your Business for Exit with Carrie Kerpen

    Preparing Your Business for Exit with Carrie Kerpen

    In this episode of Welcome to Eloma, Carrie Kerpen, Former CEO and Founder of Likeable, talks about the process of preparing a business for exit and successfully negotiating an eight-figure sale. Kiley and Carrie emphasize the importance of building a business with the end in mind and creating scalable, repeatable processes. Carrie shares her experience of staying committed to her business for 14 years and the challenges she faced along the way. Also highlighted in this episode is the significance of finding the right partner and ensuring a smooth transition for the team and culture. 
    Moreover, Carrie Kerpen shares her insights and advice on building a successful company and preparing for an exit. Carrie also discusses the value of taking risks, building confidence, and always asking questions. Understanding the economics of your business and focusing on scalable and repeatable offerings are crucial for growth. Carrie believes that building the best possible team and finding joy in your work is the most essential thing for long-term success. 
    Carrie's ultimate goal is to help women entrepreneurs make as much money as possible and leave a positive legacy.
    “Your business is part of your legacy. So if you're selling your business, you are entrusting part of your legacy to a new owner. And that's a really big deal, especially for women. I mean, men too, of course, but I think for women, we put our every ounce of everything into those businesses, our heart, our soul, our, you know, and so. You know, if you're selling it to someone, it better be a good legacy for you.”  14:01 “Focus on what is scalable and repeatable. Because if you are, and this is specifically for services businesses, a lot of the time, if you are just charging by the hour and doing whatever somebody wants, yeah, it's the fastest road to burnout there is. You have to say, this is my program. This is my offering. This is how it works.”  27:26“There's not a moment in your entrepreneurial journey that will not pass, good or bad. There's not a moment in your home life, good or bad, that will not pass. Time is your friend and is also not your friend. There's never anything that lasts forever, nothing good lasts forever and nothing bad lasts forever.”  35:47
    Connect with Carrie Kerpen:
    Social Media Handles: @carriekerpen on all social platforms
    Website URLS: www.carriekerpen.com 
    Email: carriekerpen@gmail.com
    Connect with Kiley
    Learn more at WelcomeToEloma.com
    Work with us at RAYNEIX.com 
    Newsletter Signup: RIXNewsletter.com 
    Linkedin: Kiley Peters & RAYNE IX
    Instagram: @kileypeters & @rayneix 
    Email: info@rayneix.com

    • 39 min
    Beating Burnout with Julian Reeve

    Beating Burnout with Julian Reeve

    In this episode of Welcome to Eloma, Julian Reeve, CEO of Perfect Equilibrium Inc, talks about burnout, the causes, and prevention strategies. Julian shares his personal experience of burnout after working as the Musical Director for the Broadway show, Hamilton, and then taking over 25 Broadway shows around the world as a Music Director, and how it led to a heart attack. Kiley and Julian explore the signs and symptoms of burnout, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness. Julian also highlights the difference between stress and burnout and the three dimensions of burnout: 
    Overwhelming exhaustionCynicism and detachmentIneffectiveness
    They discuss the role of mindset in managing burnout and the need to challenge fixed thinking. Julian also shares insights on the recovery process and embracing change. He emphasizes the importance of developing a healthy relationship with work and the need for self-care and self-reflection to prevent burnout. 
    In this episode, Julian Reeve shares his experience of finding happiness during challenging times and the importance of taking space for personal growth. He also discusses the value of embracing change and taking risks in order to achieve success. Finally, he provides information on how to connect with him and learn more about Perfect Equilibrium.
    “One of the most valuable things that we can all do, whether we're entrepreneurs or anything else, as far as burnout goes, is develop our self-awareness. Because the physical symptoms of burnout weren't necessarily prevalent and weren't present for me to go, “Oh, OK, I'm experiencing chest pain” or I'm constantly fatigued or I'm cynical or I'm detached, or all the other stuff that goes with burnout. And so had I developed enough self-awareness to understand that I was actually headed in the wrong direction, maybe I would have caught it.” 3:43“So if we approach anything with the right mindset and we have the right system and we have the right strategy, we will get exactly where we need to go. And perfect equilibrium to me is that space. It's much more than work-life balance. It's much deeper than that. There's a spiritual element to it. But for me, in organizations particularly, it's where employees get to function at their best capability because the culture and the systems are strategically cared for and a mindset is present to kind of aim in the right direction.” 14:45“You know, we burn out for several reasons. I strongly believe that organizations and individuals both have responsibility for burnout management. Now, officially, we burn out because of six main reasons; work overload, lack of control, insufficient reward, feelings of unfairness, breakdown of community, and a conflict of values.” 28:58
    Links & Follow-ups:
    Connect with Julian Reeve:
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julianreeve/ 
    Website: www.perfectequilibrium.co 
    Email: email@julianreeve.com
    Connect with Kiley
    Learn more at WelcomeToEloma.com
    Work with us at RAYNEIX.com 
    Newsletter Signup: RIXNewsletter.com 
    Linkedin: Kiley Peters & RAYNE...

    • 44 min
    Embracing Risk with Gill Moakes

    Embracing Risk with Gill Moakes

    “Nothing is ever as complicated as we make it,” says Gill Moakes of life and entrepreneurship. The award-winning ICF certified business coach and podcast host discusses the power of taking calculated risks in business. Gill explains how trusting oneself and making bold decisions can drive both business and personal growth. She highlights the specific challenges that women entrepreneurs face, including mental barriers and societal expectations, urging women to actively choose success and develop the courage to take bigger risks.
    Gill delves into the impact of limiting beliefs and the pursuit of external validation on entrepreneurs’ risk-taking abilities. She shares personal stories and professional insights to show how reevaluating one’s self-image and challenging ingrained beliefs can lead to greater business success and personal fulfillment.
    Exploring broader aspects of entrepreneurship, Gill covers the trade-off between the perceived stability of traditional employment and the autonomy—and accompanying instability—of running one’s own business. She emphasizes that having control over one’s decisions, despite the risks involved, provides a unique form of security that traditional jobs often do not offer.
    “Most women entrepreneurs need support. They need coaches. They need mentors. They need people around them—a community to be able to cultivate the courage to start playing a bigger game, to start taking the risks. A lot of women struggle to choose themselves for success.” (03:54 | Gill Moakes) “Nothing is ever as complicated as we make it. I think that’s probably my biggest insight.” (37:43 | Gill Moakes) “People love to complicate their business so much and it doesn’t have to be that complicated. Business is about three things. Be a nice person. Don't be an idiot—be better at what you do than most people. Just be outstandingly good at what you do. And thirdly, put relationships above algorithms. Do those three things.” (38:04 | Gill Moakes) 
    Connect with Gill Moakes:
    Social Media Handles: 
    Insta - @gillmoakes 
    Substack - https://substack.com/@gillmoakes 
    Website URLS: 
    Connect with Welcome to Eloma
    Instagram: @welcometoeloma
    Website: WelcometoEloma.com
    Connect with Kiley
    Social: @kileypeters + Linkedin.com/in/kileypeters
    Websites: RAYNEIX.com, KileyPeters.com
    Weekly Email Newsletter: RIXNewsletter.com
    Email: info@rayneix.com
    Podcast production and show notes provided by HiveCast.fm

    • 40 min
    Leading Consciously with Ana Maria Moreno

    Leading Consciously with Ana Maria Moreno

    “Being a conscious leader makes smart business sense,” asserts Ana Maria Moreno, CEO and founder of Copal. Copal is a business coaching practice that incorporates inner energetic work to help entrepreneurs elevate their business and personal lives. Ana Maria has an impressive background, including an Ivy League degree, an MBA from Oxford, and leadership roles at startups and Uber, but despite her professional success, she still felt something was missing. This realization led her to align her business acumen with a mindful, purpose-driven approach at Copal.
    Ana Maria stresses that even the best strategies can fail if a leader lacks the right mindset; passion alone is insufficient without a clear business roadmap. She introduces the “Copal Method,” a three-step process she developed, which consists of dissolution (conducting an honest self-assessment), creation (developing a personal vision), and offering up (executing that vision). This method integrates detailed business strategy with inner work, aligning business practices with personal growth.
    Ana Maria anticipates a shift from the hustle culture to a more conscious, mindful approach to business and leadership. She envisions conscious leadership—focusing on both results and team well-being—as increasingly vital, particularly as AI and technology continue to change the business scene. 
    “I really chose to do the inner work and through that, I realized and came to understand that my purpose in the world and in my life is to really help connect two seemingly disparate worlds, which is business, with a more conscious, mindful approach.” (03:07 | Ana Maria Moreno)“I really decided to leverage all of my skills in business, which had been accumulated and had made me very successful. So I didn't want to throw that out and it is a part of me, but also, I wanted to do it in a way that felt more like truly me. With Copal, we're helping entrepreneurs, leaders, and changemakers, create businesses that feel authentically them and that support them in creating lives that are also authentically theirs.” (03:30 | Ana Maria Moreno)“Not everyone's path needs to look a certain way. What success means to one person can be very different for what success means to someone else. So for me, it's really defining what success is for each individual, both in business and in their life, and then helping them realize that and realize that vision. Because I think that every one of us has these gifts that we came to the world to bring.” (04:04 | Ana Maria Moreno)“We need to broaden the definition of entrepreneurship so that there's a bigger spectrum of what entrepreneurship looks like.” (15:32 | Ana Maria Moreno)“Conscious leadership is a mindful approach to leadership where you are leading your teams to amazing results, but you're doing it in a way that you're caring for their wellness and not just what you're doing, but how you're doing it, how you're getting to those results, and how people feel and are engaged throughout that process.” (18:07 | Ana Maria Moreno) 
    Connect with Welcome to Eloma
    Instagram: @welcometoeloma
    Website: WelcometoEloma.com
    Connect with Ana Maria Moreno
    Instagram: the_copal
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ana-maria-moreno-3a61688/
    Connect with Kiley
    Social: @kileypeters +a...

    • 35 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
45 Ratings

45 Ratings

Tim Ash PrimalBrain.com ,

Amazing podcast - tons of insights!

Kiley always gets the best out of her geusts. The tone is always fast-paced and fun, but the interviews quickly get to deep lessons for anyone who wants to thrive in their business and their life. Highly recommended!

Heatherbaden ,

Small Business Advice

Any woman that has dreamed of owning her own business, following her passion and wants to have success — Kiley Peters is what you need! She is a rockstar in all things business, finance, marketing, and sales. But in my opinon, her unique superpower is making business personal. And women will benefit from this podcast for that very reason.

STilkens ,

Amazing & Provoking Conversations

This is SUCH an amazing podcast. Kiley makes concepts so accessible and has such deep conversations with her guests. I am always left feeling inspired, connected & curious. HIGHLY recommend!

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