2 hr 2 min

What's Your Number Part 2 Spots of Time

    • Spirituality

Welcome back! We are continuing the reflection on the Enneagram. Today we are looking at each of the nine Enneagram types. The purpose of the Enneagram is to discover the highest and truest expression of ourselves. This is important work because what we don’t know about ourselves can hurt us and others. Understanding the nine types of personality provides the kind of self-knowledge we need to understand who we are and why we see and respond to the world the way we do…as well as understanding why others see and respond to the world the way they do. This is a journey to building compassion for ourselves and for others.  


Welcome back! We are continuing the reflection on the Enneagram. Today we are looking at each of the nine Enneagram types. The purpose of the Enneagram is to discover the highest and truest expression of ourselves. This is important work because what we don’t know about ourselves can hurt us and others. Understanding the nine types of personality provides the kind of self-knowledge we need to understand who we are and why we see and respond to the world the way we do…as well as understanding why others see and respond to the world the way they do. This is a journey to building compassion for ourselves and for others.  


2 hr 2 min