22 min

Elese Itzler Part 2: Momma of Jesse Itzler, Entrepreneur Who Is Your Momma

    • Parenting

Elese raised two-time New York Times Bestselling author, Jesse Itzler (IG LINK), and his 3 incredible siblings, Jill, Jana & Peter. At 86-years old she exudes love and pride for her family.
Insight from this #legendarymomma
Elese raised her family in a calm home, with very little yelling and a supreme focus on being supportive of her children and present in all the precious moments. 
She talks about the importance of giving children a good self-image.  She said, “If they have a good self-image it will carry them through life.”
Elese and her husband Daniel didn’t require their kids to have jobs or chores, but they expected their children to take responsibility for themselves. Our conversation reveals Jesse Itzler’s very first childhood job.*Elese’s advice to mommas:  “Keep the faith and keep the family”. 
Full blog post, https://whoisyourmomma.com/insight-from-elese-itzler/
Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/whoisyourmommapod/
Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/whoisyourmommapod/

Elese raised two-time New York Times Bestselling author, Jesse Itzler (IG LINK), and his 3 incredible siblings, Jill, Jana & Peter. At 86-years old she exudes love and pride for her family.
Insight from this #legendarymomma
Elese raised her family in a calm home, with very little yelling and a supreme focus on being supportive of her children and present in all the precious moments. 
She talks about the importance of giving children a good self-image.  She said, “If they have a good self-image it will carry them through life.”
Elese and her husband Daniel didn’t require their kids to have jobs or chores, but they expected their children to take responsibility for themselves. Our conversation reveals Jesse Itzler’s very first childhood job.*Elese’s advice to mommas:  “Keep the faith and keep the family”. 
Full blog post, https://whoisyourmomma.com/insight-from-elese-itzler/
Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/whoisyourmommapod/
Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/whoisyourmommapod/

22 min