21 min

Who loved you as a kid? Shaping behavior by rewarding success, disappointment, and dopamine hits Spilling Tea with D

    • Self-Improvement

Show notes:

About Cristina:



Cristina Spataro, is a New York State licensed mental health counselor. She has worked

with adults, children, and families in crisis for the past 18 years. If there is one thing she has

learned is that everyone has the capacity for change if they truly want it. Life can seem hard, and the choices are not always so apparent. Our decisions and their consequences leave us

questioning ourselves. While Cristina has specialized in lending assistance when things get

really bad, she would love to see her clients get the help they need beforehand. Therefore,

she also provides life coaching and support group services.

About D.Lisa



D.Lisa is a spiritual life coach, artist and so much more. She inspires people to live a life they LOVE” and teaches creativity, meditation, dream recall and more. Follow her on social @coachingwithd


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Show notes:

About Cristina:



Cristina Spataro, is a New York State licensed mental health counselor. She has worked

with adults, children, and families in crisis for the past 18 years. If there is one thing she has

learned is that everyone has the capacity for change if they truly want it. Life can seem hard, and the choices are not always so apparent. Our decisions and their consequences leave us

questioning ourselves. While Cristina has specialized in lending assistance when things get

really bad, she would love to see her clients get the help they need beforehand. Therefore,

she also provides life coaching and support group services.

About D.Lisa



D.Lisa is a spiritual life coach, artist and so much more. She inspires people to live a life they LOVE” and teaches creativity, meditation, dream recall and more. Follow her on social @coachingwithd


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21 min