49 min

Why You Can Be Given The Strategy To Make A Bazillion Dollars, But Don’t Do It (and how to change that‪)‬ OWN IT w/ Tatiana Amico

    • Entrepreneurship

In my 10+ years of Coaching others, I have discovered that there are some people could just be given the how to, and they do it, but there are many others that struggle so much - in health, nutrition, fitness, business, everything. They could have all the masterclasses, workouts, nutrition plans, workshops, books, programs, blueprints to 6 & 7 figures, or the latest "How to make a bazillion dollars in these steps", but they don't take action, or it's a lot harder/takes longer.I bega...

In my 10+ years of Coaching others, I have discovered that there are some people could just be given the how to, and they do it, but there are many others that struggle so much - in health, nutrition, fitness, business, everything. They could have all the masterclasses, workouts, nutrition plans, workshops, books, programs, blueprints to 6 & 7 figures, or the latest "How to make a bazillion dollars in these steps", but they don't take action, or it's a lot harder/takes longer.I bega...

49 min