28 min

William McKnight: Listen to Your Data and Unlock Business Success 21st Century Entrepreneurship

    • Entrepreneurship

Learn from William McKnight, an expert in data management and analytics, about how to make better decisions based on data. William is the esteemed President of McKnight Consulting Group, specialising in data analysis and strategy projects. He is also a renowned author, speaker, and educator. Hear about insights for small to medium-sized businesses and strategies for leveraging artificial intelligence and ROI. Investing in yourself and deepening your knowledge base of enterprise data topics ca...

Learn from William McKnight, an expert in data management and analytics, about how to make better decisions based on data. William is the esteemed President of McKnight Consulting Group, specialising in data analysis and strategy projects. He is also a renowned author, speaker, and educator. Hear about insights for small to medium-sized businesses and strategies for leveraging artificial intelligence and ROI. Investing in yourself and deepening your knowledge base of enterprise data topics ca...

28 min