55 min

Wine Doesn't Make You a Better Mom- Breaking Free From Mommy Wine Culture The Honest Mom Podcast

    • Mental Health

The kids are annoying, the laundry piles up, your toddler is screaming, dinner hasn't been made and you just walked in the door from work. It's "Wine Thirty!" you say as you pour yourself a glass of red, escape and breathe a sigh of "God give me strength." Another day you're overwhelmed by the to-do list, you feel like an Uber driver, the day ends and you pour yourself a glass of Pinot Grigio to take the edge off while you escape to Netflix with your partner. Seems pretty normal and harmless... or is it?

I've been there. I found myself buying a bottle of 2 Buck Chuck from Trader Joe's to make a Bolognese sauce and found myself finishing it off throughout the week each night. Because why waste 2 Bucks, right? Then I'd do my grocery shopping and found myself putting a bottle in my cart with no plans to make a Bolognese sauce. It took the edge off after a long day managing toddler, home and work-life. It was only a small glass in a jelly jar each night. So what's the big deal? I mean, it's all over social media. Moms have it rough. We are told that we deserve the wine. Or the White Claw. Or the vodka. We see on our feed that moms need this to cope with mom-life. Parenting seems to be unbearable without the "mommy juice"... so I hear. Are we incapable of dealing with the stress of motherhood without it?

Do I think wine and spirits are terrible, evil, and poison? Nope. Just like anything in life, I believe in moderation. Making sure we are connected to WHY we are drinking beyond the simple cocktail with friends. 

Today we aren't judging, preaching, or making anyone feel bad. Nope. Not here. Today we are just having a discussion. Because I believe we are more than a glass of wine. Or a bottle. We have tools to cope, we just may not know what they are. We scroll through social and try to connect with other moms with these messages that in order to survive we need to escape with drinking alcohol. We can't survive our mornings without coffee and we can't survive our evenings without wine. I want us to reconnect with how we handle our challenges with motherhood- together. You are stronger than you think you are.

I'd love to connect with you after you listen. To hear your thoughts, listen to your story, and support you. 100%. You can reach out to me directly on my Instagram page, @thehonestmompodcast , by email at info@michellemansfieldauthor.com or connect on my website at www.michellemansfieldauthor.com  Thank you for listening and I'd love your support of the podcast by giving the show an honest review to let me know what you're loving and what you'd like more of. Please share this episode with anyone you feel would appreciate it. Thank you!



The kids are annoying, the laundry piles up, your toddler is screaming, dinner hasn't been made and you just walked in the door from work. It's "Wine Thirty!" you say as you pour yourself a glass of red, escape and breathe a sigh of "God give me strength." Another day you're overwhelmed by the to-do list, you feel like an Uber driver, the day ends and you pour yourself a glass of Pinot Grigio to take the edge off while you escape to Netflix with your partner. Seems pretty normal and harmless... or is it?

I've been there. I found myself buying a bottle of 2 Buck Chuck from Trader Joe's to make a Bolognese sauce and found myself finishing it off throughout the week each night. Because why waste 2 Bucks, right? Then I'd do my grocery shopping and found myself putting a bottle in my cart with no plans to make a Bolognese sauce. It took the edge off after a long day managing toddler, home and work-life. It was only a small glass in a jelly jar each night. So what's the big deal? I mean, it's all over social media. Moms have it rough. We are told that we deserve the wine. Or the White Claw. Or the vodka. We see on our feed that moms need this to cope with mom-life. Parenting seems to be unbearable without the "mommy juice"... so I hear. Are we incapable of dealing with the stress of motherhood without it?

Do I think wine and spirits are terrible, evil, and poison? Nope. Just like anything in life, I believe in moderation. Making sure we are connected to WHY we are drinking beyond the simple cocktail with friends. 

Today we aren't judging, preaching, or making anyone feel bad. Nope. Not here. Today we are just having a discussion. Because I believe we are more than a glass of wine. Or a bottle. We have tools to cope, we just may not know what they are. We scroll through social and try to connect with other moms with these messages that in order to survive we need to escape with drinking alcohol. We can't survive our mornings without coffee and we can't survive our evenings without wine. I want us to reconnect with how we handle our challenges with motherhood- together. You are stronger than you think you are.

I'd love to connect with you after you listen. To hear your thoughts, listen to your story, and support you. 100%. You can reach out to me directly on my Instagram page, @thehonestmompodcast , by email at info@michellemansfieldauthor.com or connect on my website at www.michellemansfieldauthor.com  Thank you for listening and I'd love your support of the podcast by giving the show an honest review to let me know what you're loving and what you'd like more of. Please share this episode with anyone you feel would appreciate it. Thank you!



55 min