73 episodes

Are you a coach who's passionate about making a difference and building a thriving coaching business? Join Joanna Lott, a business mentor and ICF certified coach, as she shares practical and emotional tools to help you succeed in the coaching arena.

In each weekly Thursday episode of The Women in the Coaching Arena Podcast, Joanna provides valuable insights and actionable advice on various topics, such as business strategy, marketing, mindset, energy and entrepreneurship. Whether you're just starting or have years of experience, this podcast is for you.

You have a gift that needs to be shared and Joanna is here to help you do it.

Women in The Coaching Arena Joanna Lott

    • Business
    • 5.0 • 1 Rating

Are you a coach who's passionate about making a difference and building a thriving coaching business? Join Joanna Lott, a business mentor and ICF certified coach, as she shares practical and emotional tools to help you succeed in the coaching arena.

In each weekly Thursday episode of The Women in the Coaching Arena Podcast, Joanna provides valuable insights and actionable advice on various topics, such as business strategy, marketing, mindset, energy and entrepreneurship. Whether you're just starting or have years of experience, this podcast is for you.

You have a gift that needs to be shared and Joanna is here to help you do it.

    72 | How Beth Went from 1 Corporate Client to 5 and Launched a Women's Leadership Programme in Less Than a Year

    72 | How Beth Went from 1 Corporate Client to 5 and Launched a Women's Leadership Programme in Less Than a Year

    Jo Lott interviews Beth O'Neill, a leadership coach who completed Jo's Business of Coaching programme. Beth shares her journey from starting her coaching business to developing successful corporate and women's leadership programmes. She discusses the challenges she faced, the most helpful aspects of the programme, and her plans for future growth.
    [00:00:00] Introduction and Jo's summer plans
    [00:02:00] Beth introduces herself and her coaching focus
    [00:03:00] Beth's situation before joining the Business of Coaching programme
    [00:04:00] Most helpful aspects of the programme for Beth
    [00:06:00] Results and changes in Beth's life and business since joining
    [00:08:00] Beth's increased visibility and presence on LinkedIn
    [00:09:00] Beth's current client roster and programmes
    [00:10:00] Beth's experience working with Jo
    [00:11:00] Beth's biggest takeaway from the programme
    [00:12:00] Beth's future plans for her business
    [00:13:00] Who Beth would recommend the programme to
    [00:14:00] How to get in touch with Beth and her services
    [00:15:00] Beth's advice for new coaches
    [00:16:00] Outro and information on Jo's mentorship programme
    Key Points:
    Beth developed her own leadership coaching programme and gained confidence in pricing her services.She increased her visibility on LinkedIn and expanded her client base.Beth now offers corporate coaching culture programmes and a women's leadership programme.The programme provided Beth with a supportive community and personalised mentorship.Beth emphasises the importance of authenticity and leveraging personal strengths in building a coaching business.
    Contact Information:
    Beth O'Neill: LinkedIn (Beth O'Neill PCC), Email (hello@bethoneillcoaching.com), Instagram (@itsbethoneill)Jo Lott: Website (www.joannalottcoaching.com)

    Useful Links
    How to secure more coaching clients' free training
    Download the 12 ways to get clients now
    Learn about The Business of Coaching programme
    Connect with Jo on LinkedIn
    Rate and Review the Podcast
    If you found this episode of Women in the Coaching Arena helpful, please do rate and review it on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
    If you’re kind enough to leave a review, please do let Jo know so she can say thank you. You can always reach her at: joanna@joannalottcoaching.com
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    • 17 min
    71 | Letter to my former self: Joanna Lott

    71 | Letter to my former self: Joanna Lott

    Joanna shares a personal letter she wrote to her 23-year-old self, reflecting on her journey as a coach and entrepreneur. She discusses the growth, challenges, and valuable lessons learned along the way.
    Key Points:
    The importance of pushing past limiting beliefsRecognizing and valuing one's strengthsFinding courage to take steps towards personal growthThe power of raising your voice to make a differenceEmbracing vulnerability and authenticity

    Joanna reads her letter to her former self, addressing fears, self-doubt, and future accomplishmentsReflections on the journey from working in an office to becoming a coach and business mentorInsights on personal growth and overcoming self-imposed limitations

    We all carry limiting beliefs that need to be challenged regularlyFocus on what you want rather than what you don't wantRaise your voice to make a difference in your industry and life
    Listeners are invited to write their own letters to their former selves and share them with Joanna at joanna@joannalottcoaching.com.
    Useful Links
    How to secure more coaching clients' free training
    Download the 12 ways to get clients now
    Learn about The Business of Coaching programme
    Connect with Jo on LinkedIn
    Rate and Review the Podcast
    If you found this episode of Women in the Coaching Arena helpful, please do rate and review it on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
    If you’re kind enough to leave a review, please do let Jo know so she can say thank you. You can always reach her at: joanna@joannalottcoaching.com
    Enjoyed This Episode?
    Don’t Miss the Next One! Hit subscribe on your favourite podcast app to be notified each time a new episode of Women in the Coaching Arena.
    Mentioned in this episode:
    Signature Solution Launch Offer
    If you want to get clear on your niche and signature coaching offer, the Signature Solution self-study course will take you through the process. Use the coupon code GIFT to get 50% off in this launch period only (expires 10pm on Friday 19 July). Click the link to sign up now https://go.joannalottcoaching.com/signaturesolution

    • 9 min
    70 | How Emma became fully booked

    70 | How Emma became fully booked

    Jo Lott interviews her client Emma Marinos about her experience in Jo's Elevate program and how it helped grow Emma's coaching business.
    00:00 - Introduction and podcast overview
    01:00 - Introduction of guest Emma Marinos and background on the Elevate program
    02:00 - Emma describes her coaching business and reasons for joining Elevate
    03:00 - Most helpful aspects of the program, including creating a signature solution document
    04:00 - How the program helped Emma be more proactive in her business
    05:00 - Changes in Emma's workload and business as a result of the program
    06:00 - Shift in perspective on client relationships
    07:00 - Emma's experience working with Jo in the program
    09:00 - How the program opened up future possibilities for Emma's business
    10:00 - Emma's biggest takeaways from the Elevate program
    11:00 - Mindset changes Emma experienced
    12:00 - Emma's goals for the future of her business
    13:00 - Who Emma would recommend the program to
    15:00 - Where to find Emma online
    16:00 - Jo's key takeaways from the conversation
    17:00 - Information on Jo's upcoming Signature Solution program
    18:00 - Closing thoughts
    Useful Links
    How to secure more coaching clients' free training
    Download the 12 ways to get clients now
    Learn about The Business of Coaching programme
    Connect with Jo on LinkedIn
    Rate and Review the Podcast
    If you found this episode of Women in the Coaching Arena helpful, please do rate and review it on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
    If you’re kind enough to leave a review, please do let Jo know so she can say thank you. You can always reach her at: joanna@joannalottcoaching.com
    Enjoyed This Episode?
    Don’t Miss the Next One! Hit subscribe on your favourite podcast app to be notified each time a new episode of Women in the Coaching Arena.
    Mentioned in this episode:
    Signature Solution Launch Offer
    If you want to get clear on your niche and signature coaching offer, the Signature Solution self-study course will take you through the process. Use the coupon code GIFT to get 50% off in this launch period only (expires 10pm on Friday 19 July). Click the link to sign up now https://go.joannalottcoaching.com/signaturesolution

    • 19 min
    69 | The right environment to grow your coaching business

    69 | The right environment to grow your coaching business

    There are three core foundations crucial for building a successful coaching business. Drawing from her recent in-person event and her Business of Coaching programme, Jo explores how community, strategy, and commitment create the right environment for your coaching business to thrive. Discover practical insights, real-life examples, and actionable tips to transform your approach to business building.
    [00:00:00] - Introduction and overview of the episode
    [00:01:00] - First pillar: Community
    [00:02:00] - The importance of in-person connections and casual networking
    [00:03:00] - Online co-working as a community-building tool
    [00:04:00] - The benefits of diverse perspectives in a business community
    [00:05:00] - Second pillar: Strategy
    [00:06:00] - The importance of having a clear business strategy
    [00:07:00] - Financial planning and emotional aspects of money
    [00:08:00] - Simplifying business growth through clear steps
    [00:09:00] - Third pillar: Commitment
    [00:10:00] - Creating an environment that fosters commitment and accountability
    [00:11:00] - Success story: Transitioning to a full-time coaching business
    [00:12:00] - Evaluating business investments and support
    [00:13:00] - Closing thoughts and resources
    Useful Links
    How to secure more coaching clients' free training
    Download the 12 ways to get clients now
    Learn about The Business of Coaching programme
    Connect with Jo on LinkedIn
    Rate and Review the Podcast
    If you found this episode of Women in the Coaching Arena helpful, please do rate and review it on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
    If you’re kind enough to leave a review, please do let Jo know so she can say thank you. You can always reach her at: joanna@joannalottcoaching.com
    Enjoyed This Episode?
    Don’t Miss the Next One! Hit subscribe on your favourite podcast app to be notified each time a new episode of Women in the Coaching Arena.
    Mentioned in this episode:
    Signature Solution Launch Offer
    If you want to get clear on your niche and signature coaching offer, the Signature Solution self-study course will take you through the process. Use the coupon code GIFT to get 50% off in this launch period only (expires 10pm on Friday 19 July). Click the link to sign up now https://go.joannalottcoaching.com/signaturesolution

    • 13 min
    68 | The power of decisive action (and how to take it)

    68 | The power of decisive action (and how to take it)

    In this game-changing episode of Women in the Coaching Arena, host Jo Lott reveals the secret weapon of successful entrepreneurs: decisive action. Discover why knowledge alone isn't enough and learn practical strategies to overcome hesitation, embrace imperfect action, and build the confidence to make bold moves that will propel your coaching business forward.

    00:00 - Introduction and episode overview
    01:00 - Why information without implementation holds coaches back
    02:00 - The true skill of entrepreneurship: decisive action
    03:00 - Understanding and overcoming trauma in decision-making
    05:00 - Strategies to break free from analysis paralysis
    06:00 - Embracing imperfect action: Start now, perfect later
    07:00 - How to develop your decisive action muscle
    08:00 - Taking ownership of your decisions and their outcomes
    09:00 - Handling criticism while staying true to your authentic self
    10:00 - The compound effect of small, consistent actions
    11:00 - Overcoming fear and doubt in the decision-making process
    12:00 - Your 24-hour challenge: Take action on a postponed decision
    13:00 - Key takeaways and summary
    14:00 - Closing thoughts and how to connect with Jo

    Useful Links
    How to secure more coaching clients' free training
    Download the 12 ways to get clients now
    Learn about The Business of Coaching programme
    Connect with Jo on LinkedIn
    Rate and Review the Podcast
    If you found this episode of Women in the Coaching Arena helpful, please do rate and review it on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
    If you’re kind enough to leave a review, please do let Jo know so she can say thank you. You can always reach her at: joanna@joannalottcoaching.com
    Enjoyed This Episode?
    Don’t Miss the Next One! Hit subscribe on your favourite podcast app to be notified each time a new episode of Women in the Coaching Arena.
    Mentioned in this episode:
    Signature Solution Launch Offer
    If you want to get clear on your niche and signature coaching offer, the Signature Solution self-study course will take you through the process. Use the coupon code GIFT to get 50% off in this launch period only (expires 10pm on Friday 19 July). Click the link to sign up now https://go.joannalottcoaching.com/signaturesolution

    • 15 min
    67 | What is a business strategy? The 5 Core Components

    67 | What is a business strategy? The 5 Core Components

    Jo Lott demystifies the concept of a "business strategy" and breaks it down into five core components that are essential for building a successful coaching business. She emphasises the importance of taking action and not getting bogged down in the planning stages, encouraging listeners to create a simple, usable strategy that can be iterated upon as their business grows.
    Defining a Business Strategy [00:02:00 - 00:03:59]The Five Core Components of a Business Strategy [00:04:00 - 00:10:59]Clarity (Purpose, Mission, Vision, Brand) [00:04:00 - 00:05:59]Offer (What you're selling) [00:06:00 - 00:06:59]Marketing (How you'll get your business known) [00:07:00 - 00:07:59]Finances (Goals, Pricing, Legal Structure) [00:08:00 - 00:09:59]Operations (Systems, Processes, Team Management) [00:10:00 - 00:10:59]]
    Useful Links
    How to secure more coaching clients' free training
    Download the 12 ways to get clients now
    Learn about The Business of Coaching programme
    Connect with Jo on LinkedIn
    Rate and Review the Podcast
    If you found this episode of Women in the Coaching Arena helpful, please do rate and review it on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
    If you’re kind enough to leave a review, please do let Jo know so she can say thank you. You can always reach her at: joanna@joannalottcoaching.com
    Enjoyed This Episode?
    Don’t Miss the Next One! Hit subscribe on your favourite podcast app to be notified each time a new episode of Women in the Coaching Arena.
    Mentioned in this episode:
    Signature Solution Launch Offer
    If you want to get clear on your niche and signature coaching offer, the Signature Solution self-study course will take you through the process. Use the coupon code GIFT to get 50% off in this launch period only (expires 10pm on Friday 19 July). Click the link to sign up now https://go.joannalottcoaching.com/signaturesolution

    • 12 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
1 Rating

1 Rating

Pooja P from US ,

Joanna is your go-to international business mentor coach!

I’m a US-based Leadership Coach and listen to Jo EVERY SINGLE DAY. She is exceptional in giving honest, practical advice to coaches around the world. I wish I started listening to her podcast sooner as I would have saved hours of time setting up my coaching practice. She’s amazing, period. Tune in and be inspired!

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