57 min

WOMEN WAKE UP TO YOUR LEADERSHIP in 2024! Episode #7 The Wilkies

    • Entrepreneurship

Imagine stepping into a world where your potential as a leader is not just acknowledged but actively encouraged. Explore the empowering journey of women awakening to their leadership in 2024. Break free from the limitations of a victim mindset, fostering support networks, and embracing responsibility to manifest a vision for a purposeful life. Discover the seven practical steps that can guide you to build your own leadership and influence in the year 2024. It's a compelling conversation that ...

Imagine stepping into a world where your potential as a leader is not just acknowledged but actively encouraged. Explore the empowering journey of women awakening to their leadership in 2024. Break free from the limitations of a victim mindset, fostering support networks, and embracing responsibility to manifest a vision for a purposeful life. Discover the seven practical steps that can guide you to build your own leadership and influence in the year 2024. It's a compelling conversation that ...

57 min