57 min

Working with Children: A Fresh Perspective The Beachfront Therapist

    • Mental Health

Whether this is your area of expertise or you want to learn more about working with kids, I think we can all recognize the need to support this underserved population. Many states are experiencing a shortage in child mental health providers, yet the need is great: nearly 1 in 5 children experience a mental health, emotional, or behavioral disorder, and half of all lifetime mental illnesses begin by age 14. Given these statistics, it is easy to see why clinicians want, and need, to know more a...

Whether this is your area of expertise or you want to learn more about working with kids, I think we can all recognize the need to support this underserved population. Many states are experiencing a shortage in child mental health providers, yet the need is great: nearly 1 in 5 children experience a mental health, emotional, or behavioral disorder, and half of all lifetime mental illnesses begin by age 14. Given these statistics, it is easy to see why clinicians want, and need, to know more a...

57 min