51 min

You are Extraordinary with Simone Knego M-Power

    • Management

What is your superpower? What makes you extraordinary? And how can you honor these things about yourself and take them to the next level? In today’s episode, I speak with the incredible Simone Knego - best-selling author, motivational speaker, mother of 6, (and climber of Mount Kilimanjaro!) - about the mindset it takes to achieve your dreams and the extraordinary things you are capable of when you accept that you don’t have to change who you are - you just have to change the way you see yourself!
We dive into:
[6:00] Simone’s career background and her journey to finding what truly lights her soul on fire [10:20] Why it’s so common for women to suffer so much with self-doubt (and what to do about it!) [13:45] Her shift to personal responsibility and self-belief and the big impact it’s made on her life [15:25] How Simone helps others shift their mindset around their unique strengths and potential [19:45] Simone’s best-selling book “The Extraordinary UnOrdinary You” [24:00] The importance of releasing the limitations we put on ourselves and embracing the parts of us that are already extraordinary! [26:50] Why she said yes to the opportunity to climb Mount Kilimanjaro (with ZERO experience!) [28:20] Simone’s preparation for her climb and the tools she needed to do it in 6 months! [30:15] The BIGGEST things she learned about herself on her climb [33:05] The mindset and shared mission of the team she climbed with (and a beautiful story of teamwork and compassion!) [36:15] A crazy story from her book that you do not want to miss! [42:40] How Simone is helping her mixed-race family through these tough times in our country and a heartbreaking story of her black son dealing with racism  [47:25] Some IMPORTANT advice for how you can help in the fight against racism [49:15] Simone’s last words of wisdom around an important mindset shift that can change your life!  
Connect with Simone:
Website: https://simoneknego.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnOrdinaryYou
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorsimoneknego/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simone-knego-7965701a3/

Join the Women Leading Powerfully -  Leadership Lab 
We hear from women everywhere a deep craving for more. More fulfillment in their career, more desire to have a clear vision for their future, more readiness to take charge of their leadership and grow personally and professionally.
In this season of unknowns, the Leadership Lab offers women the opportunity to get certain. You will make choices and increase your impact in more meaningful ways than ever before.
Here is what you will walk away with after 12 weeks of group coaching:
-Clarity and Confidence around what YOU really want
-Awareness of what gets in your way
-A vision statement for you as a leader
-Tools for taking action that gets you from where you are to where you want to be
-An easy way to measure your progress and get unstuck as you move forward
So, if you are looking to build life-long connections and be in a community of like-minded women that have the same goals, then reach out to Natalie at natalie@corecreationcoaching.com for a complimentary coaching call to see if the Leadership Lab is the next step in your personal and professional journey!
You can also connect with me in the following places:
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Do you love the Lead Your Life podcast? If the insights, interviews and real conversations we share in each episode help you step into your power, and have more confidence to “lead your life, so you can love your life”, then please head over to  ‎Lead Your Life on Apple Podcasts and subscribe to the show. If you leave us a review, you might win one of our monthly prizes!
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What is your superpower? What makes you extraordinary? And how can you honor these things about yourself and take them to the next level? In today’s episode, I speak with the incredible Simone Knego - best-selling author, motivational speaker, mother of 6, (and climber of Mount Kilimanjaro!) - about the mindset it takes to achieve your dreams and the extraordinary things you are capable of when you accept that you don’t have to change who you are - you just have to change the way you see yourself!
We dive into:
[6:00] Simone’s career background and her journey to finding what truly lights her soul on fire [10:20] Why it’s so common for women to suffer so much with self-doubt (and what to do about it!) [13:45] Her shift to personal responsibility and self-belief and the big impact it’s made on her life [15:25] How Simone helps others shift their mindset around their unique strengths and potential [19:45] Simone’s best-selling book “The Extraordinary UnOrdinary You” [24:00] The importance of releasing the limitations we put on ourselves and embracing the parts of us that are already extraordinary! [26:50] Why she said yes to the opportunity to climb Mount Kilimanjaro (with ZERO experience!) [28:20] Simone’s preparation for her climb and the tools she needed to do it in 6 months! [30:15] The BIGGEST things she learned about herself on her climb [33:05] The mindset and shared mission of the team she climbed with (and a beautiful story of teamwork and compassion!) [36:15] A crazy story from her book that you do not want to miss! [42:40] How Simone is helping her mixed-race family through these tough times in our country and a heartbreaking story of her black son dealing with racism  [47:25] Some IMPORTANT advice for how you can help in the fight against racism [49:15] Simone’s last words of wisdom around an important mindset shift that can change your life!  
Connect with Simone:
Website: https://simoneknego.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnOrdinaryYou
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authorsimoneknego/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simone-knego-7965701a3/

Join the Women Leading Powerfully -  Leadership Lab 
We hear from women everywhere a deep craving for more. More fulfillment in their career, more desire to have a clear vision for their future, more readiness to take charge of their leadership and grow personally and professionally.
In this season of unknowns, the Leadership Lab offers women the opportunity to get certain. You will make choices and increase your impact in more meaningful ways than ever before.
Here is what you will walk away with after 12 weeks of group coaching:
-Clarity and Confidence around what YOU really want
-Awareness of what gets in your way
-A vision statement for you as a leader
-Tools for taking action that gets you from where you are to where you want to be
-An easy way to measure your progress and get unstuck as you move forward
So, if you are looking to build life-long connections and be in a community of like-minded women that have the same goals, then reach out to Natalie at natalie@corecreationcoaching.com for a complimentary coaching call to see if the Leadership Lab is the next step in your personal and professional journey!
You can also connect with me in the following places:
Love the show? Let us know!
Do you love the Lead Your Life podcast? If the insights, interviews and real conversations we share in each episode help you step into your power, and have more confidence to “lead your life, so you can love your life”, then please head over to  ‎Lead Your Life on Apple Podcasts and subscribe to the show. If you leave us a review, you might win one of our monthly prizes!
Join the Women Leading Powerfully Community!
Would you like to join a community of high-achieving women that are supporting each other to play a bigger game, have a bigger impact, and live a more fulfilled life? Join u

51 min