19 min

Young Adult Author Kristi McManus and Learning Patience Queries, Qualms, & Quirks

    • Books

Young Adult Author Kristi McManus joins Queries, Qualms, & Quirks this week to discuss her journey to publication.

Kristi McManus is a Registered Nurse by trade, but avid reader and enthusiastic book lover all her life. Her debut novel, Our Vengeful Souls, was released Summer 2023 by CamCat Books. When she isn't writing, she enjoys photography, art, and considers napping to be a form of cardio. She lives in Toronto with her husband.

Kristi: Query | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amazon | Bookshop | Libro FM

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If links aren't clickable, find them here: https://bit.ly/qqqmcmanus 

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Young Adult Author Kristi McManus joins Queries, Qualms, & Quirks this week to discuss her journey to publication.

Kristi McManus is a Registered Nurse by trade, but avid reader and enthusiastic book lover all her life. Her debut novel, Our Vengeful Souls, was released Summer 2023 by CamCat Books. When she isn't writing, she enjoys photography, art, and considers napping to be a form of cardio. She lives in Toronto with her husband.

Kristi: Query | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Amazon | Bookshop | Libro FM

QQQ Home Base | Support on Patreon

Read the full transcript.

If links aren't clickable, find them here: https://bit.ly/qqqmcmanus 

This page includes affiliate links. Please use them if you’d like to support the show.

19 min