18 min

Your Career 2.0 Launchpad Episode 107 with Jim Doliber and Brian Stranko "Possibilities, Options & Dreams"

    • Entrepreneurship

In this episode, wildlife conservationist Brian Stranko explains how he shifted careers paths while still trying to help the environment. Career coach Jim Doliber describes the process and helping guide Brian along.From the article https://jdoliber.esourcecoach.com/wildlife-conservationist-pursues-wild-new-opportunity/ on The Entrepreneur's Source Blog https://entrepreneurssource.com/podca...From the article:Career ownership coaching from The Entrepreneur’s Source® gave Brian Stranko the tool...

In this episode, wildlife conservationist Brian Stranko explains how he shifted careers paths while still trying to help the environment. Career coach Jim Doliber describes the process and helping guide Brian along.From the article https://jdoliber.esourcecoach.com/wildlife-conservationist-pursues-wild-new-opportunity/ on The Entrepreneur's Source Blog https://entrepreneurssource.com/podca...From the article:Career ownership coaching from The Entrepreneur’s Source® gave Brian Stranko the tool...

18 min