1 hr 3 min

Your Mom Queries Your Mom Writes Books

    • Books

Charlie and Caitlyn discuss querying! Hear a detailed overview of the entire querying process, learn how to write and format a query, and listen to us read the actual query letters that got us an agent.

Links to a few of the resources we discuss:

Facebook post with queries

Query Tracker

Nathan Bransford's blog post about formatting queries

Manuscript Wishlist site

Manuscript Wishlist podcast (The Manuscript Academy)
If you would like to donate to Your Mom Writes Books, please go to charlienholmberg.com/podcast (or check out the link in our Instagram bio @yourmomwritesbooks).

Charlie and Caitlyn discuss querying! Hear a detailed overview of the entire querying process, learn how to write and format a query, and listen to us read the actual query letters that got us an agent.

Links to a few of the resources we discuss:

Facebook post with queries

Query Tracker

Nathan Bransford's blog post about formatting queries

Manuscript Wishlist site

Manuscript Wishlist podcast (The Manuscript Academy)
If you would like to donate to Your Mom Writes Books, please go to charlienholmberg.com/podcast (or check out the link in our Instagram bio @yourmomwritesbooks).

1 hr 3 min