57 min

Your Story & Our Story Is Power, Republicans Defaulting on Families, and Tips on Making Change Breaking Through with Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner (Powered by MomsRising)

    • Politics

On the radio show this week we cover the power of story (your story!!) and of narrative to change the world for the better; what’s happening with the Republican default debacle; cover the latest with the Chamber of Moms and how you can get involved; and hear about the fight for fair pay and a new store MomsRising is test launching at merch.momsrising.org.  
*Special guests include: dream hampton, award-winning filmmaker, author, journalist, and activist; Meredith Dodson, Coalition on Human Needs, @Voice4HumanNeed; Lauren Smith Brody, The Fifth Trimester and Chamber of Mothers, @thefifthtrimester @chamberofmothers; and Taylor Austin, MomsRising, @MomsRising
TAPED ON: Thursday, April 27, 2023

On the radio show this week we cover the power of story (your story!!) and of narrative to change the world for the better; what’s happening with the Republican default debacle; cover the latest with the Chamber of Moms and how you can get involved; and hear about the fight for fair pay and a new store MomsRising is test launching at merch.momsrising.org.  
*Special guests include: dream hampton, award-winning filmmaker, author, journalist, and activist; Meredith Dodson, Coalition on Human Needs, @Voice4HumanNeed; Lauren Smith Brody, The Fifth Trimester and Chamber of Mothers, @thefifthtrimester @chamberofmothers; and Taylor Austin, MomsRising, @MomsRising
TAPED ON: Thursday, April 27, 2023

57 min