37 min

Your Visuals Are Not Making You Sales Because Your Copy Sucks ft. Becca Martin The WorkPlay Podcast

    • Management

Becca Martin comes from a marketing and journalism background and has been writing compelling copy for passionate business owners since 2017 through her company Black Diamond Copy Co.® In this episode, Becca helps us explore how people's buying habits have shifted towards wanting more authenticity and a deeper connection with the person they are buying from.
Want to create magnetic copy that amplifies your visual marketing campaigns? 
For email campaigns click hereFor website campaigns click hereFor sales pages click hereFor all other campaigns click here 
Key Takeaways:
Visuals and copywriting work together to represent your business in a way that will generate revenue. The importance of authenticity in creating an effective visual marketing strategy. The online business landscape has changed, with customers now wanting to know the person behind the brand before making a purchase.
Implement the WorkPlay Method HERE

This episode is brought to you by WorkPlay Branding.
WorkPlay Branding, a visual marketing company invested in changing the way you create content online for your business for less than $500 a month. We have been using the WorkPlay Method to launch visual marketing strategies for businesses all over North America and Europe. 

If you're wanting to uplevel your visual marketing, we are giving listeners of the WorkPlay Podcast, an exclusive video $1,500 bonus offer on their first WorkPlay Shoot for FREE when you DM @workplaybranding the word: PODCAST 

The WorkPlay Podcast is edited and produced by The Virtual Assistant Studio. Ready to streamline your content marketing strategy and amplify your voice with a podcast? Apply to work with The VA Studio today!

Becca Martin comes from a marketing and journalism background and has been writing compelling copy for passionate business owners since 2017 through her company Black Diamond Copy Co.® In this episode, Becca helps us explore how people's buying habits have shifted towards wanting more authenticity and a deeper connection with the person they are buying from.
Want to create magnetic copy that amplifies your visual marketing campaigns? 
For email campaigns click hereFor website campaigns click hereFor sales pages click hereFor all other campaigns click here 
Key Takeaways:
Visuals and copywriting work together to represent your business in a way that will generate revenue. The importance of authenticity in creating an effective visual marketing strategy. The online business landscape has changed, with customers now wanting to know the person behind the brand before making a purchase.
Implement the WorkPlay Method HERE

This episode is brought to you by WorkPlay Branding.
WorkPlay Branding, a visual marketing company invested in changing the way you create content online for your business for less than $500 a month. We have been using the WorkPlay Method to launch visual marketing strategies for businesses all over North America and Europe. 

If you're wanting to uplevel your visual marketing, we are giving listeners of the WorkPlay Podcast, an exclusive video $1,500 bonus offer on their first WorkPlay Shoot for FREE when you DM @workplaybranding the word: PODCAST 

The WorkPlay Podcast is edited and produced by The Virtual Assistant Studio. Ready to streamline your content marketing strategy and amplify your voice with a podcast? Apply to work with The VA Studio today!

37 min